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Ankles Bennett

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Everything posted by Ankles Bennett

  1. The answer to that is simple, they do. https://www.amnestyusa.org/issues/national-security/ good point. The likes of Amnesty and Human Rights Watch have been critical of the USG for as long as they've existed. I wasnt looking but wasnt aware of Amnesty condemning the Wilder Fury fight.
  2. If SA were completing a £4bn deal to buy Man U the media would be pi**ing themselves with excitement and not a mention of human rights abuse.
  3. The US government don't own sports teams No they dont they just murder their prisoners.
  4. It's interesting that Saudi Arabia are condemned as a murderous state by Amnesty because they torture and then execute by decapitation, yet no one blinks an eye at the USA encarcerating terrorists in Guantanamo bay and torturing them and the majority of their states execute prisoners by injecting drugs or electrocuting them to death sometimes after they have been on death row for 25 years. Why doesn't Amnesty condemn the USA of sports washing when they stage sporting events!!
  5. Why pay £8,5M for Bentaleb and let M.Longstaff go on a free? Give Matty what he wants and don't sign Bentaleb. That would save us £8,5M plus wages. Can't see Matty demanding more than Bentaleb is earning. Do we know what Matty wants in terms of wages? Rumour has it that he is currently on £850 a week, that equates to £45k a year which isn't too shabby. For a Premier League footballer? Aye, in 1985. That's one week's wages for a below average PL player True when you realise an average player is on £45k a week but you would think £20k a week for a breakthrough season isn't beyond a reasonable demand.
  6. Hope so, stuck a fiver on a few months ago at 80/1 when a bit tiddly Cant see it happening at least until the season is over. I think Spurs put in a clause that he has to pay back £10m if he takes a job before then.
  7. Why pay £8,5M for Bentaleb and let M.Longstaff go on a free? Give Matty what he wants and don't sign Bentaleb. That would save us £8,5M plus wages. Can't see Matty demanding more than Bentaleb is earning. Do we know what Matty wants in terms of wages? Rumour has it that he is currently on £850 a week, that equates to £45k a year which isn't too shabby.
  8. I wonder if the clubs having to repay the tv money if the season is voided is behind the rumours of reducing the price from £340m to around £300m or even less. If fcb refuses to accept a price reduction PIF may just walk away if they haven't already.
  9. So yet another false dawn! We dont learn no matter how many times we get burnt do we?
  10. If this goes ahead I imagine the Saudis will want a bigger ground. The Reubens own Newcastle Racecourse so could see a new ground being built in Gosforth Park.
  11. High time Bruce was sacked. No tactics, no clue no chance of staying in the epl with this mong in charge.
  12. If this takeover did have legs it looks as though the Saudis will be turning their attention to Manu again. The Glazers have indicated they will sell 80% for £1bn and retain 20%. That looks a better deal than £3bn for 100% ownership. Especially as it would cost them around £1bn to buy us and to bring us up to Manu level in terms of training facilities etc.
  13. Anyone a subscriber to the Financial Times? Its got an article regarding Saudi buying NUFC for £350m. Probably just a rehash of what has been published elsewhere. but just wondered whether it has any legs seeing its published in the FT.
  14. He did scuff it into the ground. To be fair to him the ball bobbled just as he struck it, that's how he scuffed the shot a bit.
  15. Is it a surprise to anyone that a Manchester based newspaper is selling the line that the Saudis really want Manu rather than NUFC.
  16. God no I don’t do Photoshop. I basically don’t believe the takeover will happend but I do believe George Caulkin and I do believe the £250k fee has been paid etc. Thanks for your input LV. And I don’t. If someone has stumped up £250k then it's almost certain they will proceed with buying the club unless due diligence unearths a problem with the books etc in which case I would expect my £250k to be refunded. If it wasnt I would be taking Ash to court. However Ash insists the club is very well run with no debt so that means a sale must go through sooner or later.
  17. Hull accept palace bid o £16m.
  18. Palace in talks to sign Jarrod Bowen. We are obviously concentrating on Giroud and when that falls through we will unsuccesfully be scrabbling to try and hijack Bowen.
  19. I was thinking that if this does happen they may be able to buy back the land that Ash sold so that we can immediately increase the size of SJP to something like a 100k seater stadium.
  20. If it's not confirmed by this friday I cant see it happening.
  21. Willems is only 25 and Rose is 29 so signing Willems once he has recovered from his injury is a no brainer for me as long as Rose's transfer fee isn't too much I dont see why we shouldn't sign both.
  22. No, it's a joint statement by various fan groups. It’s not the best. I just don’t see the point in antagonising him, and the last line does exactly that. Exactly this. If I was Ash and saw this statement I'd pull the plug just to spite them!!!
  23. Interesting that the leak came from the WSJ. I wonder where they got the information from? Perhaps it was from someone who has been in the USA until recently?
  24. Been supporting the toon all my life, and the only trophy I have seen us win was the Fairs Cup back in 1969. I know many of you guys didn't even see that. Personally, I just want us to win the EPL or the FA Cup, or the Champions league/Europa Cup once before I die. If it means being taken over by SA then so be it. As has been said in earlier posts if it conflicts with your beliefs on human rights then don't go. I personally wont go on holiday to the USA because of their gun culture and their treatment of ethnic minorities as second class citizens, but I wouldn't dream of imposing my viewpoint on this score on others. And lets not forget how many people the USA executes each year, usually after keeping them on death row for 30 or 40 years, and only executing them when they are completely reformed.
  25. fucking great isn't it. if you are that offended by Saudi's I take it you don't put oil or petrol/diesel in your car as that is where if comes from. people get offended over nowt. If we are talking Human rights abuse, Guantanamo Bay anyone? I assume none of the Saudi objectors holiday in the good old US of A?
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