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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Not sure some rich early 20's guy is the right person to sort out the mess.
  2. I’ve got a shirt signed by peak Sir Bobby squad: Sir Bobby Shearer Robert Bellamy Jenas Solano Dyer Speed Given Was moving it at the moment I heard Speed had died on the radio.
  3. It gets a bit more complicated than that. But yes, if you can hide something nobody knows about then chances are they never will. Of course the lawyers involved are guilty of gross misconduct if they don’t disclose material they are aware of...
  4. UK courts are some of the worlds best for this type of thing.
  5. So the sanction of non-disclosure is that the party who doesn’t disclose can’t use the document. But it appears that if a party chooses not to disclose the trial Judge can draw inferences from that failure. So if I say I need to see something and you refuse to provide it then;absent of any compelling reason, the trial judge may well think I have something to hide.
  6. I think (emphasis added) that the sanction is that the party who doesn’t disclose a document cannot rely on the document themselves. That’s what the civil procedure rules say. Think there are also potentially costs implications (meaning at the end of the case it can be relevant as to who pays what costs regardless of who wins the case).
  7. So the sanction for non-disclosure is that the defaulting party cannot rely upon the document themselves. So the PL may well refuse to disclose documents.
  8. You need more evidence the more serious/consequential the allegation, but technically the burden remains the same. So pretty much
  9. The burden of proof is that they have to show it is more likely than not that the PL broke anti-competition law.
  10. The maggies Got to love him though.
  11. Just the timing of it all at a period of time when football is under the microscope in an unprecedented way. Just wonder if there was some deliberate delay waiting for the European Superleague stuff to blow up. Just seems like a big coincidence.
  12. So she’s a criminal lawyer working in corporate law. Which means she never deals in arbitration ever, it doesn’t exist in her practice area. It also has a pretty different legal system (criminal as opposed to civil). Im a criminal lawyer, Wullie works for the CPS, OpenC worked in prisons, b-more is a lawyer in America. Think there are some other lawyers on here or people with spouses who are practicing lawyers. I don’t chime in with detailed views of the takeover litigation because I wouldn’t have the first clue other than being able to explain what the parties are trying to achieve. The areas being discussed are highly niche areas of practice.
  13. Starting to think that the ESL was an open secret and the timing is all starting to make sense.
  14. No he's claiming an injunction for the current O & D decision relating to NUFC to be set aside and reconsidered.
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