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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Also, the first half display. Any potential head coach looking at that would hopefully be encouraged by the potential in the squad.
  2. I'll tell you who can fuck right off. Annan Athletic, that's who. They can fuck off and fall off a cliff.
  3. Tbf we've only scored before 30 mins in one game all season. I'd say we've just been poor throughout games.
  4. Watch him do it now - just to piss us off!!!
  5. Don't forget the massive pay rise on the pittance Ashley was paying him.
  6. Tbf there probably is a sizeable section of our support who will jump on any opportunity to criticise the new guy in defence of their departed hero. Unfortunately this"run around a lot is better than talent and wins derbies" guff does take a lot of people in, even though its been proven to be bollocks. Same reason a lot of them down the road prefer to have "catts" than a proper footballer in their midfield. I'd imagine a few bad results and some will be getting on a new guy's back upset that he doesn't have the same "Ingerlish pashun" as uncle alan. That and the bed-sheet brigade do give outsiders the impression we're all knobs tbf. Keys is still an utter cunt like and horrendous dinosaur of a presenter.
  7. Just wait till next week when we appoint a 'French nobody' and a 'unheard of forrin puppet' Just watching the montage at the beginning of the show we all know how this is going to pan out, don't we? Didn't see it but I'm assuming the montage didn't show 4 consecutive derby defeats, Liverpool rolling in their 6th, rubbing Meyler's chin with his forehead etc.
  8. That must be a fucking parody!!! Or SMB at best. I particularly enjoyed the bits about Debuchy not knowing what a football looked like and how some of us got rid of him ( he left for a 3-400% wage rise!!) Satirical genius of the highest order.
  9. The role model argument is a massive red herring Imo. If any parent is going to have genuine trouble explaining to their child that rape is a vile act, because Ched Evans is allowed to play football then they have serious, serious problems as a parent.
  10. I'd like to know what these people are thinking/what they hope to achieve?!? She's not going to turn around and retract her allegations (I doubt she could anyway seeing as the trial is over.) All it's doing is adding to negative public perceptions of the man and his "campaign" for innocence. Apart from the increased publicity I can only imagine in the end it'll make it harder for him to move on within himself as well. Doesn't seem to be any logic?!?
  11. This is it for me. As for the idea that he's being hounded from every job opportunity because of how he phrases things is f***ing ludicrous tbh. Saying "my infidelity" is stupid but it's not the reason he's being hunted down at every opportunity. He's at the centre of a massive witch hunt, there's nothing else to it. Every single interview I hear about the case involving someone from a group that campaigns against rape and violence against women etc specifically refers to the fact that he's shown no remorse or made any sort of apology. It's almost always the first thing they say in response to the question about whether he should be given a second chance. Like it or not, there are clearly a lot of emotions riding on what he has said since being convicted. I have no sympathy whatsoever for the people who are trying to stop him from playing football. The law has established a sentence to fit the crime: if a person has served his time, that should be the end of it. I don't want to live in a society where certain crimes force people to become "untouchables" living on the margins of society for the rest of their lives. If he wants to claim that he was innocent, that's his right. If he wants to act like a complete knobhead, that's his right as well. If anyone should have a say in whether he gets to sign for Oldham or not, it should probably be the Oldham fans. One of the big problems I have with the anti-Evans arguments is that I don't want to live in a society where the way a person is treated is based on media perceptions/ what pressure groups or the most popular-est celebrities have to say on the matter and that is what is happening at the moment. He was tried under a court of law and, whether some like it or not, convicted under a court of law which is the first thing his detractors (rightly) point to. He has served, and is continuing to serve, his sentence as laid down by that same legal system. The terms of his sentence allow him to legally resume his career now and, whether others like it or not, he should probably be allowed to do so. He does have the right to act like a knobhead, just as I have the right to (and do) consider him to be a knobhead. That shouldn't mean me (or anyone else) has the right to stop him resuming his career just because they don't like him. It's why we have a legal system. Hypocrite alert: If it was NUFC, I would feel an awful lot stronger about it.
  12. If that's the case, then when the law changes to reflect that, Ched's in the clear. If you are not capable of consenting and someone takes advantage of your condition, it is rape. What is required for consent though? If she was passed out drunk or force was involved then obviously that should constitute rape, but I don't think the law should extend to protecting people who make decisions they regret whilst p*ssed. It's all very dodgy ground especially when someone is going to serve time and be labeled as a rapist for the rest of their life, giving the connotations surrounding the term. I have a genuine question on this (not trying to be provocative, honest.) My understanding is that it is a man's responsibility to judge whether the woman in his hotel room- or wherever- is too drunk to be making a sound judgement about what she is doing and stop things from progressing if so. Does this still apply if the man is also extremely intoxicated and too drunk to either get this judgement right, or more likely not to think of stopping to think that a judgement needs to be made before carrying on with what they are doing? It seems possible that there could be a situation where two people get equally wasted, have drunken sex and one of them is open to being convicted of rape if the other later decides they regret it? That seems pretty worrying to me. I'm not saying that's what happened in the room, and not particularly pro or anti Evans' position in this whole scenario (as a person he comes across as an absolute knob mind), just wondered if anyone on here knows what the legal position on this is?
  13. Down to dickheads on twitter and that though, not Evans fault really is it? Not like he's doing a Michael Myers and pursuing her or owt. His website and family haven't helped like. Yeah I'll concede the point there. Hardly been the classiest of advocates for "justice" it must be said. That is exactly the problem. I have seen him interviewed and he still refers to the rape as "my infidelity" Now, the whole , "maybe he was innocent" thing is an understandable argument, at least from him, but as things stand, right now, Ched Evans is a convicted rapist. He's also a convicted rapist who not only hasn't expressed any remorse, he continues to act as if what he did is comparable with getting a bit p*ssed one night and cheating on your girlfriend. All the "yeah but what if he's not guilty" stuff is totally irrelevant - if we are going to look for mitigating factors here, then they are not going to come from arguments along the line of "maybe he's not guilty". The most depressing thing about this whole situation now is seeing football clubs who are just looking for any little opportunity to find a way they can employ someone like Evans and get away with it. Sheffield United shat themselves because Jessica Ennis threatened to take her name off the stand, Charlie Webster threatened to resign, those sort of things, but Oldham are clearly thinking they can find a way to make it happen without taking too much flack. I'd be absolutely f***ing mortified if my club acted like that. This is where I am with the whole thing. The whole scenario has more subtleties and grey areas than people on both sides seem to want to acknowledge, I'm just shitting myself in case Ashley suddenly spots a striker he will (wrongly) see as being competent, available for free and another chance to trample the club's name further into the ground to boot. Whatever the rights or wrongs I don't want us having anything to do with him- taking advantage of a situation where someone has been convicted of rape to get a bargain in the transfer market is seedy as fuck imo.
  14. well if we're going to get technical he's not served his time, he's out on probation and is on it for another 30 months. Still served time inside required, isn't prohibition all about the final part of rehabilitation? Probation is more about making room in prison for the next lot than rehabilitation, if the truth be known. Prohibition is the banning of something, i.e alcohol in America
  15. I was wondering about that as well. I assume that the rule is limited to Celtic and the option is not available to all SPL clubs? Does beg the question why and how they got that rule approved.
  16. Well, it rhymes with 'grit'...
  17. Got halfway through then gave up. It's well written tbf, but the premise is ridiculous. Why have Newcastle and Sunderland's cup games been treated differently. I don't really know where to start with a lot of the more in-depth stuff, but it reeks of the old mackem double standard of wanting to be seen as the brave underdog, draw counts as a win against us etc while at the same time demanding equality in press coverage and perspective. But on the face of it man, the reason NUFC are getting lots of s*** in the media about the weekend and SAFC are not is maybe, just maybe, down to them not playing completely dogshit, actually WINNING the game, and getting through to the next round?!?
  18. I liked Tbf, he was probably expecting to be shunted out wide as an extra left back.
  19. I don't believe a word of that. Pardew being a rude arrogant arsehole? He always seemed such a nice man. He's going to be referred as "former Newcastle manager" for the rest of his (hopefully short) career, isn't he? When things goes wrong, or he does something shitty like this, aye. When things go right- 'Eagles manager Super Alan Pardew...' For reference see Bellamy, Craig.
  20. Surely, at the very very least, even the most ardent "Gouffran-atic" would see the value in having HBA on the bench as an option for 25 minutes should the game not be going to plan?!? He'd deserve better, but surely there isn't a sane person out there who can't see how HBA would be an asset to the club in some way, shape or form. Instead of that, we haven't even let him go on a free we've paid him extra to leave early. Absolutely criminal, man!!!
  21. The forum arguments over the merits of doing so and the slow but eventually unified opinion that he's inexcusable. Honestly, when I think back to the few months grace I gave him in 2012 before there was no way to excuse it anymore. I kind of feel like I'm in therapy for it, I should want this thread to die and to forget about him, but I hate him so much, I'm so bitter over it and I desperately want him to fail and for his entire life to fall apart. Is that bad? Bad? It's fair! I feel exactly the same. The bloke seems to have pulled the wool over EVERYBODY'S eyes other than the fans who've watched his s**** week in, week out. There have been times when I've questioned my own sanity because of this tosser. same, its been a horrific experience feel like im suffering PTSD. I'm gone the other way. Felt like the world lifted off my shoulders the day he went. I don't really give a fuck what he gets up to now, I'm just glad it won't be here. The world seemed brighter, beer tasted better etc. I despise the legions of mongs defending him more than the man himself. The 'well yes the football was shite, but what you Newcastle fans don't understand is that that's your place now and it's completely unreasonable to wish for anything better. Poor Pardew' brigade. I had to justify myself to a Chelsea fan yesterday. Fucking Chelsea man- the biggest frauds in English football. The club whose fans had a hissy fit and turned on Scolari by October because he had gone 5 games without a win or something. And I can tell you now the same ones defending by criticising Ashley now, will be the same ones that normally spend all their time sticking up for Ashley, using the 'fans expectations' argument.
  22. Only when he parks it, AMIRITE I'd wager he's probably s**** at that as well the useless life draining c*** I were trying to drive the coach too well. And sometimes that's not the best way to get the coach where you want it to be. Everyone knows I always try to change gear using my front foot on the clutch, ask anyone at the DVLA, they'll tell you that. And what about all them road closures- must've been that facking Notting Hill Carnival again. We was.
  23. Is he still physically in Newcastle? Surely would have been worth a run out yesterday??
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