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Claudia Winkleman
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Everything posted by Cf

  1. I always feel sympathy and think it should be somehow taken into account when a mistimed tackle is a result of a bad pass from the other team.
  2. In the sense of "this is how we can improve as a team" sure you can. We become one of the top teams by learning from those errors and not making them again.
  3. It was 50/50 to me. Joelinton has a right to go in for the header but the defender is weak and is going to ground without Joelinton's help in a misjudged header. But then Joelinton does help him on his way, partly because of the position the defender put himself in. Wouldn't be arguing too strongly if it was given as a foul but given its arguable either way just give the benefit of the doubt.
  4. I mean not that we should be in that position but Bruno should be gone too. What is the point of VAR.
  5. Their player just went flying out of control studds first in the air and only got a yellow card. I'd be livid.
  6. I can see why he gave it on the pitch. It's VAR who spent ages on it and then told him his decision stands. I'd be telling them to get fucked and withdraw my services if that's what the decision was based on.
  7. I missed the city one live. Did VAR stop play for that? That's nowhere near the supposed clear and obvious threshold is it?
  8. Cf

    Nick Pope

    I don't think he's particularly at fault for either goal but he didn't exactly cover himself in glory either. The first he probably doesn't save even without being in no man's land but I've no idea wtf he thought he was doing. The second he obviously should have caught but after that it was a combination of poor defending/good play from wolves. He's fine for now but before long we'll want an upgrade.
  9. Cf

    Eddie Howe

    We'll see Livramento/Hall get minutes later in the season. In signing them the club decided to prioritise the long term. Ideally that's both left and right back positions covered for the next 10 years. We could have got more proven players in and it might be better for us this season but it then bites us in future seasons.
  10. Cf

    Sandro Tonali

    Don't see it happening anytime soon but betting should really go the way of tobacco when it comes to advertising. Especially with the years we've had, cost of living, etc, having this stuff rammed down peoples throats seems downright irresponsible.
  11. Cf

    Eddie Howe

    The anything special he achieved for us was keeping us alive as a Premier League force and sticking with us in the Championship. Loads of people were shocked he stayed and assumed he'd have left. He got us promoted and after a wobbly start had us cemented as a solid mid table PL side that wasn't worried about relegation anymore. Even when Bruce came in there was enough residual influence to keep us safe for another year before it unravelled. So whilst it's arguably not glamorous work there's a good chance we aren't where we are today without Benitez. Imagine we got Bruce when we were relegated for instance. Rafa saw the potential here and whilst he ultimately wasn't able to fully unlock it he was a pivotal first step towards doing so. For that he'll always be remembered by me.
  12. Agree that it feels like we should be looking to get some rests in here if we can. Game is done.
  13. Murphy looking much more effective than Almiron so far here.
  14. Palaces xG is nearly 3 times higher than ours. Not going well this.
  15. Schar is just taking the piss a bit here with these continual passes to Tripped.
  16. I understand the blackout but given how easy it is to watch via alternative means in decent quality these days it feels a bit silly.
  17. Wtf is McCoist on about? Going on as if that penalty decision was in some way contentious.
  18. That's awful from the referee. He should be embarrassed by that substitution.
  19. Cf

    Sandro Tonali

    I think what we've done is made signings that are more long term over immediate requirements for this season. See also Livramento and Hall. We weren't expecting to be in CL this season and maybe they're taking it as a free hit and not changing course too much. That said it will have an effect on our league form this season so they can't just ignore it either.
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