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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. If Wilson is recovering in an ice bath instead of on a plane to Poole to see the missus, we just might fet an extended run out of him. Hope so, he is very high quality
  2. We can't be interested in Paqueta surely, epic fucking dithering if we are
  3. I would say a bit part rather than a big part for the remainder of this season. Shame for him, he's intimated how desperate he is to remain on the journey
  4. there's always the chance of picking up a spare on here via the ticket and travel section
  5. yeah they sold out about 2 weeks back
  6. Holloway


    Hadn't noticed that, but I meet a lot of other clubs fans at various work sites and his is one of the first names mentioned now, alongside his brother of course!
  7. Love his fluidity, the moment he releases the ball he's already on the move for the next passage, he literally never stops
  8. Holloway


    He gets mentioned by opposing fans so much more often now, he's becoming so commanding now. Watching that surging run into the box yesterday, I do wonder if he practises his shooting enough, he had the time to comfortably bury that and he snatched at it
  9. I don't know what the editing team at MOTD were doing but they managed to make that game look less one sided than it was, it was evident from even the ropiest of rivers that we gave them quite a pasting
  10. As dominant a 2-0 as you'll witness, drooling here at the thought of a little more guile upfront
  11. That is a fucking exceptional effort from Callum Wilson,?
  12. Went for 9th as things stand, based on the unity at the club and what we can achieve with momentum. Fully expect to see improvement in several individual players due to the input of one man. With a couple of astute additions I see no reason we can`t be sniffing around 7th
  13. Daily progression eh, strong words. If Eddie says he's ready...
  14. Positioning looks immaculate, delighted with him so far. Haaland up in a few weeks
  15. Just tried a pint of Madri, it's not too bad at all ?
  16. Witnessing his development here is going to be very exciting, he looks like he has the game to make the step up. Hope he stays and then maybe revaluate things in january
  17. Upper regions of the cuntish premier
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