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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. Stop referring to our fans as mugs, and making judgement on people's lives, as you're coming across as a right patronising c***. You clearly jumped on board during the Keegan glory years, and hopped off when we weren't as good. For some, being a football supporter is following your team through thick and thin.....it's very hard to walk away. I managed it for 18 months but started going again as I missed it, and more importantly, my son wanted to go......I wasn't going to deny him that chance, or see him grow up supporting a Man City/Chelsea or whatever. You've done the same there no? either way what you do is totally up to you but you're making it seem like if you don't go to home game its not following your team through thick and thin? that's not how it is, end of the day the stadium is in the city centre, easily accessible its not difficult to go to games, its harder to not go really. People can still be die hard supporters and not go to games, I don't like that people equate the two things. I went to my first game when I was 5, even went on away trips with my older brother when I was very young, but i couldn't go to home games because I lived away. I've literally wanted a season ticket my entire life but I just can't under ashley, that doesn't make me any less of a fan. He's not really suggesting that tbf, that not going to games doesn't make you a huge NUFC fan. HTT is talking a load of w*** and enormously generalising imo but that's his opinion and he's entitled to it. UB is just saying it's hard for those going to games to just stop on a whim, not that HTT can't have opinions for whatever reason. That's what I got from it anyway. It is hard I agree and I should know as I refuse to go but I won’t let that fat c*** take the p*ss out of me one more day and won’t be back until he has gone which I have no doubt will be years. You say he didn’t mean it like that then why mention thick and thin and Keegan glory boy then. This forum totally illustrates the divide between the support in general about what the support should be doing to put intense pressure on the utter cretin of a owner. West Ham fans although maybe a tad too much showed the type of action which should be taken. Won’t happen here though. Saw the Keegan jibe as a response to calling everyone in the ground on a match day mugs who deserve Pardew tbf. See my post above about lack of unity. It was, I shouldn't have bitten but it gets right on my tits.
  2. Stop referring to our fans as mugs, and making judgement on people's lives, as you're coming across as a right patronising c***. You clearly jumped on board during the Keegan glory years, and hopped off when we weren't as good. For some, being a football supporter is following your team through thick and thin.....it's very hard to walk away. I managed it for 18 months but started going again as I missed it, and more importantly, my son wanted to go......I wasn't going to deny him that chance, or see him grow up supporting a Man City/Chelsea or whatever. You've done the same there no? either way what you do is totally up to you but you're making it seem like if you don't go to home game its not following your team through thick and thin? that's not how it is, end of the day the stadium is in the city centre, easily accessible its not difficult to go to games, its harder to not go really. People can still be die hard supporters and not go to games, I don't like that people equate the two things. I went to my first game when I was 5, even went on away trips with my older brother when I was very young, but i couldn't go to home games because I lived away. I've literally wanted a season ticket my entire life but I just can't under ashley, that doesn't make me any less of a fan. He's not really suggesting that tbf, that not going to games doesn't make you a huge NUFC fan. HTT is talking a load of w*** and enormously generalising imo but that's his opinion and he's entitled to it. UB is just saying it's hard for those going to games to just stop on a whim, not that HTT can't have opinions for whatever reason. That's what I got from it anyway. It is hard I agree and I should know as I refuse to go but I won’t let that fat c*** take the p*ss out of me one more day and won’t be back until he has gone which I have no doubt will be years. You say he didn’t mean it like that then why mention thick and thin and Keegan glory boy then. This forum totally illustrates the divide between the support in general about what the support should be doing to put intense pressure on the utter cretin of a owner. West Ham fans although maybe a tad too much showed the type of action which should be taken. Won’t happen here though. What is it you're doing as a fan to put intense pressure on Ashley? Staying away is all well and good, but seats will just get bought by students and PL day trippers. To me, the AO placards and demos (ive been part of all of them) at the ground have been the best way of getting at Ashley, but I'd certainly like to see it get a bit more militant and personal.
  3. Stop referring to our fans as mugs, and making judgement on people's lives, as you're coming across as a right patronising c***. You clearly jumped on board during the Keegan glory years, and hopped off when we weren't as good. For some, being a football supporter is following your team through thick and thin.....it's very hard to walk away. I managed it for 18 months but started going again as I missed it, and more importantly, my son wanted to go......I wasn't going to deny him that chance, or see him grow up supporting a Man City/Chelsea or whatever. It’s got f*** all to do with supporting the club through thick and thin. I’ve been going from the early 70’s, season ticket holder well over 40 years and went to the majority of away games but that fat c*** put an end to it by wilfully attempting to strangle the very life out of that club whilst ensuring that he purposely attempts to p*ss off and take the p*ss of it’s own supporters and of any manager who shows an ounce of attempt in trying to progress the club. If you want to go and get the p*ss taken out of you by going that’s your choice but to say it’s supporting the club through thick and thin by going then that is total and utter bullshit I quite clearly said some people see it as their duty to support the club through thick and thin.
  4. Stop referring to our fans as mugs, and making judgement on people's lives, as you're coming across as a right patronising cunt. You clearly jumped on board during the Keegan glory years, and hopped off when we weren't as good. For some, being a football supporter is following your team through thick and thin.....it's very hard to walk away. I managed it for 18 months but started going again as I missed it, and more importantly, my son wanted to go......I wasn't going to deny him that chance, or see him grow up supporting a Man City/Chelsea or whatever. You've done the same there no? either way what you do is totally up to you but you're making it seem like if you don't go to home game its not following your team through thick and thin? that's not how it is, end of the day the stadium is in the city centre, easily accessible its not difficult to go to games, its harder to not go really. People can still be die hard supporters and not go to games, I don't like that people equate the two things. I went to my first game when I was 5, even went on away trips with my older brother when I was very young, but i couldn't go to home games because I lived away. I've literally wanted a season ticket my entire life but I just can't under ashley, that doesn't make me any less of a fan. It's your choice whether you go or not of course, I'm certainly not going to slag anyone off who has decided to stay away. It just annoys me see our die hard fans referred to as 'mugs' and worse by people who don't go anymore.
  5. Stop referring to our fans as mugs, and making judgement on people's lives, as you're coming across as a right patronising cunt. You clearly jumped on board during the Keegan glory years, and hopped off when we weren't as good. For some, being a football supporter is following your team through thick and thin.....it's very hard to walk away. I managed it for 18 months but started going again as I missed it, and more importantly, my son wanted to go......I wasn't going to deny him that chance, or see him grow up supporting a Man City/Chelsea or whatever. The McKeag era was shit, especially watching three of the best English players of a generation move on due to lack of ambition. Boycotts were attempted back then with little success (I watched a rerun of Hillsbrough 74 in the New Cannon in Low Fell when we played Leeds for example), what worked was people going to the ground, and protesting in and out of it every week. I agree people need to stop buying stuff at SJP and certainly avoid SD at all costs, but protests inside and outside the ground are the way forward imho, along with campaigns on social media.....maybe get the Russians on board?
  6. this is exactly the type of thing this new group should be pushing imo....people will think they can't cancel their DD but they need telling they can the moment the window slams shut and we've no players Right, that's me in.
  7. Renewed my season ticket, but the first DD payment doesn't come out til the 1st August. Where would I stand legally if I cancelled the DD and told the ticket office I want to cancel my ST?
  8. 10k is the going rate to hire a Hit Man or so I'm told. How much to hire Her?
  9. i find this a strange criticism myself unless there's more detail i'm unaware of, at the time he bought the club ashley was a very successful but reclusive billionaire with the money to buy and run a football club don't know how anyone could predict how things have gone personally Wasn't it also the case that Hall felt he'd took the club as far as he could, and that it would take someone a lot richer to take it to the next level? I don't think Shepherd's mis-management helped, it got to the stage we were getting in a bad way IIRC, by the end I think they just wanted to cut and run and let someone else deal with it. possibly yeah, i'm just intrigued by the idea that hall should have identified ashley as a complete c*** at that point in time when no one even knew who he was... i mean if one of the richest men in the country came in to buy your club and one of his stated aims was to use it to help market his business it's a reasonable assumption he would do more or less the absolute opposite of what ashley has done Hall didn't give a flying f*** about the good of the club. He was entrusted with it for buttons then refused to put a penny of his own money into it (so much so that his wife did to keep Keegan) and allowed it to be used as a cash cow, paying his family millions in dividends, even when we were in the red. I don't believe that he would've considered the good of the club for a second, just the good of his wallet. Wrong on so many levels. SJH never wanted to own NUFC, but wanted to help save it from the likes of McKeag and did offer it back to fans. He put his own money in buying shares, millions. Anyway it wasn’t his money the club needed, it was his vision, his ambition, his business acumen. He never hid from the fact that he was a businessman and saw NUFC as something he could profit from, hence why he floated the club. But he only took out what the club was worth after he had transformed it because it wasnt even worth the money he paid towards the shares back then. And he cared about the club. It wasn’t a cash cow to him, it was a cash cow to his son and the Shepherds and his mistake was handing his son such a big stake. He sold to MA because he was in no position to run the club, he was basically a silent partner and why shouldn’t he sell his shares? The alternative was to become another McKeag and keep it in the family for generations. FS couldn't afford to buy him out. I’d have sold if I wasn’t in any way able to run the club. SJH never took a penny out, the money he made from the club came from MA’s bank account not the club’s. His son and the Shepherds on the other hand... SJH along with KK were the only f***ers who believed in NUFC and did their damn best to turn us into the biggest club in the world. When we were going for the title with Man Utd they only turned over more than us because of the CL and extra seats, we were turning over more than any other club and not even the likes of Barcelona or Real Madrid could beat us in the transfer market or for wages. Floating was the wrong choice in retrospect, but it was a logical next step for a top PL brand at that time. I won’t hold Ashley against SJH, again we all thought we had landed on our feet when this billionaire sports retailer rocked up. I guarantee SJH has lots of regret towards the end of his time as chairman/owner/shareholder of NUFC. I don’t know how anyone can slag the man or hold him as some kind of c***. Remove SJH from our history and we wouldn’t have had the 20 years prior to Ashley or even exist because there was no f***er else who had the money and balls to take on mother McKeags and certainly not the savvy vision SJH had for the club. Hear hear. I've read some ridiculous rewriting of history with regards SJH over the years, mainly due to the fact he was a Tory.
  10. Same here. I quite happily tip a pint over his head if I saw him in a pub, at the very least.
  11. Not so sure myself, certainly all the match goers I know are ready to walk away. And they will be replaced. Possibly if we're still in the PL, drop down to the Championship with some yes man in charge and I think the crowds would fall away massively.
  12. Not so sure myself, certainly all the match goers I know are ready to walk away.
  13. Might have been posted already, but this is spot on.... https://www.football365.com/news/newcastle-the-club-where-tomorrow-never-comes
  14. imo worthless opinion it's purely down to their history of sustained success, they know what the club has been and won't accept it being any less (or trying to be any less) all we've got is support the team not the regime because we've never known anything but that being our reason for existence Wasn't the case in the late 80s and early 90s. Though the only thing I've been able to distil stuff from about that period is the old documentaries that the BBC have done which are on YouTube. United Supporters For Change group, boycotts, mass grief for the board. Though that board actually turned up at games and lived in the city. Ashley doesn't and won't give a shit. But we should certainly at least try. It got quite nasty against McKeag towards the end of his tenure, loads of protesting after the match behind the Milburn Stand and fans having to be dispersed by the Police.....I even ended up on the front of the Sunday Sun after one such event under the headline 'Faces of Hate' or something . Even if he wasn't there, similar protests and the media coverage it would receive would definitely hurt Ashley, likewise attacking his stores in Newcastle.
  15. Same, now gutted I wilted in the end. Same here. I'm just looking at it as the chance to enjoy Rafa's last season before he leaves and the club disappears into the abyss. Even with my low expectations, I didn't think it would be this bad mind.....utterly shameful.
  16. Still plenty of time left yet to surpass this in the incompetence stakes. If I didn't know better, I would say he's trying to get Rafa to walk.
  17. Good post, hopefully he's got enougb credits in the bank to give him at least a crack at another WC, but who knows with our press?
  18. UncleBingo


    Wow, love The Don me like.
  19. UncleBingo


    Been watching England at World Cups since 1982, and that was definitely the most accomplished performance since Paraguay in 86. This is very winnable.
  20. UncleBingo

    Ki Sung-gone

    Should kick start the season ticket renewals if nothing else. What a time to be alive.
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