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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Rush up front with Demba in the hole??
  2. No doubt they'd label us fickle mags if the protest stopped. Nearly 4 pages on a unofficial shirt of another club. It's funny- having (rightly) mocked us for being turbo-shit for the last 6 months, now we're unhappy we're fickle bastards who have never had it so good. And no-one even slightly questions the consistency in that narrative! It's the way they take their opinions so seriously man, never fails to slay me!! One knacker says summat along the lines of "mags are the most spoilt people in the whole world", they all mumble agreement and let it echo around for a bit, then before you know it it's a bona fide fact, acknowledged as such by the whole of football. They're so precious you can't help but love them in an odd way.
  3. It's just the selective decision-making on who to believe. The ones shouting off about not believing it's cost price and someone's out to deceive/con the fanbase seem to be the exact same ones who are preaching for everyone to be lenient on the club because honest Mike Ashley said we're going to win a cup. There's just no sort of critical faculty whatsoever.
  4. It's fucking amazing, people using it as an opportunity to defend Wonga/Ashley/the official kit. Must have shit for brains or a really odd agenda to push.
  5. Better than Ferdinand, Ginola, Albert..................................barton. That was an eternity ago. Another lifetime and a different football club. And Albert was signed in 94, not 95
  6. yet more evidence that referees that aren't from uefa just make their own rules up. Surprised that wasn't a red card, Perez headbutting someone's elbow like that...
  7. it would be generously stretching it to describe that as middle school standard from bigi
  8. that sub should be made to announce his own arrival every time he comes on with a microphone and in fancy dress like this:"Hi, I'm Ed Winchester." He's not called Ed is he??
  9. Well, yeah.... I mean, if that's the case play it behind closed doors. Embarrassing to put this kind of performance on public display where people will pay money to watch us perform. Does no-one any good and causes more negativity than anything else. Granted I am reading a bit too much into a pre-season friendly dont let the club read this. They'll be applying to play 38 league games behind closed doors.
  10. dat toe punt from gouff... all the technique of a year 6 charver lass interrupting a game in the playground. Bet pardcunt, stone and charver are looking on in pride.
  11. team with 1 defender in it not so good at defending. Who'da thunk it??
  12. card charged for one group game at cat 4 prices, including delivery fee. Narrows it down to toulouse, lyon, marseille or parc de princes. Happy with any but would fucking love to go to the new velodrome like.
  13. I applied for shitloads across different venues and price categories. Got one authorisation for about £45 (hard to tell exactly as got a shitload of transactions going through my cc this week for a different holiday), hopefully they've just allocated non-oversubscribed games first and will do a ballot for games with higher demand later or something. Bit pissed off if that's all I've got but better than nowt suppose.
  14. Problem with Tiote is a) he's suspended more often than not, b) it's hard to see any of our more talented players looking up to a player who can't pass further than 5 yards and c) due to point b is far from an automatic starter. Krul or Janmaat would seem like the sensible choice to me, could see Colo continuing if he doesn't get sold for the sake of continuity or some BS like that, or ginger Jack- leerkal lad innit.
  15. Don't be so f***ing soft. How often did Pardew come out and be positive about anything, let alone taking the club forward and implementing a footballing philosophy and instilling discipline in the squad? How often did we hear Pardew proclaiming how perfect his squad is, how grateful he is to the owner, how happy he is with it and promising "front-foot football"- and then cheekily claiming to have achieved this whilst keeping 9 men behind the ball booting it long to cisse on the wing- promising a tilt at the top four. He was full of bravado everytime season tickets needed shifting. I will give SMc the benefit of the doubt, but really there's very little between this and the sort of crap Pardew spouted every summer.
  16. I'm guessing it's due to the Sky TV deal(s) To be honest the fact we have to stop relegation every season, coupled with that we're in an unattractive part of the country means we go one of two ways when signing players. a) We sign young, hungry players who see us as a stepping stone and replace them with proper planning in place OR b) we rely on loans and those on their last legs or not wanted by anyone else. Brown, O'Shea etc. It's the way it is now. No one will ever get close to the elite You should atleast go for option 1. I'm not trying to be funny but we managed to sign a few hungry players soon after we came up, Stoke manage to do decent. Stoke is tauter like you, not exactly a club anyone without any affiliation towards the club would jump at he chance to go too and not in a desirable area. However Stoke is near Burmingham which may sway players and you are close to Newcastle which could sway players. As much as Sunderland are our rivals you should be doing better. There are smaller clubs in fairly undesirable areas coming in to the Premier League which have out done you. You can't keep blaming the blame game, yes some players won't see past London or mega unrealistic wages, but you should be getting better than what you get. You only have your board and your DOF who has links to some of the dodgiest agents in the game to blame. I agree with the general gist of your post but think location is a much bigger factor. Tbf Stoke are in a position to benefit hugely from their location. Within commutable distance from both West Mids and Greater Manchester as well as having Cheshire, which is where most good players in the North West live, on it's doorstep. I'd imagine offering the chance to play in the PL without having to relocate and uproot the family/Mrs is a decent selling point whether they're picking up cast-offs from the Manchester/Merseyside clubs, out of contract/favour players from the likes of Villa or even if they fancied cherry picking talent from the lower leagues (Wolves etc) or academies such as Crewe. And if you're in the shit and need a loan, there are that many decent teams nearby you're bound to find one with a capable squad player that needs a game who would be happy to come for a couple months as it's nearby anyway. The mackems on the other hand, as well as us, are completely geographically isolated from the rest of the PL. And they haven't even got any decent bridges to tweet pictures of to potential signings. The fact both clubs are run ridiculously badly, as you say, is also going to put players off so when you can't offer convenience, or a set-up which is likely to offer decent progression to a player, you end up resorting to paying a premium in wages. And as such resorting to the kind of players attracted by that- generally mercenary, mediocre, unmotivated piss takers who will only pull their fingers out when required to earn a new contract or stave off relegation in order to avoid the resultant pay cut. Which as far as I can see is the problem Sunderland have.
  17. Basically the tv companies saying to the PL "fuck the rules we agreed to, we pay you enough cash, we will announce what we want when we want." The PL response: "yes, sirs."
  18. Emotional attachment disorder So, Daddy issues then??
  19. It's good to see, but don't be fooled as to the motivation behind any anti-Ashley articles this week- majority of the media spitting their dummies out at not getting access to the club while sky and the mirror do. Hilarious to watch them all crying about it, even if I do on a base level agree with what they're all saying & just where would you think Newcastle might be without him then Steve? I didn't have him down for being that ignorant to be honest. I do, most people just listen to the sounds bites "he cleared the debt blah blah" but in reality when you start looking at things the debt is now worse. Gibson isn't going to check out AO.com or google search Swiss ramble. He'll just repeat what he has heard from Sky Sports news and other halfwit pundits who never research things. Also you've got to remember that as well as a competition between busnesses, the PL is a bit like a cartel*, with all 20 club owners (or representatives thereof) get together once a month to discuss issues that may be mutually profitable/advantageous to them and to vote on actions and issues affecting the running of league, proposals put forward by member clubs etc. I'd imagine you'd never ever find a current (or potential, in Gibson's case) club owner publicly criticising another for the way they run their club and going out of their way to ruffle feathers unnecessarily. *there's probably a better word than this, but it's early and I can't be bothered to think of one. & just where would you think Newcastle might be without him then Steve? I didn't have him down for being that ignorant to be honest. I do, most people just listen to the sounds bites "he cleared the debt blah blah" but in reality when you start looking at things the debt is now worse. Gibson isn't going to check out AO.com or google search Swiss ramble. He'll just repeat what he has heard from Sky Sports news and other halfwit pundits who never research things. TBF there is a difference between the debt now and debt then. The other main difference being that the debt then was inherited from a board that, despite it's faults, had ambition to succeed and progress on the pitch. The majority of the debt now has been caused by Ashley himself, making cack-handed decisions that have ruined the club both in terms of reduced income and the cost incurred by that relegation. When they talk about the money he has loaned (they describe it as "put into") the club, his apologists seem very keen not to mention that the majority of the money he had to put in to rectify the damage caused by his own mistakes. If anything, he's got a fucking cheek asking for it back in any case. Rant over now, I promise
  20. Applied for 3 tickets for the 2 group games in Bordeaux. Not arsed which teams are involved but preferably not England. Would only let me apply for category 1 seats so the total cost came to €880 which was bad enough but since then I've had a look about for hotels and bookings.com only have 1 hotel left for sale in Bordeaux and they're wanting £6,000 for a week. Add all this to the vastly inflated travel costs plus spends and it's going to be too expensive so I'll probably just cancel my application. Wouldn't worry about the hotels yet in terms of availability , most hotels don't sell rooms more than around 50 weeks in advance, even around big events like this. Some may hold back inventory around match day until the draw is made so they can adjust their pricing strategy depending on which teams get drawn to play there. In terms of pricing expect to get f***ed in the arse regardless, especially if it's an England or Germany game (larger than average travelling supports, the perception of stronger economies = bigger budgets) I'm gonna look at applying today. Looking at group stage game 3 and maybe a round of 16. Fancy Bordeaux as had a great time there when we played in Europa League and maybe Marseille as never been to velodrome. Gutted there's no games in Nantes as I lived there for a year and would have loved to go back.
  21. Spot on,( with slight addition. ) We shouldn't be in a situation where keeping Jonas has much attraction. Unfortunately and disgracefully we are, due to mismanagement of the club. Seems stupid to get shot of the one player who has shown bottle, effort and anything approaching skill for months now. As we are so allergic to signing players, it begs the question who the fuck is going to play for us next season?!?
  22. geordiesteve710

    John Carver

    On a serious note, it's genuinely staggering that the gist of this is "I thought about doing something to motivate the players but then decided against it-they can just motivate themselves." You're supposed to be the fucking MANAGER HEAD COACH man.
  23. Their biggest success imaginable would be our relegation - sad, bitter and obsessed t***s who have more topics on us than they do their own team. Pathetic thing is it's not just the message board SMBs either it's the vast overall majority who are more concerned with us than their own team. It's mental like. My mackem mate is constantly comparing everything Sunderland, with us. Every player they sign he's straight onto "He's better than anything you have in that position". Instead of being happy he might be an upgrade on what they already have in their squad. Like, when we signed Cabaye I was happy he was an upgrade on Nolan, for the simple fact he could actually run. But I didn't think "Better that Catts like". It's everything the city, the airport, the quayside, the bars and not only the football. I've never known any mackem who is not bitter or obsessed about all things to do with Newcastle - the most pathetic and sad set of pricks going and it's not the minority either it's every SMB f***er. Can honestly say I'm not obsessed with all things Newcastle. I lived there for three years, I enjoy going out on the drink there. I went to University there. I wouldn't say I was obsessed though. Me neither. I love going to Newcastle especially with my kids, it's a great city. As is Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, London etc. Can you two please just pack it in with being so reasonable and nice when we're all trying to be pissed off with you for being safe from relegation?!? Get into character for God's sake!!
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