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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. "Magnificent" apparently. The manager said so, so it must be true... I really admire the positivity of some, but I didn't see much yesterday to suggest we're staying up. As the old saying should go, if you can't be good be lucky and if you can't be lucky, for the love of God make sure you defend a 93rd minute corner properly!!
  2. Booked Janmaat in the middle of a period of similar to worse challenges from both team-and seemingly only because England's Gareth Barry told him to- then let him off a much worse one which was a yellow all day long. And as mentioned above, got his advantage rule very very wrong on numerous occasions.
  3. Saw two lads handing out leaflets get abused and called mackems by a group of dicks outside the gallowgate last season. Unbelievable that some people a) aren't on the same side as them and b) would actually turn and abuse them for demanding a better club for everyone. Wouldn't be surprised if they hoyed the whole thing in.
  4. Do we even know if he'll give a shit if people stop turning up en masse? We're all just guessing, but with the tv money pocketed I'm not sure he'd care, especially with next season's increase. I'm really starting to think that getting relegated this season is the only chance we have of getting rid, and even then it'd have to be followed up with the sort of vitriolic protests I don't think we're capable of as a fanbase.
  5. 7 men behind the ball at all times, and no coherent tactics other than hoping for some individual brilliance. If we weren't such a joke ourselves I'd almost feel the warm glow of nostalgia.
  6. I thought they were class tbh. Problem is my perspective has been warped so much by watching our lot that as soon as I see a player control a ball properly then move forward at pace with their head up looking for options all while managing not to trip over the ball I'm gasping in awe as if they are Pele reincarnated. Only criticism is they did look a little ropey at the back on the odd occasion we reached their box, but seeing as we had no intention of putting them under pressure or attacking with any sort of intent it didn't really matter.
  7. Nothing to suggest there's any real quality there. Add that to the fact that the players we have are generally a bunch of spineless b@stards and it's clear we're in a spot of bother here. That's the root of the problem. They're also a bunch of lazy cunts who for some reason seem to think they're good enough to coast through without putting any effort in. I can accept getting beat, especially off a team as good as Leicester are at the minute, and I can accept playing crap, it happens sometimes. But how can you get behind a bunch of individuals who are happy to openly and obviously display that they really don't give a shit. If they don't care why should we??
  8. Not heckling per se, but was at Birmingham City once and some lad shouted "ref, you pink-shirted t***." Some massive skinhead in front of him turned around and in broad Geordie, solemn as you like came out with "excuse me pal, I think you'll find that colour is actually salmon." He didn't look like the sort you'd argue with and this lad obviously thought the same so he said sorry, quickly followed by "refe-f***ing-ree, you salmon-shirted bellend." Made me chuckle that someone would be so particular about colours.
  9. Went to the game today (inlaws are from Barnsley) Looked sharp first 30 minutes in a 4-4-2, won knock downs and movement off the ball was very intelligent. Barnsley seemed to switch to 4-5-1 for a bit then, and he started to tire quickly. Looked spent at half time and was lucky to get 10 mins of the second half. Still dominated in the air mind, not bad considering it was typical lower league rough stuff. Involved in an off the ball incident in the build up to Vales second which the FA may wish to look at.
  10. If it contains words The Mag will put it on the site from what I can see This. Used to be a quality read as a paper publication- as an online entity the mantra seems to be along the lines of "more articles = more clicks." They had a non-entity of an article up after the derby which was just a copy and paste job on what Sunderland fans thought of the 6-in-a-row merchandise. Used to be a NUFC -related magazine back in the day.
  11. I'm sure they must've done more than that to get banned for life though!! Its pretty much impossible to get banned from anywhere in town for more than a few weeks (unless you get involved in fighting or serious vandalism I'd imagine.) They must have shouted it across the room at him to try and incite others to attack him, or maybe told the barman "I'm gonna go over there and start a riot" or summat. Can't believe any establishment in the city centre would be so stupid as to have him in there on that night in any case. Could very easily have ended up with no establishment left.
  12. I had no idea either. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest, strikes me as exactly the sort that would volunteer to put himself in the firing line.
  13. Same place as all their jokes- they've completely forgotten as it's been kicking about that long. I'm assuming "80,000 screaming geordies", "sid James park", "1992ers" "the wongadome", "ponteland airport" and "ya divvent undastand" (which, ironically enough, I really don't get at all) have been getting an outing this week as well. Same old miserable crack yet everyone on RTG will be pissing themselves as if it's fresh material like the mentally-challenged bunch of fucktards they are. I mean, even one year olds get sick of "peek-a-boo" after a while when the novelty wears off. Not this lot. I actually know where 'ya divvent understand' comes from, its some cringey 'we are geordies, pride of the land' song on YouTube. I used to work in Houghton and it would get played all the time as a p*ss take from both sets of fans. Thank god it was in the first 30 seconds, my poor bleeding ears couldn't take much more!!! And the video. Of course if you're panning across a scene of the quayside, bridges with Newcastle in the background, the obvious landmark to zoom in on is... the Tuxedo bastard Princess. Christ.
  14. Same place as all their jokes- they've completely forgotten as it's been kicking about that long. I'm assuming "80,000 screaming geordies", "sid James park", "1992ers" "the wongadome", "ponteland airport" and "ya divvent undastand" (which, ironically enough, I really don't get at all) have been getting an outing this week as well. Same old miserable crack yet everyone on RTG will be pissing themselves as if it's fresh material like the mentally-challenged bunch of fucktards they are. I mean, even one year olds get sick of "peek-a-boo" after a while when the novelty wears off. Not this lot.
  15. Good article, aside from the Sports Direct Arena jibe. "Hollowed out from the inside" just about perfectly sums Newcastle United up.
  16. If he leaves it'll be a few miles south to hook up with his boyfriend at Palace again.
  17. Still a despicable little ginger cunt but thought he was harshly done to by the ref for the second week in a row. Got a booking and Atkinson pointed across the pitch to indicate it was for persistent infringement. Not 5 minutes earlier the same referee had made a point of pulling a Chelsea darling to one side to beg him not to foul again, or he'd be forced to think about maybe disciplining him due to persistent fouling. I don't like Colback, but why wasn't he afforded the same liberty as the opposition player??
  18. Did better than expected today, I thought Remy's pace might fuck him over but coped ok. When he got radgy at Mbabu getting wiped out at the end and went to protect his younger player I thought he actually almost looked like a proper captain for the first time ever.
  19. Because imo self preservation is the only real reason that stopped him from saying it 2 or 3 years ago. It's too late and it's for the wrong reasons. He can f*** off. So you'd rather he didn't say it? No, I'd rather he'd said it 2 or 3 years ago when exactly the same situation was happening under Pardew, but didn't because he was his mate/he gave him interviews. They're not interested in the club at all, they're doing it because they're no longer getting what they want from the club, which is ironic considering the thousands that weren't getting what they wanted while he defended it because he was. Means to an end, but Lowes specifically can get f***ed. Hypocritical twat has been ridiculing and shouting down any opposition to the regime for years. He's got what he wanted and what he deserves and if I thought for one second he was actually upset about the shambles the club has become, it would count as a genuine silver lining for me.
  20. Iirc, wasn't Mick Lowes backing Ashley right to the fucking hilt after his "interview", shouting down anyone who was in any way critical or suspicious of Ashley's intentions.
  21. Calm down, he might leave when we win something. Before you laugh and say it'll never happen, that includes qualifying for the Champions League.
  22. But, but, he did an interview. The horse is doing back flips over the cart or something, and Mike's in it to win it and if you don't believe him you're the worst fan in the world. How's that all turned out then?!?
  23. Unusual for .com to climb off the fence but get the feeling they've really had enough of McClaren.
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