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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. Gabriel whingeing at his team mates non stop, target the soppy fucker
  2. Massive ironic clap from the crowd when Maxi laid it off
  3. Fuck me the roars at winning tackles, we need a goal to take the roof off
  4. Holloway


    Geed up Joe lad, what a turnaround. I quite fancy him to slot one in tonight now
  5. first I've heard of that, dear me
  6. They won't have to play well to win ? Dunno about that like, last home game at a rocking SJP, we can turn these over. Those comments don't reflect the views of some of their fans I've spoken to, some of them are quite concerned
  7. How exciting, what a talent he looks. Excellent finishing with both feet
  8. Happy enough with DCL and Ekitike for around 60 mill
  9. Ugly fucker isn't he,got fed by catapult as a bairn
  10. Holloway

    Overrated players

    Sergei Rebrov one of the buggest disappointments for me,was so looking forward to seeing him in this league and he was quite abysmal
  11. Oh come on for fucks sake, far too easy
  12. Is no fucker going to pick De Bruyne up, he's running riot out there
  13. How exciting is this, Billy Elliot dancing through your back fower
  14. He`s physically imposing, could make the leap. I`m sure Eddie is on high alert
  15. Kane a great no 9 and not a bad 10 either
  16. Dear me, man u are absolutely desperate
  17. What a story- well done the Gas
  18. Holloway


    Tbf a lot of those lads were sound, nowhere near as extreme as the Weyarside ones,although some of them were fond of painting FTM on garage doors
  19. This little episode might prompt a subtle change in his output, I hope it's not a increase of misplaced passes
  20. Holloway


    I grew up in Hebburn, it was about 70/30 Mag/mackem when I left in the 80's
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