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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Except near enough all of these players have shown they are capable of much better than what we are seeing today. We lost games under Rafa but it was much harder for teams with arguably worse players too.
  2. Fucking Kane can shut his fish mouth after shit he’s pulled on this ground
  3. This is fucking great haven’t felt this good about football since Bobby
  4. you can dress up as an Arabian but if you say you’re English you get arrested and locked up in jail.
  5. Wonder if they are leaking the compo stuff to help with the perception that we aren't some mega rich splash the cash operation.
  6. Can we change the thread title to Barry Glendenning read this if you’re a cunt
  7. I mean the cynic in me thinks if Saudi were going to spend Mike Ashley levels of money the outcry would be nowhere near as strong, certainly within the confines of football media reporting.
  8. Clubs arguing about money in football is a good thing but Newcastle United aren't the problem. There have been huge financial disparities in the PL since its inception. Reforming football is not about objecting to Newcastle's wealth.
  9. It's just such bullshit to bring your dead parents into it. Fucking pathetic.
  10. Ya parents died of shame you daft knacker, now fuck off.
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