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Ankles Bennett

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Everything posted by Ankles Bennett

  1. My genuine concern is Bruce wont resign but will sell our best players to generate cash to bring in players that love bruceball!!!
  2. Has this excuse for a football manager not been sacked yet! Of course he wont resign that would mean his contract wont be paid up!!!
  3. I can wait a bit longer.....that's what I said when we lost the FA cup final in 1974, and again when we lost the League cup final in 1976, had my hopes raised in the Keegan years and again in the 1998 and 1999 Cup finals, and now here I am in 2020 having waited 46 years to see us win a domestic trophy and still waiting. Don't assume the law of averages means you will see us win a trophy eventually. We may win something one day but we may all be pushing up daisies if and when it does happen!!
  4. We're also comfortably above the drop zone. Bruce is Ashley's dream manager. We wont be after the next 3 games!
  5. When you look at the players he has managed to ruin in 18 months ASM, Longstaff x 2, Schar, Almiron, Lewis to name a few. If these players were sold now compared to their value before Bruce demoralised them completely, I do wonder how much transfer value he has managed to wipe out???
  6. He also implies it could be through Aramco. If it is through ARAMCO we will experience the same problems as PIF because ARAMCO is owned 100% by the Saudi government.
  7. Perhaps he is going to be dealing with a really heavy workload over the next 3 weeks?
  8. I reckon Bruce believes that if you put a team out without any tactical plan, the opposition won't know how to counter!
  9. It's more a case of Ashley facing the prospect of Bruce devaluing his asset currently valued at £340m or replacing Bruce with someone the prospective buyers would want in charge.
  10. Ah . . "we all know" do we? I look forward to reading your posts after the Takeover! You wont read a thing from me if it goes thru. I'll be too busy enjoying my football again to bother coming on this forum.
  11. We all know that somehow the EPL and the big 6 will find a way to f*ck us over and block this takeover. Hope I'm wrong but there is an hidden agenda behind this and we all know what that is. However I do wonder whether we might get expelled from the EPL of we lose our legal challenges against the EPL!
  12. When you say waste of space, I take it you mean between Bruce and soon? Got it in one!
  13. If we dont sack the waste of space called Steve Brucesoon, the consortium may well pull out altogether as they wont want a championship side.
  14. It's significant that the PL held up the takeover by offering arbitration which some say could take up to two years to resolve, by which time the "Big 6" would have grabbed power and would then veto our takeover. It's so obvious that was the reason behind the delaying tactics.
  15. You can see it happening, Bruce sells Almiron and replaces him with that hack Phil Jones who is years past his best, which was never very good anyway!
  16. Assuming the takeover doesn't happen, when fans are eventually allowed back into stadiums, we should all stand and turn our backs when the teams line up for kick off whenever we play one of the "Big 6"teams, especially when it is televised. At least then other fans watching on TV will ask why we do it and will then realise that the PL is corrupt and only interested in looking after the welfare of the "Big 6" at the expense of the other 14 teams in the PL!
  17. Isn't Stephen Clemente one of our first team coaches. Commiserations to him and has family.
  18. Thought this post would have created more of a frenzy. This lad doesn’t get a team selection wrong does he ? I think it's just indicative of how lethargic everyone is about the whole thing. I'm not sure many people have the energy left to get excited about rumours. People are just sick of hearing things that could mean something only for it to end up meaning absolutely nothing. 7 months of that and now people hardly take any notice. It could be that this will be resolved within the next month. It took 8 months for the Southampton takeover to go through. We have been waiting 7 months so far, so we may only have to wait one more month to see this takeover go through.
  19. There's more chance of Joelinton going through Southampton's defence like a knife through butter than the takeover happening in the next fortnight. Goto bed. If you disagree that's fine just explain how and why you reached that conclusion, but no need to be unpleasant.
  20. My take is that maybe the takeover is going to go through within the next 2 weeks Failing that it's another delaying tactic.
  21. Surely it's possible that the legal team Mike has hired have looked at the PL stance regarding the takeover and concluded he has zero chance of forcing the takeover through.
  22. There are only two people that appear to be ITK on here and neither have said it is close. Mimms has said that it may be a few weeks today but before that has always said that it would be months. Mimms did say make sure you have cans or something along those lines but yesterday’s news shows is the takeover isn’t anywhere close to being back on. Please don't say what he didn't say. He said you might want to make room for can's. However it will be few weeks later not now. Jesus Pretty sure he said the takeover is still a long way off. Talking like next year I'll take next year as long as its the first of January 2021!!!
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