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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. For those taking part in the social media campaign, would it be possible to have a thread at the top of the board with a list of accounts and sites to hit? Also maybe with some guidelines too.
  2. Dropped my lad of at Sports School at Heaton Grammar today, and the Hoss was there with his niece......great with the kids, seemed like a really decent fella.
  3. Well the people who got him out at Rangers beg to differ. Ive just explained how their situation is different from ours in a previous post ( above ) could you do me the honour of actually reading it I did, but you're vehemently sticking to your 'walking away is the only way to go' line, despite these chaps saying it actually isn't.......that's your prerogative of course, but I'm more inclined to believe folk who have experience in this matter. Theres is a difference in that Ashley owns 100% of our club as opposed to his Rangers shareholding , so our Ashley problem is way bigger than theirs and i would say needs a bigger and more extreme response in the form of complete abstinence from NUFC until he's gone . Now , given the passivity and sometimes downright stupidity of some of our fans , i'm not holding my breath whether thats going to happen anytime soon . Sure SD should be a target as should HOF and owt else he owns . People often forget though that the biggest and best protest they can ever make is just simply walking away . Can you actually read and comprehend ? Yes, I can read and comprehend you cheeky cunt, but ultimately, you're still waffling on about the same thing. I'll listen to people who know what they're talking about thanks.
  4. Well the people who got him out at Rangers beg to differ. Ive just explained how their situation is different from ours in a previous post ( above ) could you do me the honour of actually reading it I did, but you're vehemently sticking to your 'walking away is the only way to go' line, despite these chaps saying it actually isn't.......that's your prerogative of course, but I'm more inclined to believe folk who have experience in this matter.
  5. Theres is a difference in that Ashley owns 100% of our club as opposed to his Rangers shareholding , so our Ashley problem is way bigger than theirs and i would say needs a bigger and more extreme response in the form of complete abstinence from NUFC until he's gone . Now , given the passivity and sometimes downright stupidity of some of our fans , i'm not holding my breath whether thats going to happen anytime soon . Sure SD should be a target as should HOF and owt else he owns . People often forget though that the biggest and best protest they can ever make is just simply walking away . But as per the words of these fellas, the thing he cares about most is Sportsdirect.......how is walking away from NUFC going to affect that? It denies him our £££££ and it fucks up his ability to use our club as an advert for SD The income NUFC receive from gates is tiny compared to the TV money though, that's what he wants. Expecting an entire fanbase to desert en masse is completely unrealistic though, has it ever happened anywhere before? Even if half the ST holders gave up, he could flood the ground with cheap tickets that would snapped up by day trippers, such is the pull of the PL...I just don't think an empty SJP is a realistic thing.
  6. Theres is a difference in that Ashley owns 100% of our club as opposed to his Rangers shareholding , so our Ashley problem is way bigger than theirs and i would say needs a bigger and more extreme response in the form of complete abstinence from NUFC until he's gone . Now , given the passivity and sometimes downright stupidity of some of our fans , i'm not holding my breath whether thats going to happen anytime soon . Sure SD should be a target as should HOF and owt else he owns . People often forget though that the biggest and best protest they can ever make is just simply walking away . But as per the words of these fellas, the thing he cares about most is Sportsdirect.......how is walking away from NUFC going to affect that?
  7. It's interesting that the Rangers fellas said that it's fine if you want to go to the game, but you must take part in the protests......also that SD was the one true thing he cared about, and that should be our target. What do the likes of HTT, tubes, Little Waster etc. who've been quite happy to label everyone as idiots, have to say about this?
  8. 100% this. It needs to be communicated by the Magpie Group asap.
  9. Ooh, that would look spectacular if it were to go up in flames. #RememberCallersPegasus
  10. To the Rafa Benitez song.....First draft. Ashley's a dick head (other insults are available) Ashley's a dick head Ashley's a dick head Lack of Investment, Contempt to Rafa, Lies, Greed and Profit 1, 2, 3, 4......
  11. Insulting fellow fans, questioning their intelligence and blaming fans is the absolute wrong way to try and gather support against Ashley's ownership of the club. Having a pop at fellow fans while hiding in Predator mode is seriously cowardly. :lol: :lol: Indeed, what an absolute bellend.
  12. Hit him there. Make sure a store of his can’t operate for a few hours or a day and the viability of it will be hit massively. This.
  13. Sadly don't get back from Mallorca until Sunday morning, so won't be there, however will be attending any subsequent protests. Hats off to all attending.
  14. Absolutely why anyone even discusses it is beyond me. It takes us fucking ages to even conclude any deal and people still think we can do some in 2 days...wake up We are done and no one else will come in until next summer. Basically Rafa has signed his last player for us What a pair of emotional drama queens! We'll know soon enough. Just take it easy. My goodness! Man up! Idiot fans like you are why Ashley gets away with taking the piss and why he is still here Sorry but it needs saying Know it alls like you, who continually play into his hands by dividing our fanbase are the real reason Ashley is still here. Sorry, but it needs saying.
  15. He won't be going anywhere whilst Rafa is here. Rafa keeps 90% of our fans content enough not to be bothered by Ashley or any protests Oh for fucks sake, wind your neck in man. This whole protest movement has started to gather pace because of Rafa, and him exposing the owner as a liar in public. You, and others like you, belittling our fanbase at every opportunity because you think you know best has had absolutely fuck all affect. Either get behind it or keep quiet.
  16. I wonder if he genuinely believes he is some sort of saviour to the club, the training facilities are fine, that we should all be grateful to him etc etc......perhaps by surrounding himself by patsies and lickspittles like Charnley and that other cunt, they've massaged his ego so much, he actually believes all that nonsense? Or, he's just a massive cunt? Either way, it's certainly getting to him......crank it up to 11 and let's see if we can stop his heart.
  17. Nothing special can or will happen though. All Rafa is doing is delaying the type of protests we need now by a year. We need action now but it won't happen while he is here. This is just a dead year. Au contraire, I think this coming year is the most important and interesting year for fans under the whole of the Ashley regime - Rafa vs Ashley. It will generate wide publicity about how badly our club is being treated. The fact that there was an article in German about a middling English football team with a Spanish manager and no German players, at the top of the front page of the German sports magazine, kicker.de, shows that our plight is gaining traction internationally. Really looking forward to seeing how much damage Rafa can do in these last 12 months. Very much this. I do hope the 'yous are all brain dead sheep' brigade', will be getting involved in any protests against Ashley/Sportsdirect, as well, and aren't just internet gobshites mind.
  18. I hear James Collins is still available on a free.. Him and Rondon would be a cracking end to the window You know something, and this might sound stupid but they've obviously realised the value of lowering expectations at nufc so I'm really wondering if this window, same as last summer, isn't some power play with intent to make profit but to push the boundaries of what is acceptable to everyone so far that when we end the window with a few patch up signings we'll eat the shit sandwich. Of course it is we already have morons grateful for Rondon. They are so easily pleased now Ashley has down a fantastic job on them. I always said Newcastle has the best support in the country. With how things are going now it must be one of the worst You’re way too harsh on people who don’t agree with your way of being a fan. Agreed. Cannot abide people this arrogant.
  19. I think he regrets not selling to the Mansour lot. He's waiting for proper money to be involved. Wrong ... the only way he sells is via a mass and continued boycott of season tickets / attending matches / buying merch etc and us dropping a couple of divisions . When the club starts costing him serious money - then he'll sell To add to that if we can create problems for Sports Direct then he'll be wanting to sell. Currently Sports Direct benefits from his ownership, free sponsorship with no drawbacks BUT if we can change that then suddenly he'll have a decision to make and will undoubtedly be under pressure from shareholders to deal with it. This. If his ownership of NUFC starts to have a negative effect on his other businesses (SD in particular), he will offload the club pronto. That's why the pressure through social media and otherwise, must be sustained. I think the Magpie Group should look to get some decent PR people on board, and that would mean some funding.....I'd definitely stick my hand in my pocket.
  20. UncleBingo


    The Don with his tranny lap-dancer by the looks of it.
  21. I take it you’ll be at the next AGM yourself? No but London based mags can be. You don't have to attend the AGM in person, you can just down vote every board recommendation from the comfort of your own home and all for around £5. I'll have some of that.
  22. He knows fuck all tbh Good lad, definitely not one to bullshit for the sake of it, has some reasonable connections TBF. I hope he's hopelessly wrong here obviously.
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