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Everything posted by gjohnson

  1. Well...by my wreckoning we still have 81 points to play for.. Half of this should se us get Europe of some description pretty comfortably. Three quarters should see us in the champions league, and another 75 should see us pushing City for the title. On the pessimistic site...we only need a few more wins to not be relegated ?
  2. Baines....so scouse you couldn't have even put in in Brookside without people you were taking the piss out of scousers. Great player though and took a wicked free kick
  3. They can and will be. managers are frequently hauled up for asking questions about referees. I would be more suspect if Arteta wasn't asked before the Committee to 'explain his remarks'....followed be a £100 fine and a 'don't do it again you naughty boy' warning
  4. Balls to Arteta. If it had been the other way around he'd be complaining about having 3 separate incidences looked and how it should have never gone to VAr in the first place. Fact is that that VAR took the unprecedented step to look at three separate minor incidents in order to attempt to rule out this goal and still legitimately couldn't. I've never seen them review previous incidents like that and shows they were desperately trying to rule it out
  5. He was a very good player....should have been at a better team than Everton. Very similar to Merino in a lot of ways but did it better and longer than him. Never came across as the spoilt arse that he does now....too much time lurking around city getting g everything his own way?
  6. Well the Mysterons didn't help Captain Black out today....if it was us I'd expect EH to complain ina more dignified matter....yes the ball over the line could be debatable, but in a true line its just in....never any foul from big Jo, and not remotely offside. Truly shocking that they took 3 looks in the first place, which does just show how desperate they were to disallow it.i, very not seen that before as 1 has always been enough.
  7. I think they'd tolerate it if there was a chance of us going deeper into the Champions League...raises attention to their highest profile football asset (like it or not, yes we are) which in turn increases attention to their own league which I suppose is ultimately their aim
  8. Mitrovic....just for the bantz lol.....although it would be interesting to see what EH could get out of him, as he's basically a much better version of Chris Wood
  9. This is a Newcastle player remember....if they float they're a witch and get burned at the stake....if they sink, they were innocent but are still drowned
  10. He's gone up in my estimation from "a local kid who loves the club" to a player we would now genuinely miss if he isn't playing
  11. Balls to them...they're light years behind, and it would take a miracle for them to get anywhere near us now. I mean dropping all of FFP restrictions and them being taken over by the mythical Sunderland fan with a few billion to spare. They are only rivals in the local sense of the word now. Kind of like a flea on a cat or dog...yes aware of it and a minor irritation but nothing anyone could realistically take serious as a threat. At present they're nothing to us. Their sole claim to superiority is based on our debatable ownership, while theirs is based on a young lad who does not at present have the resources to contribute anything remotely required for a top league club.
  12. Got to admire his increased confidence to try that half volley that misses by millimetres. Almost a shame that Matty didn't progress in the same way
  13. It's no coincidence...they work well together. Probably our best line up. Longstaff is getting better every game, and isn't far away from being an essential component
  14. Got to love Schteve in the background with the "what's going on here" look slapped all over his chevvy chase
  15. He did indeed, but it was his freakish chimp dna which made him one of the best attackers going
  16. Never got this weird obsession we seem to have about putting any defender who can remotely pass in to midfield? On the few occasions we've tried it it's been nothing short of a disaster. Has it ever worked out for anyone? Can't think of a single defender who moved to midfield and did well. Worked OK for Mascherano going the other way, but even that was a massive exception. Possibly Marquez about 15 years ago Needs to be killed...killed with fire.
  17. Didn't realise Cameron Ferguson was up at Forfar. We clearly don't rate him as that league is utterly dire...watched them regularly while at University, and I could walk in to their team now despite being 40+ and pushing 15 stone
  18. The revenue will start to drop the longer they're away from being the best...remember up to about 1997 we were so close to them in terms of everything financial. A few bad years coupled with massive increases in tv money put us decades behind in the space of a couple of years. It might take longer but reputation doesn't last forever...the longer they stay away from the top, their global influence will start to decrease and eventually the ability to bring in the most lucrative deals will start to fail. It's starting already....I'd never seen a kid wearing a Man City shirt around here until the titles started rolling in, but now they're 10 a penny
  19. Think they'll have a bit too much for us to win, but can certainly see them being a lot more worried about coming here now than they have in about 20 years
  20. Issue is that we're quite unpredictable at the moment, and still have incidences of shooting our selves in the foot. A few more minutes of concentration against Liverpool, West Ham and Wolves, we'd be sitting in second and being talked of as title challengers. Yes I know...if only me aunty had b******s she'd be my uncle, but that combined 30 minutes has cost 7 points, and those brainfarts have a massive tendency to hit us just when we're feeling good
  21. Certainly looking that way at present, but ten Hag was considered one of the most up and coming forward thinking managers in Europe. Wouldn't swap him for EH now, but at the time, liars aside most were disappointed that we didn't get a "big name/exotic" manager in.
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