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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. He might score a goal from Trippiers delivery if Cambridge is anything to go by.
  2. Lille will have always had a price they are prepared to sell at. I doubt they are incrementally increasing their sale price as part of negotiations. Also they will have in their mind that it will cost more to buy in January than it will in the Summer.
  3. I should think the first person PIF will look at is Howe.
  4. Can't get relegated from the FA Cup. Less games is probably a good thing when all is said and done.
  5. Oh yeah, I'm not saying he's a brilliant footballer by any stretch.
  6. That shot was literally handing his notice in.
  7. Was fine playing in a system. The system we have now? I don't know how we are actually supposed to shape up. You have two wide players Fraser and Asm who play high up the pitch and pretty direct. If they beat their man there's often no one in the middle. Because Shelvey likes to spray a ball early from deep are midfield are nowhere near the front three nor is anyone else. We have 0 presence in midfield if Joelinton isn't playing beast mode. There is no protection for the defence and our full backs often overlap but are seldom played in behind and even if they were there's nothing to aim at. Almiron doesn't fit into the way we are currently playing but I am not sure results would be any worse if he was an ever present.
  8. Hard to begrudge Cambridge, must be class for their fans. we’re in big trouble if we don’t get some serious players coming in.
  9. We are in greater need of midfielders than defenders.
  10. Did AC Milan ‘step aside’ for us?
  11. We've got Botman, we're gonna Bot ya To the tune of Cleopatra, Comin at ya
  12. Yeah, I defend Crims. Given that his trial was due to start and has now been put back to June I imagine his Custody Time Limits have expired or are expiring. There's a bit more info on what they are linked below but in essence its the period of time you can be locked up without trial. These can be extended but this isn't always straightforward. Mendy could also have reapplied for bail regardless of the situation with CTL's but this would have required a change of circumstances, whilst maybe there's been some shift in the evidence that could be considered a change of circumstances it seems most likely to be because the trial has been delayed. https://www.rahmanravelli.co.uk/pr/pr-08-01.pdf
  13. Think this guy is just being used to bring Lille to terms.
  14. Sold after watching that video.
  15. That finish from Ba is incredible.
  16. He’s kinda done Madrid though. Has he really got anything left to achieve over there?
  17. if he’s three quarters of the player Joelinton is…
  18. He had a header from outside the box that hit the bar.
  19. I know we had injuries tonight but that fitness in the last 10 was great to see
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