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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. We lack composure something terrible. So many occasions in that half a touch and head up would have had us in a really good position.
  2. We are much better on the counter so vital we went in ahead
  3. Would be happier with no Jonjo just not sure how you make it work given the crap form of Hayden.
  4. It’s a bit ambiguous, a lot of people will read that as criticism of Rafa.
  5. Everton’s recruitment reminds me of us under Shepherd.
  6. Didn’t look like they had downed tools last night. Just outplayed by a better team.
  7. Surely their is not homophonic abuse theyre
  8. Lejeune’s ability to pick a pass would mean we didn’t need Shelvey. Too bad we let him go too.
  9. Wrong team wrong subs. We are better with him here and working a lot harder, mixed bag so far but more good than bad.
  10. For the love of fuck it’s Fernandez and Schar or Fernandez and lascelles going forward
  11. We’re fucked if Wilson is injured for any length of time.
  12. I like this Joelinton. I’d be tempted to try and get him higher up the pitch.
  13. Everyone I think is understandably worried about over committing.
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