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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. geordiesteve710

    John Carver

    Nuke South Tynedale imo. Not worth the risk of letting this failed abortion continue to live.
  2. The booing got louder when the players came over to applaud the away fans. Satka, Armstrong, Roberts, Alnwick were all there applauding whilst the away end absolutely slated them. Seasoned pros like Tiote, Anita (who I've stuck up for previously) and Riviere should really hang their heads in shame after their efforts. Someone needs to explain to these kids that "defending" a 1-0 defeat in injury time the Cup is pointless, spineless and pretty fucking insulting to the traveling fans. I have no confidence that anyone within the club will deliver this message so I took this into my own hands at the end, fortunately for me 4,000+ decided to do the same do I didn't look like a complete mentalist. Might have been a little shitty on the kids but when we're 1-0 down going into the last 10 minutes in next year's 3rd Round hopefully a memory will twig, they'll remember that actually this isn't a good result and bother their arses to try and get back in the game. Probably the direct opposite of what Lawrie Sanchez/Chas/Dave/whoever is in the dug-out will be telling them to do and all.
  3. Chatting to some Leicester fans on the platform for the train. Sat bang in line with Cabella. Said it was def onside, couldn't believe their luck when flag went up. As for our lot, words fail me. I went with no expectations, still managed to leave feeling let down.
  4. They're both a set of complete c***s if that helps. This. City more than earn their 'Manchester mackems' moniker.
  5. Aye, no witch hunt against the English lads with Liverpool connections. What a fucking surprise!!!
  6. Spent the last hour and half drinking in Leeds station (only bar serving at that time) rounded off with a KFC Big Daddy box meal. This is a good day.
  7. Just finished work and belatedly getting on it. Opened a bottle of Hine reserve cognac to toast the occasion Happy VP day everybody!!!
  8. The people I'm talking to on another (non-Newcastle) forum don't deny that it's proof of mediocrity, but say that this is what we should be happy with as we're a mediocre, mid-table club. It's hard to argue with them because if you say we should be doing better than that you're howled out of the place as a "delusional Geordie". We should be aiming for 8th-12th. 5th cancels out 16th, and the other finishes of 12th, 10th and currently 9th are exactly where we should be. They see no problem. I've cited the s*** football but got "so what? You're still where you should be in the league". It's painful. Fucking hate this attitude in football- everyone has to know their place. Like social classes of the 1930's. Looking to aspire upwards?? Delusional. It's an attitude that came from the bigger clubs wanting to safeguard "their" positions yet has been swallowed by supporters if pretty much every club of every standard. Try explaining to your mates that you do not feel entitled to better than mediocrity, but you want to be better than mediocre. Ask if they'd be happy with being mediocre. Given that they're all probably Man Utd fans who lost their shit about finishing 7th they'll say of course not. Then ask why they feel they are automatically entitled to a better team than you. They will struggle to answer in any way which doesn't cone across as arrogant as fuck. Because that's what they are.
  9. I would love to have De Boer or Laudrup as manager. Pretty sure we'll get someone horrible like Sanchez, Sherwood or noel edmonds.
  10. Just had a genuinely awful thought. Ashley potentially has 12 months salary to pay Ally McCoist does he not?? He won't want to pay that without getting some sort of labour in return Hopefully someone informed will reply to this with a sound reasoning as to why this happening is impossible, (e.g. Because legally the clubs are separate entities) and put my mind at ease.
  11. As a permanent appointment absolutely not. I'd rather stick with Pardew. Got so many positive memories of Pedro, and he still seems more 'Keegan' than 'Ashley/Pardew' when I think of what he represents. It'd be throwing him to the lions with the state of the club now and I can't see how it wouldn't end in tears. I know he has blotted his copybook a bit with his towing of this regime's line but it'd still break my heart to see him fail, supporters (probably pro-Pardew idiots) turning on him etc. At least the current captain arsehole gives me a focal point for undiluted, unconfused hatred. If Pardew jumps ship now and Pedro was appointed on the understanding it was a temporary appointment so that Ashley can take his time choosing the right man instead of just going with his gut instinct I'd be happy with that. Then I'd probably wake up from a very naive dream
  12. Yup. Gobby little London boy full of himself, currently out of work and presumably would work for relatively low wages just to get his chance. Sounds right up Ashley's street.
  13. Lol. I'm sure he said pretty much exactly the same thing after we played Villa away. They must think it's something in the water up here that turns managers batshit mental. http://www.football.co.uk/newcastle_united/pardew__new_faces_trying_too_hard_rss4920025.shtml There you go.
  14. Remember Ray Stubbs and his one man crusade to get Cabaye banned? This is exactly what I was reminded of. And even I it was outright assault with a machete, since when has Graeme fucking Souness been so precious about a player 'trying to hurt' another?!? Will be replayed wall to wall on SSN all night now as well, as they love to pass their pundits' opinions/rants off as "news." Having said that, still fucking stupid of Cisse mind.
  15. He's got a point mind, there's just no need for it. Game the week before xmas, boxing day, new years day, fa cup 3rd round. That lot over just less than 2 weeks is enough. What your saying is probably technically correct for all sorts of very sensible reasons. However.. I fucking love football. I love going to watch it, and I love the silliness/eccentricity of the festive football schedule, having a match every other day for a short period. It really breaks up the monotony of the festive period for me and even though we normally don't do very well over that period, not many teams do win all 4 games. The fixtures do seem very squashed together this year due to the days of the week, but most teams had a 6 day gap between Saturday 20th and Boxing Day. There are plenty of leagues that don't have this hectic schedule that the likes of Poyet, van gaal, Benitez (he always,used to gob on too) are more than welcome to manage in, but they've chosen the coin/prestige of the Premier League and if they are successful they won't be shy in proclaiming their adaptability to a different football culture. This is part of the different culture and part of being successful here is being to navigate this challenge better than your rival. We used to play 2 games in 3 days over Easter too- title races and relegation fights could be blown wide open over one weekend. The Wengers of this world used to moan about that too until it got stopped- iirc because of UEFA diplomatically scheduling Champions League dates either side of it. As football fans most weeks of the year we are screwed over royally by fixture changes, stupid kick off times and daft prices. If for just one week of the year they have to play more games than they want to for my entertainment- with 6 months notice in advance- I think the least they can do is get on with it without moaning. Rant over, sir
  16. Double derby bumming. Imagine that!!!
  17. Colo is one of my favourite players in the squad, but safe to say we can file Man Utds second under 'D' for dereliction of duty by the captain. Outrageous stuff, senior centre back stood not just out of position but on the bloody touchline watching as they slice through.
  18. Haven't been on properly since got back from the match Friday. Was actually going to break the habit of a lifetime and come on to say imo we didn't play too badly, defensive brainfarts aside. Then a few hours ago I read some guff about them catching us on the break as we over-committed. Does the clown even watch the same fucking game?!? Just before the 3rd goal I literally screamed "how's he [perez] supposed to pick out an attacker in the box when there's 4 in and around the box being marked by 7 defenders??" Then they broke and my train of thought was like "at least with so many men back they shouldn't be able to really worry us with this atta... Oh for fucks sake." Overcommitted in attack. Fucking outrageous thing to say.
  19. http://m.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/30613524 Following on in the proud tradition of Bruce, O'Neill and Di Canio. If they get so upset about the festive fixtures why not mention it in June when the fixtures are released rather than waiting until you've lost a game over Xmas then bringing it up out of nowhere?!?
  20. Here :- https://www.thechels.co.uk/last-38-league/ How can anyone look at that and think Pardew is a good manager? It's unbelievable. Worse than two clubs that were relegated. But... Robbie Savage said... And he's played the game professionally, so therefore knows much more than us mere mortals right?!?
  21. Because of course we're just little old Newcastle, can't possibly compete with the "big clubs" t***. It's his standard sales patter. We're only missing "unfortunately we're in a situation where we're always going to be vulnerable to offers from bigger clubs for our bigger players." As if the club is somehow powerless to say no to these offers, or show the ambition necessary to encourage players to stay. Id love for a journalist to ask, as a completely straight question with a straight face, if anyone at the club is doing anything to tackle this 'situation' of 'vulnerability' with a view to avoiding future repeats. Just to see how he squirms out of it without criticising his beloved Mike.
  22. This cunt not been electrocuted by his Xmas tree lights yet? Disappointing.
  23. Part of the problem they've had is all sorts of shady sorts and their hangers sticking around for just that reason and sucking the club dry. Making a profit out of Rangers, with "out" being the relevant word!! It takes something when Ashley really is the best of a bad bunch. Agree with your main point on product placement though. That and 'retail/catering agreements' for his other companies will be the motivation rather than taking a direct profit. I'd imagine he has a "level" in mind for them just like he does for us. Maybe CL qualification more often than not, paying just enough out in wages to achieve this and turn a small profit but without ever having a real desire as a club to kick on and get through the group stages. The bonus being that due to the set-up in Scotland as long as they better Celtic more often than not there will be league titles and therefore no unrest from pesky supporters to worry about. Knowing our luck he'll probably end up developing a deep affinity for them and bankroll them to global stardom, champions league glory etc.
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