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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Never thought I'd feel broken, and not quite there but "not selling sissoko is like a new signing" has pushed me close. on so many levels
  2. Absolute shite from both teams. Best league in the world lol.
  3. geordiesteve710

    John Carver

    Surely they wouldn't give him the job permanently after that?!?
  4. Even by my very high standards in this field, today is a spectacular failure. McCoy, legend!!
  5. http://www1.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/John+Carver+Cardiff+City+v+Newcastle+United+ymrUDUoOZa4l.jpg Carver learnt from Bobby Robson?? That's odd, don't recall him mentioning it lately...
  6. Newcastle-Sunderland on a Friday night and you don't think half the crowd would turn up mortal? Most of the Gallowgate was noticeably pissed for Cardiff City that time. I do like the idea of it though, was a good atmosphere at the Cardiff game and with the current state of affairs it would mean not having Saturday ruined by football which is also a bonus.
  7. Genuinely staggering that. If anyone ever doubts that the regime have a presence in social media, I'd point them in the direction of that. Even a mackem wouldn't bother with defending Ashley that passionately. The line about 'regularly getting to cup quarter-finals.' Like you said- fuck me man.
  8. This is going to go very wrong very spectacularly isn't it. Talk about creating a divided dressing room.
  9. Never gonna fit in with the club culture with an attitude like that. Probably best to get shot, dressing room harmony, blah blah etc.
  10. True. For most normal clubs that wouldn't factor in because they'd plan to be paying someone to take his place in the squad anyway. For our board that might not be such an issue.
  11. This is ridiculous really. Now I wouldn't argue that Santon was a great but a decent enough footballer who could have been of use to us over the next few months when other members of the back four inevitably get injured. And he's going for 4m euros?!? Sorry, the promise of 4m euros in a few months time. Which given the way that currency is sliding in value will be worth less and less to us by the day. What is that amount of money going to actually achieve for anyone? It's like the principle of the last-minute sale is now the most important thing, as opposed to the actual amount derived from the sale. The Carroll sale has been likened on here before to a drug "hit" which turned Ashley into a sale junkie and he's been chasing that high ever since. To continue the analogy if that was pure high grade colombian finest, we're now actively forcing through a deal knowing full well half the contents of the bag in front of us is Persil but taking it anyway as it's the best on offer.
  12. Absolutely ridiculous really. Even more ridiculous that we won't be trying to get him on loan or anything as everyone in the club seems to think we're better off with Obertan/Gouff.
  13. Bloody hell. And to think their board turned down credible bids from that American 2 weeks ago who looked like he'd be able to sort the club out, for this alternative. Must be a right selfish bunch of cunts and they must somehow be making a lot of money out of an organisation that is currently financially crippled.
  14. Got a 2 day assessment centre for a job, just found out it's 4th-5th March and in Lincoln so I'll miss the Man Utd game. Most seasons previous I'd have been pretty pissed off about this kind of turn of events which typically hapen to me. Now I'm just thinking it's less expense, hassle and sitting in the cold watching them put shitloads of goals past us. Club wants to write off the rest of the season? fine- so can I. Apart from the s/t money which admittedly they already have.
  15. I'm sure they were all falling over each other to tell us how much of a cunt /shit manager he was. Now he's left having been heavily criticised, he was actually an ok manager and the problem was us. It's like there's a fucking chip in every single brain which is programmed to "disagree with the mags on every single thing, at all costs." Btw, league one opposition again if these can get past Fulham.
  16. All football is history marra. 9-1ftm is history, just as the 5-1 is now marra. The only difference whatsoever between those 2 games is 4 more goals were scored. All football is just history- apart from the Fairs Cup. Doesn't count as history cos sunderlandNETD weren't in it marra
  17. geordiesteve710

    John Carver

    And if Derby go up- which is very very fucking likely btw- then he's gonna stay put and we're back to square one with no other willing targets lined up and you can bet we'll spend until August pissing about with it, maybe ending up with Carver by default. Either way there'll be no time to consider piffling little things like player recruitment etc.
  18. Is there any way of proving that our supposedly injured players were fit? What would the punishment be? Banned from the cup for a year? Guess who wins again...
  19. geordiesteve710

    John Carver

    I bet the club photographer was hanging around for hours, waiting for a shot where Woodman wasn't shovelling some food into his gob before giving up and taking it anyway.
  20. Startlingly they missed out 'don't sit on it, you'll egg it!' and 'no mooching/no blasties' Aye, was waiting for "Nee blasties" reading the article. The administration regarding what constitutes a "blasty" was very simple. The lad who was a bit better than everyone else (had either played for or had a trial for 'Newcastle Boys') had absolute discretion, mainly due to the unspoken respect for his expertise at the game. Ever other week that lad is playing on proper pitches with goals and lines and referees and stuff, why how could he be capable of cheating?!? In the absence of such a figure, whatever the hardest player said went. Regarding deflected goals in Singles, on the (not very) mean streets of north Gosforth, we used to play a rule of shooter's goal - which never caused as many arguments as it had the potential for by the way- now turns out we were very much in the minority on that one?!?!?
  21. Don't think he could have done much of a worse job overall with the players at his disposal, so not sure whether your point is even worth discussion tbh. I'm not defending Pardspew. I am merely stating that he is just one of the symptoms of the Ashley cancer that has infested the club. You're absolutely right- however he was a very significant part of that cancer- I'd say more a cause than just a 'symptom'- and one that badly needed cutting out. P45due didn't just suffer from Ashley being a c***, he defended him, propped him up and enabled the whole charade of selling players, profiteering, lack of sporting ambition etc to continue. Continuous defence of Ashley and the strategy was bad enough, but he was often the one touting our bloody players around for sale before spending weeks, months or in the case of C****e nearly a whole year using this sale to justify his cowardly and s*** football. It's also highly probable that this whole "competing in the cups=certain relegation" attitude that still permeates the club came directly from him either to save his arse after the shambles of 12/13 or because his nature is to be the most cowardly c*** possible. I'm going off on a tangent now so I'll get back to the point of the post. Pardew defended Ashley, took all the s*** for him and 100% legitimised the low expectations in Ashley's mind. To have a sniff of seeing a change in the club, we need to see either a change of ownership or a significant change of approach from the current owner (stop sniggering at the back.) Pardew made the whole thing too cosy and easy for him. Without having Pardew to hide behind Ashley might be feeling a little vulnerable, or even open to a degree of change, that was never going to happen with Pardew in charge.
  22. Was literally about to post this. Word for fucking word.
  23. How is Pellegrini a joke ffs City flew back from Dubai overnight, arriving in the UK this morning. Now that is a joke If that's true it's outrageously disrespectful. Hope Boro hang on.
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