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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Who's gonna tell poor Vern that this IS us making an effort?? I don't think I have the heart.
  2. The Arsenal mainstream-media machine is again in overdrive to defend their beautiful boys in red. It's sickening in a way, but very amusing to see how upset and outraged they all are.
  3. In the modern game, it very much depends who you play for as well. No way Rooney/Sanchez/Aguero are getting sent off for that, as the league needs it's best players on the pitch to sell it's product. NUFC and their radgie Serbian pantomime villain on the other hand are another kettle of fish, and referees are very much aware of this. Fwiw, I think it was probably a little more red than yellow, but certainly not as clear cut as the Arsenal fans and media lobby have made out. Going from some of them on my facebook, you'd have thought Mitro had maimed their brave soldier.
  4. Went for Elliott as he's the only one who seems to think it's acceptable for a professional footballer in the 21st century to be fat as f***. In terms of being a crap, ineffective liability of a footballer, Tiote has regressed badly and in his present form is comfortably up there with the other names mentioned. So much mediocrity in that squad list!!!
  5. I agree with most of this tbf. Comes down to this silly 4-2-3-1 again no matter how unpopular it makes,me on here. When it comes down to grinding out a 0-0 at Old Trafford or defending with 10 men in a situation everyone expects us to get walloped in it looks great , but like HF has pointed out not getting one shot on target is poor regardless. And as for Thauvins booking, the thing that stood out for me besides the trampoline antics is that a winger is having to track back and make a sliding tackle in his own half because macho men Anita and Colback have been overrun again. Why not play 4-1-3-2? Because if 2 dms can't protect a back 4 then we might as well just play with the extra forward regardless. 4-2-3-1 really isn't the formation for us.
  6. Lovely red-shirted, champions league team, even the odd England international, always backed to the hilt in the national media innit. What's not to like/be biased towards from a ref's point of view??? Also, anyone know how long Coquelin's gonna be out for and what hospital he's staying in? We should probably send him a get well soon card or summat... Actually forget it, he'd only feign a paper cut and we'd all get in trouble.
  7. BT Sport? I thought I was watching MUTV. Had to,laugh at the first sentence of the half-time analysis. "A good first 15 minutes, but again it's all fizzled out and been disappointing since... [long pause] for United fans." Coverage very much geared towards the Asian /Irish overseas market.
  8. Brilliant today, hopefully a much needed confidence booster. Worth noting though, as others have said, that the game was played perfectly to his strengths, no big striker having cross after cross whipped in to him, so no aerial duels to contend with, and as we played so deep there was no chance for anyone to get in behind him. When it's all played on the deck in front of him/trying to play through the CBs he will look like a world beater 9 times out of 10.
  9. Cos he signed for us and wound the mackems up?!? Seems a real shame, and very unfair, the Abeid never really got given a fair chance after that run of form last season, whereas lerkal lad Jack seems to be the first name on the team-sheet regardless. Best of luck to the lad, looking forward to watching him in the CL (if they have qualified this year, can't be arsed to check.)
  10. Please tell me they're doing that thing where as a forum they e-mail the FA en mass in order to bring something to their attention and "get something done about us." E.g. Remy's appeal against suspension before the derby, trying for a points deduction because some tit hit a horse outside the ground etc.
  11. Doesn't help when we're giving away players for basically fuck all. Selling Santon for next to fk all obviously stands out, and the Ben Arfa thing has been done to death on here, but if we send Cabella on loan then spend £12m replacing him from the SAME FUCKING CLUB, all we're doing is throwing money away. Then his supporters will say things like "he's spent £50m on the team man what do you expect from him?" When we've really just spent money on standing still, replacing players we've given away for next to nothing or to prevent players we bought on the cheap who aren't good enough from playing while we continue to pay them e.g Lascelles, Tiote, Taylor, Marveaux potentially, Colback/Obertan hopefully.
  12. Proper head-scratcher this one. Unless Cabella is really gagging for the exit door I'd probably rather keep him. As others have said, he hasn't really been given too much of a chance however despite this, he has shown some potential and at least gas some idea of what playing in this league is like. Thauvin will be coming in from scratch and will doubtless take 6 months to a season to really get going. And if Cabella is really that desperate, I don't see why we can't insist on cash up front as well, or a "loan swap" agreement with option to buy next year, to allow us to spend the money where it is really, badly needed on a left back or commanding centre back (I know, I know)
  13. The Defoe deal viewed in isolation is horrific, however bear in mind the context that it was a direct swap with Altidore who was fucking hopeless and cost only £20k extra a week extra, it does represent making the best of a shitty situation. Plus, the paltry amount of goals he did score were probably the difference in them stopping up (and claimed a win in their cup final vs us which is worth his weight in gold to them) and financially it's probably worked out for them. Especially if they've found some nuggets willing to take him off their wage bill now before his decline really hits. The problem as stated by others above will be selling the club to the top notch striker they would need to replace him and Wickham in the squad. I've no doubt Short would find the money, but they're a shambles already, looking set for a season of struggle, manager only here for a year etc.
  14. And a message to referees that he's a dirty bastard who is not to be given any leniency whatsoever. I'm all for a bit of passion, bit that was a cunts trick, intended just to get a reaction from the crowd. Wouldn't want to see it every game. Thought he looked decent after that when he actually got the chance to get on the ball rather than just have it kicked hard at him.
  15. It's like a black and white Where's Wally in their world, they don't seem to be able to go anywhere without a stripey shirted mag being classless nearby. I look forward this season to Mag in Venezuela, Mag In Buckingham Palace, Mag In Space and Ghostly Mag From The Afterlife. It's the double standards and subsequent simplistic justification of said standards that amuse me. I look forward to the post today of one bragging that he's invaded soft play and told a mag toddler bollocks as we get humped off Southampton following which he will be feted as a courageous hero. Anyone remember they were sucking someone off for posting that he'd punched a giraffe following a derby defeat?!? Was the best thing ever, that's mint that marra, love owt like that me, etc. Fast forward 24 hours after the horse incident and punching all animals is fucking disgusting and now proven til the end of time to be Mag-only behaviour. Sunderland fans hit with a flare at a match- hoying flares is shit behaviour at football grounds, they're decided. what's that someone's piped up with? They did it at SJP? "you're not seriously telling me that Sunderland fans being the victim is the same as us throwing a flare at a fat mag are you?!?" Etc etc
  16. Wasn't even close to the box and literally no fucking reason to do it. It was like watching a 4-year-old who is still trying to get to terms with the rules. Yet somehow, when they play us he will revert to a DNA hybrid of Schmeichel, Banks and the ghost of Lev Yashin. And all will be forgiven /forgotten as the cup final has been won again.
  17. Being rested for England duty, marra
  18. John Terry is 34 and showing no signs of slowing down! If anything he was probably better than ever last season. NOT saying Colo is in his league at all, the similarities stop there. However, you never know under McClaren, he might play a lot better this season. Personally can see him doing very well alongside Mbemba. As long as Williamson is 5th choice behind Dummett and Taylor (in that order) I don't really care. Given their prudent financial stance, I am sure the deal is more aligned to pay and playn anyway so no issues from my perspective if this is the case. Tbf the one thing in Coloccinis favour as he gets older is that he never had any pace to lose in the first place.
  19. Which would be fine if it was gonna be a fucking good one. We'll probably end up with Mariappa finally or some useless squad filler of his ilk.
  20. That is a brilliant video. Didn't realise it was by someone from Yorkshire mags til the bit at the end. See a couple of them on the train on the way to games every now and then. Didn't know Mal ever had hair though, assumed he'd always been bald!!!
  21. Give us a shout if you're having a drink before the gig? We're starting drinking at 2- love a good York-based pub crawl- so can't promise I won't be half cut. Now there's an offer you can't refuse
  22. Think Given was a free transfer?? Although I'm not sure if we got took to tribunal and had to pay in the end.
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