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Everything posted by gjohnson

  1. Issue is i know football very well...no manager is more than 6 games from the sack. Bad days at the office can happen, but they're happening far too often at the minute. Yes EH has done a great job and has been stuffed by injuries and bad luck this season, but that won't be how it looks when going across a desk at PIF.
  2. Bet your mortgage on that? Would not be remotely surprised if the owners weren't looking at other options
  3. Well not really. He will be under pressure given the aims of our ownership...out of 2 cups in the space of a week, and now losing to one of the worst teams to ever grace the Premier league. He wouldn't be if we hadn't overachieved last season, but the expectations were set and he's falling massively short of them this year
  4. Well to be fair he is. He'd improve every team in the league possibly with exception of Man City
  5. De Gea isn't looking like such a bad idea now
  6. As much of c**t he was he's head and shoulders above Bruce. At least he never once claimed to be a life long fan/geordie
  7. I think you're overestimating how much companies place on social fallout. They may well analyse it, but if they can make more money by doing something unpopular that will be the result unfortunately. 1000 corporate customers paying 1000 for a box/ticket is better than 1000 paying 6/700 for a regular seat
  8. That would be so delicious. He'd love another chance to rub our noses in it and bring up Casa St James. Unfortunately he seems to have dropped off the radar now, so as someone else said...it'll be a proper pfm or some random from abroad. I reckon it'll be Heckingbottom from Sheff U when he gets binned. Seem to recall he may of had a loan there when they were taking every man U reject/youngster they could
  9. gjohnson

    Nick Pope

    It may be harsh on them, but we've had 2/3 keepers on the bench purely to make a point of injuries. If it continues I'd rather have DeGea sitting on our bench than Gillespie, as I do agree that Dubs deserves his chance and has been mostly reliable in his whole time here. I'd happily wager most on here have seen more of de gea playing than either karius or gillespie. Regardless...this lot seem to generally know what they're doing with transfers. The only really major balls up coming with Tonali
  10. Thought he was doing OK for them. Not performing miracles or anything but still giving them a decent promotion chance....are they just hoping for their usual manager bounce in time for the cup tie??. Got to make it 7 in a row Marra
  11. gjohnson

    Fabian Schär

    Schar is so underrated by everyone outside of Newcastle its almost criminal. He clearly is one of our best defenders, but getting any opposition fan to even k ow his name is virtually impossible... Suppose every team has a player they rate and love that no-one else seems to rate at all
  12. Well, Eddie gets the pizza, Jason drops it down the drain, Graeme then takes it to Big Jo, who proceeds to s**g April
  13. It is usually a signal to the board/owners about needing more players in, or to highlight to the media how big an injury crisis is to deflect from the performance if it was poor, or highlight how brilliant the team is if it's good
  14. I do have the misfortune of working in Sunderland at the minute, and it is like I've stepped into "Back to the Future" every day. It's like 93-95 every day
  15. gjohnson


    A red card in one of his first games??? Like it or not international managers tend to remember that kind of thing, and will sew the elements of distrust which could well prevent future involvement
  16. Not sure mind. It would be a laugh just to see the rest of the league raging, and it would open up a load of financial gain for us. Just think it would disrupt the good team spirit we seem to have
  17. A whole world of nope. More trouble than it's worth
  18. Really not important at all....Premier League, Premiership, 1st league....everyone knows what is meant by it, so I'd say that ranks about 999th most important things to discuss. Hell, my grandad still calls it Top league
  19. gjohnson


    Didn't even know he was called up. At least he's getting some recognition for how good he's been recently. Might have stuffed any future involvement, but it does show that international managers (Southgate aside) are paying attention to our team now
  20. And that was so effective at getting anything actually done
  21. This is the voice of the Mysterons...we know you can hear us earth men, and we do not approve of this statement
  22. But the mysterons told us we would win...Capt Black guaranteed it. Balls to them ....s***happens in football, sometimes you gain from it sometimes you lose. There is totally a conspiracy favouring the big teams, just no-one seems to like/appreciate that we are now involved
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