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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Lass at work who is of that persuasion refers to herself as a lemon. She's from Keighley. First time she said it in conversation I thought I had misheard, second time I asked sheepishly and diplomatically to check it meant what I thought it did. And yes, it did.
  2. Tierney is horrendous like. Constantly guessing because he's in a bad position and can't see things clearly. Made more irritating by that stupid half-smirk half-grin after he's made any sort of decision. Like a toddler coming to tell you with pride that they've just shit on the floor again.
  3. Aye. Not just the red on the night and the following suspension, but getting involved in too much of that shite is allowing our focus to be distracted and is exactly what they will want.
  4. Aye, it's always been the same as far as I can remember. Barry in the Box? Cunt. Alan Robson? Cunt. The current lad Rob? Cunt. Some of the criticism is deserved like, the ridiculous volume it's blasted out at, "Enjoy the game" and Doris fucking Day were all indefensible. But a lot of ilthe criticisms do come down to subjective taste. For example, Yorkie said above thinks the version of Blaydon Races that gets played at the match is good, a lot of us think it's pish. There will be thousands of people with both opinions across the matchgoing fanbase and both are valid enough opinions. People tend to be more vocal about something that they want changed than about something they think is OK. So the volume of negativity you read especially online won't be a fair reflection of the fanbase's feelings as a whole towards the DJ.
  5. Fucking hell!!! The football administrators in England are incompetent buffoons and possibly biased as hell But they're angels compared to nasty fuckers like this. Defending the indefensible.
  6. If we qualify for the CL he could play fucking sunderland songs and I wouldn't give a shit.
  7. That would be funny as fuck tbh.
  8. It's a pretty compelling argument as well for most people. But if he must play something the Champions League tune (ode to joy or whatever it's proper name is) is preferable to DJ f**king Otzi.
  9. Leeds look gash at both ends of the pitch. Can't believe them scrapping and fighting for their lives is just making stupid errors and trying long throws.
  10. When VAR reviews Wilson's attempt to win a penalty, they should really be saying to the ref "that's a clear dive, it's a yellow card." I get that simulation is a bit of a grey area and sometimes it's hard to tell in real time, but when they've stopped and reviewed the incident anyway then they know. I suppose there's the question of should the video ref be making the decision for the on-field ref and if not do we really want a further stoppage while the on-field ref reviews the incident for what is only a yellow card offence (clearly not.) But when it's that obvious there should be a way to enforce it. Would also be a stronger deterrent if strikers knew that there's jeopardy for them when the incident is reviewed.
  11. The Trippier one was ridiculous and all about protecting their corporate partners.
  12. Sorry if it's an ignorant question but what was he actually doing? Was it something that could have led the integrity of the competition to be called into question? If so then aye I suppose there needs to be a strong deterrent. I'm assuming it was nothing as bad as spot fixing or he'd be out for life.
  13. I mean I'll still make the trip, but it's just a massive headache with her strop and it'll cost me bigly to make amends.
  14. Matchday 3 (for both CL or EL) is on/around my wife's 40th birthday. So aye, we're getting a glamour trip somewhere mint that week. Just how life always works out for me I'm afraid
  15. 'Don't take me home' was Bordeaux I think. Which was also a cracking away trip.
  16. If we need to win that to stop Liverpool or Man Utd from getting top 4 then half their crowd will be willing us on to do it
  17. Aye I'm happy enough to write Leicester off now. Last spot is between Leeds, Everton and Forest.
  18. I thought that, but seen a still and the little tick of white that looks like it could be the trim on Jones' left sleeve is (well I think it is anyway) Evans' boot. Onside is the right call there in fairness.
  19. The other important context here is that we hadn't actually "finished" fifth when everyone left at the end of the Wolves game. There were two away games left, Southampton and Liverpool, and if we had won both then we would have qualified for the CL. Not sure if that makes it more understandable or even worse that so many left at the end of the game but it's always struck me as ridiculous to do an end of season lap of the pitch when there was so much left to play for.
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