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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. Calming them down to fuck right now
  2. I've got no idea how this finishes but I'm loving every fucking minute of it
  3. Not a dissenting voice in the fanbase, even the ultra negative weirdos on here are quiet about it. Definite shades of the Keegan era continue to emerge, and he wants us delivering in the same style ?
  4. Eddie is growing with the group, and his qualities are soaring. As is the momentum building .
  5. Holloway

    João Pedro

    one leg hanging off, 20 mill
  6. Happy to limit the score to respectability are hard to digest posts, given the huge leap that has been injected into our bones
  7. hopefully he has no intention of fucking off anytime soon, having captured so many very young hearts in no time at all
  8. Holloway

    João Pedro

    Fucking hell,he looks good there,like. Silky skills but explosive with it
  9. Frank looks like a fucking bin man down there
  10. Even a bit of King Kev therapy couldn't get them up for this one
  11. taking a point from a shite performance like that will do me
  12. lot of hate for Frankie Dettory like
  13. so much anxiety/irritability getting a decent stream up
  14. Couple of hasbeens in Welbeck and Lallana just waiting to be snuffed out
  15. twice in a row barely a mention on football focus, cunts
  16. Tough one to call. Might dabble in a few Madri's hoping to find a free flowing river ?
  17. well no, intuitively. I am aware of the scraps we're feeding off for leads, but if we do have serious designs on Paqueta it's being kept mighty quiet
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