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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. We'll have these for lunch on Saturday. Meanwhile, I'm off to Grand old Team for wank of the season
  2. Hendo,proper scouse mackem
  3. When you're deep in the shite, it's time to call on Deli
  4. Geedup, the football gods are aligning ?
  5. The skiprat is quite a good player, preferable to the bottle blond shithouse
  6. Lampard doesn't want a feather in his cap, he's already got a birds nest going on up there
  7. Nowt worse than a scuffer across goal
  8. Cheered that Burnley goal like the scouse mackem tramps hater that I am, it felt wonderful ☺️
  9. 2nd in the table since january is fucking astounding for this group of players ?
  10. Oof get in big J. Nice bit of play by Murphy
  11. Yeah I know. Multiple mentions recently of Gayle being the best trainer at the club surprises me, whenever I've seen recent footage from sessions he looks to be moving like a pensioner
  12. There's no striker anywhere to be seen in that line up but in Eddie I trust etc
  13. Joe must be getting pushed up front after his recent admirable attempts at goal
  14. Xhaka pearler moments after collecting his 50th yellow for the club
  15. The absolute shite contesting 4th spot this season
  16. Shelvey has upped the graft lately, it's gramd to see
  17. When you look at the Beardsley compilations the goals are breathtaking, really
  18. Mitro,well done you nutter
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