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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. The amount of romanticising currently going on about Cantona's kung fu kick. A player for any other club and it would rightly be condemned and frowned at. Can't be upsetting the hoards of gloryhunters though, so it's now treated reverently as some sort of glorious/nostalgic moment of eccentricity and passion. He tried to kick a fan in the head for fucks sake.
  2. Attilio Lombardo at a push?!? Got 17 on that 90s footballers thing- was worryingly easy. tbf, I used to watch so much football back then compared to now I reckon I'd be able to name more PL squad players from 94-95 than current players from this season. No wonder I never reached my potential at school!!!!
  3. Eh? We would be in the exact same place If we had more commercial revenue coming in instead of Ashley using us as to advertise his own business for free, we'd be in the same place in the rich list? Have i missed something? Ah you meant where would we be in a pointless list of clubs turnover? I was talking about the real world where Ashley wouldnt spend the extra money so the club would be exactly where we are now. No argument from me there. We could be top of the list and nothing would change from that side of things. However, every position we climb up that league makes us more attractive to potential buyers, especially when you consider that our commercial revenue opportunities are nowhere near being maximised. From that perspective it isn't useless. What you're saying is probably 100% correct. My big worries for the future are a) what kind of prospective owner will be attracted by the fact the club is extremely profitable? My guess is one who wants to take as much out of the club as he can. b) it'll just mean Ashley gets to put a higher price on the club as it's proven to be a very profitable asset, albeit one which will have reached it's potential (as a profit-generator) so no nearer a new buyer unless one with ridiculously deep pockets can be found and c)as long as it's raking cash in he's not going to want to sell, so no nearer a potential new owner. In honesty, despite my pessimism, I struggle to constructively think of a hypothetical situation aside from an unfortunate contamination in the Greggs factory, which does bring us nearer to new ownership. We've tried being poor and that certainly didn't work!!
  4. Are people actually doing that?? It's one thing to sit in a sort of neutrality, feeling discontent but not wanting to turn on the players, thats kind of understandable at least, but to be vocally defending Ashley by shouting down those who oppose him?!?!? Some people are beyond help man!! Ironically, in the good old days (of Cardiff last May for example) it's people like them that the crowd in general wouldn't tolerate. Seems to be the other way now.
  5. They'll easily be safe. Far too many winnable home games combined with the Defoe factor for them to really be in danger. They might even win the NETD super-heavyweight-challenge-all-comers-undisputed-championship Grand slam of derby win AND finishing above us. Expect rivers of emotional tears and a spate of newborns named 'Gustavo'
  6. True to form, he hadn't given the free kick.
  7. Shane Long. Just a horrid little cunt.
  8. We deserved a penalty, no fool can argue any other way. Plenty of fools will argue we deserved something out of the game, too. And the Chelsea/Leicester/Burnley games. True very true, but the laws of the game back the penalty. A fool only uses his opnion The laws of the game also say we lost 2-1, so we deserved nothing from the game. I never said we did, just said we deserved the penalty TBF, I wouldn't even have supreme confidence in any of our players to beat Forster from 12 yards. Who takes pens now anyway? Sissoko? Perez?
  9. Complete cretin. Body language of a man you'd never get sick of kicking in the face- very much in the manner of a Mike Dean. Shocking decision making too but wasn't helped by the clown running the line at the Gallowgate end, making it up as he went along!!
  10. Sky Sports trying to conduct an interview while a Derby fan is on the pitch in the background trying to fight the whole Forest team
  11. Comes across as a massive cheap shot tbh. He probably once got given his halftime Lucozade last or something when Pearce was managing him and his ego couldn't let it go.
  12. This literally makes no sense at all Even if he was frequently referred to as JD it still wouldn't make any sense. What a f***ing tragic bunch they are Even worse, the seething legion of gimps who actually pay enough money to allow als to make a living out of this shit. Mugs one and all. Honestly, who actually buys these t-shirts? Do they even make them in adult sizes?
  13. Tbf, I'm pretty gullible and even I've seen this as just a promotional stunt as soon as it was announced. Would be great if it happened obviously but FIFA is about as closed a shop as you can get.
  14. You say that but where's the smoking gun in this case? Whenever anyone is discussing the evidence publicly available there's never a damning piece of evidence against Evans. There's some stuff that "looks bad" but is that really enough? Everything discussed is 'in his favour' so to speak. Considering the campaign against him if there was such evidence used in court that proves beyond doubt he's guilty then I think we'd have heard about it by now. As far as I know it was decided in court the lass was too drunk to consent (as she said she had no memory and looked p*ssed on camera) and that's essentially the basis of his conviction. Of course there would have been a lot more to it than and if I'm wrong I'm wrong but I understand this as the ultimate basis to convict. You can tell me "it's the criminal justice system" all you like but that's no guarantee the right decision was made. I think we can all probably agree that, from what we've read, heard and seen ourselves, it does look dubious but on the same score, they found him guilty and he was sentenced as such. Pretty fair summary imo. The one thing I can't get over is the hypocrisy of those who are more than happy to point to "he's been convicted by the legal system" yet are completely unprepared to accept that under the very same legal system he has served the custodial part of his sentence and is now entitled to resume his career on probation. Like they're saying the law and our courts are always right and cannot be questioned- until they disagree with them, then that doesn't apply. The one real positive is that the case and media furore have really shone a spotlight on what legally constitutes rape. If the threat of going to jail is enough to make young lads in general think twice about taking advantage of that pissed up young lass they met when she was falling all over the place in the club then that's got to be a good thing.
  15. geordiesteve710

    John Carver

    Exactly what I thought reading that.
  16. From the same era, did Franck Dumas manage 10 appearances for us?
  17. Maybe Mart Poom?? Obscure name, obscure face, scored a goal as a keeper. Extra obscurity points for representing the oddballs at the stadium of obscurity down the road.
  18. This x infinity. They could slip down to the conference and the novelty still wouldn't wear off!!
  19. The sooner Fleetwood is under water thanks to global warming the better for me. Detestable club always ruin an acca if i bet for/against them. Yeah, I've been avoiding their games like the plague since halfway through last season. Been bitten by the 'Fleetwood factor' too many times, and for more money than I would want to calculate.
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