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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. Shows some good vision in those clips, seems aware of the runners around him. Scuffs a few shots though
  2. Edwards just tweeted we've been quoted 40m for DCL and Toney, make of it what you will
  3. Wilson has decided that he's going to pay some attention to the recovery process after games instead of embarking on 350 mile journeys immediately afterwards so we might be able to keep him fit for a bit longer
  4. Yeah over 40 years ago, fuck knows what's the matter with him
  5. He might be referring to glory hunter types who latched onto them after their European cup success,you still come across the odd one from Devon now and again. He does come across as a strange and bitter individual,mind
  6. 180m spend, 50 of it on the Paqman
  7. Wholeheartedly agree with the last line, but I'd say a disproportionate part of Liverpool's following to these showpiece events are travelling with the intent of bunking in, I've seen it first hand. This unfortunately has a negative effect on the genuine fans, but they don't give a fuck about that. I bet some of those poor fuckers with valid tickets didn't see a minute of that final, that would ruin me
  8. Fuck me, so a valid ticket doesn't guarantee you entry into the stadium and you might even cop a face full of gas should you have the temerity to protest. Stay at home and watch it in the pub
  9. Modric loves the skiprat look
  10. That's a bit stupid doing that for that length of time
  11. Looks to me like defensive work is almost unknown territory for him, body position is alien to him etc. There's been glimpses of him making the right choices last couple of outings, the little run and pass for the assist to Wilson was superb. He'll be getting on the ball more in those dangerous positions with better players around him. I feel it would be madness to release him now, if he can just adapt his game further he'll be a tremendous asset, no matter the opposition
  12. Fresh start for Maxi next season, where our attacking threat will surely be increased significantly due to new arrivals. The awareness mantra will be drilled into him, let's see if he can adapt and up the production
  13. A few years back we had a family get together at SJP for a match v Arsenal, who won 1-0. There was a spare seat going and we persuaded my sister to come along for her first ever game. On the walk to the pub afterwards, she chirped up from the back 'ah well, at least we didn't lose'. Five heads swivelled round in unison. I'm glad no fucker else heard her
  14. Was waiting for him to find his feet and improve, he didn't, really. Some of his efforts on goal were of the limpest variety. As mentioned above his most positive contribution was his relentless pressing, which certainly helped the cause. If he's here next season the most he could hope for is a run out in the cups
  15. Look at them jumping about with their phones man, fucking morons
  16. It's always been a big fixture v Leeds, but their fans are fucking horrible,the one's I've encountered over the years. Plus I'd love us to sign Phillips,and that becomes much more of a possibility if they're flushed
  17. That Rangers fan squeezing out a few tears before the pels ?
  18. Have Rangers got no songs,like ?
  19. Holloway

    Jacob Murphy

    Obertan's cutbacks, they missed the whole fucking team
  20. Holloway

    Overrated players

    Saka. Watched him up close lately, a lot of the stuff he tries doesn't come off. He's a talent but not near the mark yet and I think he might fade to upper echelon mediocrity
  21. Holloway

    Emil Krafth

    Good athlete this lad,built like a 400m runner. Seems a good honest pro,and his improvement means we should keep a hold of him
  22. maybe Eddie can improve the attacking side of his game, if he can its a bonus as he is so solid in his defensive position
  23. Love how he shows for the ball, the mix of instinct and tenacity,and intelligence. He's the biggest steal foe us in living memory
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