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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. All this stop start is fucking ourselves over as well. We can't get into any rhythm and that's not going to help
  2. That's a fucking penalty that. Scouse commentator "Newcastle wasting time here."
  3. I wouldn't have left Burn out for this one personally. Oh well, in Eddie we trust I suppose.
  4. Still scarred from the Cup Quarter Final there in 94/95.
  5. I feel like a line has been crossed here mind. Lobbong coins, smokebombs, fireworks outside team hotels, nonces tie-cabling themselves to the goal are all expected in a relegation scrap at Goodison. But that's just fucking rude.
  6. The Everton fans I know are mainly sound but as a fanbase they can get a bit odd if things don't go their way. There's definitely more of an "edgy" atmosphere in the pubs when we play Everton away compared to Liverpool.
  7. Fair question. I know it's not what you're getting at, but for me it's a no-brainer until he's proven on merit that he's the best available option for the team. Can't see how Joelinton or Murphy get dropped after the weekend, and if Murphy did get dropped or rested then Almiron would be the better option for me. Once he's an invaluable member of the team then it's a conversation to have, but now it would seem like weakening the starting xi just to poke the bear.
  8. I'm guessing, from his point of view, he sees thousands of people cheering, waving flags and some (although not many for Otzi) singing along and thinks all is good. Of course, the relevant context is that after a 6-1 win against Spurs or battering Man Utd his job is redundant, he could play sunderland songs accompanied with photos of Mike Ashley and Dennis Wise on the big screen and he would still see a positive atmosphere in the stadium. There was an article about behind the scenes staff at SJP last year and he featured in that and I remember some positive quotes (possibly from Staveley) praising him because he reacts to the crowd when selecting his songs which is important for a DJ. Hence why Hey Jude is such an "inspired" choice of pre-match music despite lots of us thinking it's wank, generic and far too scouse. He has relatively recently started picking a post-match tune of relevance e.g for one of the goalscorers (it was "Give it up" after the Wolves game where Miggy scored the winner.) As a gimmick I think this is a bit wank, but will I join in anyway? Aye probably, because basically I like having a sing at the match. Im doing so am I encouraging the nonsense? Possibly, it's Catch 22. I'm hoping that whoever gets to liaise with the club about it, be it the Trust or Flags or whoever, will pass on some constructive criticisms because rocking up and saying "he's shite get him sacked" like a two-year-old won't get anyone anywhere. But if someone the owners trust can bend their ear and explain that he's a bit much and it's really not necessary to get an atmosphere going then they might get some joy. The volume is ridiculous and a matter of urgency and Doris fucking Day in particular needs to never ever ever be played again at the stadium because nobody needs to be told to celebrate getting to a major final. Apart from that, and in fairness to him, it isn't the DJ that decided to adopt DJ bastard Otzi as a Callum Wilson chant it was our bloody fans so we're partially responsible for that one. Tldr; We either need a new song for Isak ASAP or we're going to be hearing a lot of ABBA over the next year or two but hopefully not so loud it bursts the fucking eardrums.
  9. 7 games left. 3 wins and 4 draws would mathematically do it regardless of however many hypothetical 25-0 wins anyone else manages. What a great position to be in. I'd happily take tonight as one of those draws and back us to do enough in the remaining 6 games. Be a good test as well. It's going to be a hostile atmosphere and we will need to be calm and clever enough to play the game not the occasion and not rile the crowd up unnecessarily. Balls it up tonight and Leeds away suddenly looks a bit more scary.
  10. Feel a bit sorry for him. None of his mates get in bother for shagging their gull-friends
  11. Same. Went tonthe concourse in shock and said to one of the lads I think I've taken a bang to the head or something, but I think it's 5-0 to us.
  12. If they've got any sense they'll forget any ideas about playing from the back and get it direct to Kane between the lines with that little cunt Son running in behind off him. If they don't then I'd fancy us. It will be a harder game than the bookies think anyway. Can widely get over 3's on a Spurs win ffs!
  13. The whistle going at Anfield as soon as it ticks over to the 5 minutes. Course it does when Liverpool are winning
  14. Holgate missing the game on Thursday will help our cause I'd presume
  15. Do you think promotion would mean these chancers finally fucking off and selling to decent (and/or rich) owners? Could be a club-changing season if it does. Would also be another factor impacting on your chances next season.
  16. When I was younger I spent the summer of 2005 working in Victoria and seeing a bit of the US/Canada Pacific coast. Brilliant place. The mackems organised a series of games in that area for their pre-season that year. They got slapped 3-0 off the Whitecaps iirc. But the biggest embarrassment would surely have been the game they played in Victoria at Royal Athletic Park. Their opponents were the "BC Allstars" which comprised of (I think) players from College teams across the province who had been assembled for that game. To say the BC team weren't taking it particularly seriously would be an understatement, they were in the bar at the Strathcona building at lunchtime and pretty much drew the starting line-up (and formation iirc) out of a hat and I remember hearing one of them say if they kept the score to single figures they'd be happy with that. As for the match, I only got there for the last 5 minutes after work so didn't see most of the game but the mackems only won 1-0. They went on to have one of their record-breaking Prem seasons that year!
  17. I thought it was embarrassing in the lower tier yesterday. Didn't really get going until 3-0 down songwise. Plenty of giving the players grief until that point but not a lot of encouragement. Which is basically what was required at a loud hostile ground where we're struggling to get going on the pitch.
  18. Suspect I'm on the same train as you. Left Leeds about 20 minutes ago.
  19. We "imported" that Jared Gillett from Australia (granted he spent two years in the EFL before reffing Prem games) and he's one of the worst in the league. There's something toxic in the English game which is absolutely fucking up the way VAR is used. It's certainly not abuse from the fans but I don't think it's because English refs are intrinsically or genetically blinder/more incompetent than other nationalities.
  20. If you mean Brum then bars near New St are the best bet. Briar Rose Spoons will be open earliest but think the Shakespeare and The Railway both open around 10-ish.
  21. Think the first 15 minutes will set the tone. If we get through that without giving the crowd anything to get excited about or Joelinton giving them anything to get angry about then we can gradually impose ourselves. I feel if we have a particular defensive weakness it's that playing a high line leaves us vulnerable to pace merchants like Watkins. Especially if Pope tries to be a bit clever in the sweeper-keeper role. 2-2 draw appeals for some reason. Watkins 2, Isak and late Gordon equaliser will send us home relatively happy.
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