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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. Just purchased a digital membership. For anyone who is considering getting one and hasn't yet done so there is a note on the site declaring that there is only a limited amount remaining,and these are expected to sell out before the season begins.
  2. I`m about as desperate for us to land Paqueta as I was with Bruno, having previously known fuck all about either of them
  3. Also think he could be an astute signing as understudy to Wilson, his movement's good with powerful, direct runs
  4. 4-3 win at Leeds to go top at Christmas 2001. Watched it in a pub in Islington, loads of Toon fans in there. Bedlam when Nobby slotted the winner
  5. Urrgh, shroud for the corpse courtesy of Ashley
  6. Might be general sale, after the tuesday one
  7. https://www.nufc.co.uk/news/ Date change ?
  8. Holloway

    Nick Pope

    A number of Burnley fans bemoaning the low fee, saying it's payback for the Wood business, that'll do me
  9. Holloway


    Oh fuck off with that Raheem
  10. Holloway


    Desperate pundit panel, porridge gob and that mackem who sounds like a female Peytar Beyagree
  11. He had me absolutely spellbound as a kid and was the first of many tragedies witnessed following this club when he was sold
  12. His lack of pace is a pain He got rinsed by Harry Kane
  13. It's John Anderson, innit
  14. Ah, common sense prevails,as you were, Matt ?
  15. Holloway


    Bowen's had an immediate impact
  16. Get in, more than a taj excited for this signing
  17. Looks gazelle like to me, get him in black and white stripes
  18. Does Ando ever come up with a follow up comment, or does he just sit back and watch the forum get a collective semi on
  19. Ekitike Ekitike Ekitike Ek-ee-teekay (hang the dj ) Panic on the streets of Tottenham Panic on the streets of Highbury etc
  20. Shows some good vision in those clips, seems aware of the runners around him. Scuffs a few shots though
  21. Edwards just tweeted we've been quoted 40m for DCL and Toney, make of it what you will
  22. Wilson has decided that he's going to pay some attention to the recovery process after games instead of embarking on 350 mile journeys immediately afterwards so we might be able to keep him fit for a bit longer
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