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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. i mean it’s up there with ‘thoughts and prayers’ in terms of efficacy.
  2. Why does 'foreign' mean anything in this context? We've had literally the shittiest owner for over a decade whose English.
  3. Comrade Barnes depressing everyone there.
  4. Live Ed Woodward press conference.
  5. More like European Soufflé League!
  6. Would depend on the terms of the contract and the jurisdiction but I would imagine most jurisdictions would treat the issue fairly.
  7. Would be a weak bargaining position. Oh ok then we will allow these clubs to gain a massive advantage thus reducing the value and future revenues of all non-super clubs and you still won't approve the Takeover.
  8. I think there was something earlier on that we had suggested we would support and nobody was quite sure why.
  9. Weren't we the only non big six club to vote for big picture. Definitely some shenaningans going on with that.
  10. I would abandon my Country for cash.
  11. And whilst you perhaps couldn't exile the clubs from the competition I would wager you'll be able to stop players playing in domestic leagues and cups if they are playing in the Super League. Certainly they could be barred from International selection, looking at Rugby Union as an example.
  12. Going to be interesting to see who they would invite to make up the numbers... Currently half the 12 participants are English Clubs, shameful.
  13. This just goes to show how problematic something like big picture would have been. Hopefully it strengthens the resolve of the custodians of the game to limit the power of clubs.
  14. It could just switch people off football altogether.
  15. It's not anything personal. It's just like we are already at a point (and have been for some time) where the richest clubs have such an advantage but now they want more and to hell with the rest of the game.
  16. Will they just fuck off like. For fucks sake. Manchester United and Real Madrid already the two richest clubs in the world.
  17. There's work arounds for the PL, UEFA, FIFA etc even if their current rules don't allow it.
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