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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. Obvious gulf in class but we need to change tack here. Shelvey isn't protecting the defense and Joe is wasted out left so I'd hook baldy,bring Wood on and move Joe to the centre
  2. being worried that Man U were rumoured to be sniffing around him shows how he was performing at the time,his form plummeted for whatever reasons and he`s never looked the same. Eddy,though
  3. I find myself somewhat stoked for this one, just hope we acquit ourselves well and demonstrate our massive improvement. Howay
  4. Paqueta is on his way, we'll have to adjust to him. Such a predicament.
  5. How did the owner of CSKA get it into his napper that Alan Pardew was the answer to their problems ? Are they trying to outdo WBA ??
  6. Convinced we score first against these, in the first 20
  7. Both of them should be in the knackers yard
  8. Holloway

    Fabian Schär

    Good news, 2 years about the right deal. It seems the players love EH as much as we do, and only the laziest one`s weren`t pissed off with Bruce`s methods
  9. We knocked about with a group of scouse reds for a few years around the time of their most tragic and disgraceful moments. Most of them were sound but not a single one of them wanted to pay for fuck all .
  10. Henderson really doesn't want the ball
  11. The Paqueta video a few posts up, there`s a bit of Hatem in the lad
  12. Think we can hurt them if they start as sluggish as today,and they`ve a big game wednesday. But those little angled balls around the box,they are cunts at it really
  13. so that`s 2 x rather handy fullbacks for under 30 mill, thanks ever so much xx
  14. I'm sure he is sound and I have no issue there,so wind you're fucking neck in for 5 minutes eh
  15. Can't think of a worse potential signing than Richarliason, Eddie would be running a mile from that one, I suspect. Can't quite wrap my head around fans of other teams being on here while their teams are playing elsewhere, bit fucking weird iyam
  16. I don't think many here are feeling threatened
  17. Hahaha fantastic piss take by the keeper
  18. We'll have these for lunch on Saturday. Meanwhile, I'm off to Grand old Team for wank of the season
  19. Hendo,proper scouse mackem
  20. When you're deep in the shite, it's time to call on Deli
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