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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. Yeah, basically this. Basically, fuck the pair of you.
  2. Fair enough. I just take exception to this person labelling everybody as an 'idiot' and a 'cunt', just because they don't follow his view point. It's not the first time he's done it either. So your response is to call me a cunt ... ironic ... Would you disagree on my wider point that they indeed have agency and that they can boycott , that they are not incapable ? Unlike you, I respect anybody who won't go to games anymore, I have mates in the same boat......I certainly won't label them all as idiots/cunts for do8n so. I take exception to people like yourself who can only see their own way, and who then label everyone else as cunts and idiots. It's breathtaking arrogance of the worst kind......the fact that you haven't even got the courage of conviction to say it to people's faces, means I'm quite happy to label you as a cunt. Big difference. You walked away whenever and your seat was taken up by someone else, so what else have you done in the meantime to get Ashley out the club? I Walking away is all anyone needs to do . theres never been a need for protests , not eating the pies etc ... just walk away Simplistic bollocks. To my knowledge, there has never been an example in the history of football that an entire fanbase has simply walked away from a club, which has led to a change of ownership. I stand to be corrected. I totally agree with individual boycotts and any other form of protests, and have taken part and will continue to do so. Hopefully they will grow and become more varied and militant, and start to impact his businesses. Sounds to me like you've just washed your hands of the whole thing, and have taken up calling people idiots/cunts on the internet. That's not really going to achieve s great deal now is it?
  3. Fair enough. I just take exception to this person labelling everybody as an 'idiot' and a 'cunt', just because they don't follow his view point. It's not the first time he's done it either. So your response is to call me a cunt ... ironic ... Would you disagree on my wider point that they indeed have agency and that they can boycott , that they are not incapable ? Unlike you, I respect anybody who won't go to games anymore, I have mates in the same boat......I certainly won't label them all as idiots/cunts for do8n so. I take exception to people like yourself who can only see their own way, and who then label everyone else as cunts and idiots. It's breathtaking arrogance of the worst kind......the fact that you haven't even got the courage of conviction to say it to people's faces, means I'm quite happy to label you as a cunt. Big difference. You walked away whenever and your seat was taken up by someone else, so what else have you done in the meantime to get Ashley out the club? I
  4. Fair enough. I just take exception to this person labelling everybody as an 'idiot' and a 'cunt', just because they don't follow his view point. It's not the first time he's done it either.
  5. Everyone is capable of boycotting ... some just choose not to , for all the reasons you've delineated and some equally moronic ones you haven't ... but everyone who buys a season ticket is an adult human with agency , they could boycott but they'd rather not ( the c***s ) Get to f*** man, you super fan c***. Lol its the idiots who still attend matches that claim to be the super fans ... its not a tag i've ever embraced , so shove your insult : ) I presume you call our ST holders and match going fans 'idiots' & 'cunts' to their faces? Or possibly just on the internet, would be my guess.
  6. Everyone is capable of boycotting ... some just choose not to , for all the reasons you've delineated and some equally moronic ones you haven't ... but everyone who buys a season ticket is an adult human with agency , they could boycott but they'd rather not ( the c***s ) Get to fuck man, you super fan cunt.
  7. I'm in two minds as to whether to cancel my ST direct debits before the season starts, as we're clearly going to make a profit this window....my lad would be gutted mind. However, if there are some proper old school protests planned against the lying c*** in and out of the ground, I definitely want to be part of that. Thoughts?
  8. They said on Twitter they had spoken to some people from the original group earlier today. Supporters for Change - as it was back in the day. The principles of staying away from games will have little or no bearing as it did then. The fact McKeags etc all pretty much worked and lived locally made them very reachable by the support. Interested to see what you think might work, if anything? Get relegated and stay relegated. Perhaps go as far down as the mackems. As long as the cash cow is surviving every season then there's not one single chance he'll sell up and move on. In the next 3/5 years we'll drop again - just hope we don't come back up. Or make his association to NUFC so toxic, that it affects his other businesses. Getting people to stay away from the games has always proved difficult, however a full stadium, carrying out well organised forms of protest, particularly in high profile televised games will definitely have an effect in my opinion. Apathy and the 'why bother' brigade are going to be the biggest hurdle to overcome though.
  9. Fully behind this, and will join in any form of protest that I can.
  10. I think that's been pretty obvious for a while now. Rafa knows it too but I'm sure he's staying til the end of his contract to piss them off/hoping that we get sold. The fall out when he leaves should be spectacular.
  11. Almost certainly with a 2nd class stamp too.
  12. Is geordiedean the utter mong who posts on RTG too?
  13. I'm sure he'd take some joy out of selling us to a shitter owner, however it's all about what he can gain from it, so best offer wins. Unfortunately there hasn't been any serious offers to consider. Or there has been serious offers BUT he isn't really interested in selling? Closest we've come is the mess Staveley made last year, but it looked like she was just a tyre kicker with no real interest apart from looking to pick us up on the cheap. Now, i know we want him out, but he's not going to accept an offer that doesn't suit him. I wouldn't accept an offer for a possession that wouldn't suit myself either. If she was serious then they would have found an agreement, found the £50m or so to make the deal happen. They didn't and it was telling for that they tried to use a dirty trick media campaign to force his hand (which failed spectacularly) rather than come back with a better offer, something we'd expect from the current owner. IMO it would have been out of the pan and in to the fire, only with less potential financial backing. Mind, Staveley may have been hung out to dry by potential backers. Maybe at first she had a few that were worth a fortune and they liked the idea, but for whatever reason they pulled out so she tried to do it on her own. This would be why she couldn't make a second reasonable offer, if so then see the original point; not real offer was made. Staveley met Ashley’s price for the club, Ashley then went and put the price up as soon as we did, and we arn’t talking about £50m here, we are talking another £100m, another third of the price. Staveley has the money to pay that, assuming Ashley wouldn’t put the price up again. However she has plans for the club which includes about £150m of immediate investment. Around half of that would have been for players. Another half would have been for the training facilities/academy, and stadium improvements. From what I understand it wouldn’t just be training and acedemy upgrades, but a whole new training ground and academy complex in a new location. The sort of campus that Premier League clubs are building, and something that would be for every age group could use. It would also have meant that we would be able to invest a lot more into the woman’s team and included a female acedemy. All of this is what Rafa has said is essential to the club long term, and as I have said it’s what the bigger clubs in the league are doing. Staveley was nowhere near a tyre kicker, she even went out of her way to being in the Rueben brothers who own land in Newcastle that is to be developed in order to not only kick start the development of the club, but the city as a whole. Give over. This is basically what George Caulkin said, and he's seen evidence of the bids made. Ashley doesn't want to sell unless at a ridiculous price - hence he put the price up to £400m. Exactly this. The lad I know in the Middle East spoke to Staveley, knew the people involved and that they'd verbally agreed to the deal. Ashley changed his mind out of the blue after a boozy lunch meeting, and released the 'time waster' stuff through Bishop/The Sun. Anybody who believes the Ashley side of this story, is quite frankly, a fucking idiot.
  14. I can see Lascelles being tempted to a move to a CL team, but Leicester? Nah, not for me.
  15. Looking at the videos, the comparisons with Bellamy look way off, he does look more of a nippy striker around the box like Okazaki. Racist.
  16. Stick the figures up over Ashley's entire ownership, as the whole net spend is skewed by McClaren's spunkage.
  17. Don't act like you can resist some newsnow or newcastle-online updates when you are on holiday Must............resist.......
  18. Both disgusting and depressing in equal measures....luckily I'm away on Thursday for 2.5 weeks, so I can avoid this utter shitshow.
  19. Very much this. Social media is a very powerful tool nowadays, constantly hassling/belittling/trolling them online is a f***ing excellent tactic in my opinion. Raise money and get the Russians/Chinese spammers involved should be the next course of action imho.
  20. Takes one person to be found out (inevitable) and it'll spread round the stewards and everyone will be searched more, though Do stewards have the right to take a piece of paper off you?
  21. A bit route one but a really militant and persistent social media campaign against SD is a good place to start. Any hackers out there?
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