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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. Well well well. amazing what you find in the trash. Im now convinced there is a conspiracy to remove Rafa from NUFC and appoint Allardyce. Absolutely no doubt about it in my mind.
  2. That needs to be asked at the forum mind, the state of the stadium nowadays s an absolute fucking disgrace. St Jaded Park.
  3. Seriously, minus our 3 best players/3 making their debuts and with what we had available yesterday....what do you think would have happened if we'd gone toe to toe with Chelsea? You’ve missed my point. We didn’t go toe to toe with Tottenham, we defended but had enough on the pitch to counter. We didn’t have that at all yesterday so just sat and defended. We were lucky to score. It’s about finding the balance, that wasn’t balanced against chelsea like it was Tottenham and like I’ve said, Tottenham were a bigger threat than chelsea last season. I don’t mind it against any of them away, citeh at home, maybe even Liverpool if they are on fire. But chelsea, Tottenham and arsenal we should be treating the same. We did it right first game, yesterday should have been the same again. Far too much respect was shown to chelsea, we beat them 3-0 only a few months ago. Not sure if Rafa let his relationship with Sarri climb inside his head, but that was far too much respect. And you've missed my point about our 3 best players missing, and 3/4 making their debut. With no Shelvey or Kenedy, we have zero creativity. Also the Chelsea we played yesterday weren't the players who had stopped playing for their manager/on the beach/saving themselves for the World Cup.
  4. Seriously, minus our 3 best players/3 making their debuts and with what we had available yesterday....what do you think would have happened if we'd gone toe to toe with Chelsea?
  5. I don't really give a fuck what you heard on your TV, you weren't there, so you don't know what you're talking about. Again.
  6. I'd say it is back to apathy already. All the posts I've have seen today have been talking about the football side of it and no anti Ashley stuff. The anti Ashley side of thing is at the very least on a par with anything that happens on the pitch. I'm still sure a lot of our fans still have no idea how bad Ashley is and just don't get it. They have been worn down and brainwashed over 10 years. I haven't forgotten what NUFC was like before him and should be again though Please don't lecture people who've been to the game about what went on in the ground, when you weren't there yourself.
  7. You want Benitez out, I'll ask you again.....who would you put in charge? Answer the question.
  8. Was the outcome not decided by the managers tactics? Do you seriously think we deserved anything from that abberation? So what tactics would you have played with those players to beat that Chelsea team?
  9. Who would you bring in as manager?
  10. Barely a bad word against him in the ground as well. Staggering. The support has definitely changed since I had a season ticket early 00s Total bollocks.
  11. I prefer 'you lying fat shithouse', get out of our club. Kind of defeats the point. Been saying for ages that the 'fat' needs to be dropped. Ah, thought it was the Cockney element that was the issue......What about you 'lying spiv shithouse'?
  12. Indeed, quite staggering really. Especially as Rafa has done more than anyone to mobilise than fans into actually doing something about Ashley.......he'll keep ramping it up until the end of the season, and when he walks, the club will implode imho.
  13. I prefer 'you lying fat shithouse', get out of our club.
  14. Would love to see Ashley's face when he reads those comments.
  15. Now a ShiteDirect shareholder, anybody off here going to the AGM?
  16. Aren't they all top pals with fat sam and isn't there an long term spat between Rafa and fat sam? Aye. Plus Keys and Gray hate Rafa, have done since he was at Liverpool. No clue why. Forrin?
  17. I'm attending with my son.
  18. The danger with this is that these knobheads are trying to use us to become relevant again. We're best off ignoring them and leaving them out in the wilderness. No one in their right mind listens to a word they say anyway There's always gobshites in the media craving relevance & attention, I'm just surprised beIN sports have allowed this to happen as it's making them look incredibly biased.
  19. Regardless of the fact it's about NUFC, I find it both worrying and disgusting that a supposed neutral media source, can be so obviously biased on this issue. We need to be asking questions of beIN, and be putting plenty of grief their way too imho.
  20. Me too mate, I'm finding it impossible to enjoy Rafa's last season with us because of this leech so I'm quite happy helping with the relentless tirade of abuse heading his way and against anyone who stands on his side, I won't stop, I just hope the majority are in the same boat too. This, definitely in this for the long haul......also trying to get as many people on board as I can. Probably my last season there but I'm not going quietly.
  21. This is how I read it, we pay them for the merchandise, they sell it and keep the lions share of the profits, risk free for SD and just another of the 1000 ways Ashley pockets the club's cash. Matt will be along soon to deny this like, but I 100% believe the money is vanishing through clever accounting and payment for services that the club doesn’t need. Absolutely no doubt about it in my mind.
  22. Sorry but that's bollocks. Fans do what fans do, nobody deserves someone to come and take their club hostage. Fair point. But don't moan about something and then fund it. Have you listened to the True Faith podcast with the Rangers fans?
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