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Everything posted by Nattfare

  1. It's "Let's play!", but if that doesn't work, he switches over to "Have a go!"
  2. The only response Steve Bruce deserves whenever he opens his gob to spout his shite.
  3. Inspiring instructions. Yes, these exactly the same shouts could be heard when he managed Sunderland.
  4. His angry alcoholic barking during games is grating on my nerves.
  5. He's the Fred Fuchs of football.
  6. Purely Bacon Hoof It Like Dummett
  7. The Bruce Menace Attack of the Steves Revenge of the Bacon A New Excuse The Cabbage Strikes Back Return of the Bacon Bruce Awakens The Last Excuse The Rise of Bacon
  8. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Bacons.
  9. 3 Steves https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1187043/?pf_rd_m=A2FGELUUNOQJNL&pf_rd_p=e31d89dd-322d-4646-8962-327b42fe94b1&pf_rd_r=NR0H9QQ3Z3X204PGNCWD&pf_rd_s=center-1&pf_rd_t=15506&pf_rd_i=top&ref_=chttp_tt_80
  10. He should go back home to his swamp. He's not cut out for the life outside of it.
  11. Eh, he's no Jeff Hendrick, like.
  12. Wonder what average former English player they will pull out next to champion the almighty Geordie Supreme that is Steve Bruce. Find out in the next episode of Clueless Cunts and Noncenuggets!
  13. Pretty sure he is a wanker though.
  14. Bruce is doing Doctor Death a favour as he was feeling lonely under Rafa.
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