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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. UncleBingo


    Tim Nice-But-Dim been seen a few times out and about in Newcastle too......He's being very naive and can have no complaints if somebody puts him on his arse to be fair.
  2. That's one of the things they need to be doing imho. The other, and I might get some flak for this, would be trying to open some dialogue with Ashley himself......get him sat down and say look, we're not going away, can you please just do the honourable thing and sell the club on. He may see it as an opportunity to gain some decent publicity and more importantly for him, save some face. If he doesn't want to know, the gloves need to come off. Honourable thing :lol: Aye Sorry but that's just funny. Ashley isn't just going to have a major u-turn. If this stuff about the training ground invitation is true, then he's obviously someone who likes to have his ego massaged, and it's worth a shot. If he refuses to meet them or dismisses it out of hand, it's more bad publicity for him, so there would be nothing to lose imho. It's virtually impossible to second guess the bloke, so who knows how he would react?
  3. That's one of the things they need to be doing imho. The other, and I might get some flak for this, would be trying to open some dialogue with Ashley himself......get him sat down and say look, we're not going away, can you please just do the honourable thing and sell the club on. He may see it as an opportunity to gain some decent publicity and more importantly for him, save some face. If he doesn't want to know, the gloves need to come off.
  4. If it was most pundits I'd agree it was just some stupid passing comments. But the fact he's financially in bed with Ashley alters that for me. Worth registering complaints re this bias?? What does everyone think?? https://bt.custhelp.com/app/contact_email//c/6564 Done. Obviously as a BT customer I'm absolutely incensed and considering my options.
  5. I'm thinking yes, everything that's going on in football, especially at Man Utd and we appear to be what everyone is talking about.....more and more sticking in the boot into Ashley too and presenting the facts. Keep up the good work people, don't let up.
  6. 50:50 - Jenas and Humphries talking sense, Rio and Dunne waffling absolute shite. Worth mentioning Rio has done work for SD in the past and is probably on the payroll, add him to the bad list
  7. Now that his address is public knowledge, I think a pig's head impaled on his front gates, with a sign underneath written in blood saying 'YOU'RE NEXT CUNT', would go down a treat. Thoughts?
  8. In stupidity scale that's about the same as saying the victim of domestic violence is just as much to blame for staying in the relationship as the abuser. It’s not like It is like. They arent helping get rid of him but to say they are to blame for it is idiotic. This has been to done to death, but the Rangers fans who opposed Ashley at their own club, said that it didn't particularly matter whether you went to games or not. Negative publicity for Ashley and for Sportsdirect should be the target, that being the only thing he truly cared about. Obviously that requires folk to get off their arses and do something, as opposed to lecturing to people on a message board. I'd say they were in a better position to talk about it than most.
  9. The media have picked up on my Twitter pics with regards the state of the ground. Been interviewed by the Chronicle this morning and they've taken it up with the club and are meeting the facilities manager at SJP next week to investigate further. They've also been asking questions about my ST cancellation and might tie it in with the story.
  10. Its your middle sentence that nails it. The message from the very top that defines the culture of the club is that we are driftwood and there is no desire to do anything other than just survive in the Premier League or when that fails get back up first attempt. In any business if that is drilled into you - and its visible from the lack of care in the ground, the training facilities, the outsourcing of many departments compounded by the public attacks on anyone showing any form of wanting to do better for the club - no manager can beat the culture. The real worry is that Rafa is keeping a semblance of professionalism in the playing staff, remove him and watch it all fall apart Personally, I'm hoping they sack him or he walks, then the owner and the Rafa detractors can get the manager they deserve......and everything that entails. Fuck them. He certainly deserves better than this.
  11. Do you give any thought to him hoping that Ashley might sell, that's why he's staying in the hope we are sold. That's not going to happen man, I genuinely believe the club isn't for sale because if it genuinely was someone would have took it. Its all Ashleys games saying its for sale to give us idiots hope This. Ashley and his minions/paid mouthpieces keep reminding us how he's pumped money into the club to keep it running. Noone in the media seems to want to address the fundamental question this poses - why does he still own such a massive loss making organisation if it personally costing him money, especially given that someone has offered him £250m straight up cash or £350m through incentivised deals? If NUFC was really costing him more than it's making him he should have cut it loose as soon as he got a reasonable offer. By rejecting good offers it indicates NUFC is valuable to him and almost certainly making him money/richer, directly or indirectly. Or how has the debt doubled under Ashley, when we've spent nowt on players (£30m net in 11 years) and fuck all on the facilities and infrastructure. Quite simply, where has the money gone?
  12. I despair. Funnily enough, that's what I feel everytime you post anything.
  13. Just cancelled my two for me and my lad. And for clarification, the way we played on Sunday is fuck all to do with it, Benitez and a few of the players are literally the only decent thing about the club nowadays.
  14. It's on BT, they usually don't. Didn't last season and had a go at Ashley for it, not Rafa. Rightly so. Ki and Diame as a stating cm pair for NUFC in 2018 in the premiership is utterly tragic Who would you play there?
  15. We're raking in £100m plus from the TV deal and our ground is in a worse state than Gateshead's across the river, who haven't got a pot to piss in. People need to get as much photographic evidence as possible, to shame the arsehole in to doing something.
  16. They'd mentioned it on his show earlier.
  17. Indeed. We need to get as many pics as we can of the state of the ground, and get them tweeted to journos and people in the media. It's another stick to beat him with, and one his Bishop minions can't deny or blame on Rafa. Get snapping folks, the grimier the better!
  18. Check out @read_avidly’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/read_avidly/status/1034372629484978176?s=09
  19. Well well well. amazing what you find in the trash. Im now convinced there is a conspiracy to remove Rafa from NUFC and appoint Allardyce. Absolutely no doubt about it in my mind.
  20. That needs to be asked at the forum mind, the state of the stadium nowadays s an absolute fucking disgrace. St Jaded Park.
  21. Seriously, minus our 3 best players/3 making their debuts and with what we had available yesterday....what do you think would have happened if we'd gone toe to toe with Chelsea? You’ve missed my point. We didn’t go toe to toe with Tottenham, we defended but had enough on the pitch to counter. We didn’t have that at all yesterday so just sat and defended. We were lucky to score. It’s about finding the balance, that wasn’t balanced against chelsea like it was Tottenham and like I’ve said, Tottenham were a bigger threat than chelsea last season. I don’t mind it against any of them away, citeh at home, maybe even Liverpool if they are on fire. But chelsea, Tottenham and arsenal we should be treating the same. We did it right first game, yesterday should have been the same again. Far too much respect was shown to chelsea, we beat them 3-0 only a few months ago. Not sure if Rafa let his relationship with Sarri climb inside his head, but that was far too much respect. And you've missed my point about our 3 best players missing, and 3/4 making their debut. With no Shelvey or Kenedy, we have zero creativity. Also the Chelsea we played yesterday weren't the players who had stopped playing for their manager/on the beach/saving themselves for the World Cup.
  22. Seriously, minus our 3 best players/3 making their debuts and with what we had available yesterday....what do you think would have happened if we'd gone toe to toe with Chelsea?
  23. I don't really give a fuck what you heard on your TV, you weren't there, so you don't know what you're talking about. Again.
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