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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. This. Every West Brom win is another nail in Pardew's managerial coffin. Beautiful.
  2. UncleBingo


    He's got more than a whiff of Michael Knighton about him, the two-bob spiv c***. The Don ffs.
  3. UncleBingo


    I recognise that chap on the left. Thats "Odd Bodd junior" out of carry on screaming. Haha....one for the teenagers. Great spot.
  4. UncleBingo


    Just been listening to Mickey Gray on the wireless and he reckons this bid has been accepted without them even looking at the books, and noth8 gbhas been signed yet. Thinking about it, there's no way a bloke like Short writes off nigh on £150m without some sort of caveats, no way. My gut feeling is this Stewart fella is some two bob chancer who will be borrowing against the club's assets. They're going to be losing money the day he takes over, will he have the money to cover the losses? This could go very wrong indeed, be careful what you wish for springs to mind!
  5. UncleBingo


    I think we need to see who the other backers are before making judgement, this bloke only has a net worth of about £8.5m or something, definitely more Moat than Mansoor. For all Short's faults, he had the financial clout to cover their losses, that has now disappeared. Also heard a rumour that all their assets (aol, sol, Charlie Hurley centre) are now owned by someone else and they're effectively tenants.....that could just be wishful thinking mind.
  6. It was a poor performance, but again, we should not be losing to this WBA side at home. Either should Man Utd after spending half a billion or whatever. It's football, shit happens.
  7. Especially with our "world class" manager. You've got issues. If having 'issues' is telling it as it is then yes, I have issues. Sorry, the Rafa appointment hasn't excited me much but the football in the main has been pretty bland, dull and in the main utterly shit to watch. There's some think it a mortal sin to even contemplate that Rafa could be criticised. Your issues are more to do with getting off on being an internet WUM. Not exactly the most grown up thing to do is it ? I assume you teach lessons in a Noddy car. Calling yesterdays performance 'fucking garbage' is WUM? Is it really? Seems the few I've read on the thread after my post who suggest they actually attended agree with my sentiments entirely. And I'm puzzled as to what my chosen profession has to with anything? Haven't seen you around these parts for a while, been on holiday or something?
  8. UncleBingo


    Totally agree. There's this complete and utter bell end and his mate sit in the same row as me, spends his whole game shaking his head and shouting at players....noticed he booed at the end yesterday. Was with my son so just left it, but going on the piss for the Chelsea game without the boy, so I'm going to tell this cunt in no uncertain terms what I think of him.
  9. As poor as today was, I can't believe some of our fans booed at the end......I know it was only a few but fucking hell man.
  10. Not like Juve to get a decision like that mind. Awful.
  11. Off to the match now, trying to think of the last match we had nothing to play for.....haven't been this relaxed in years.
  12. Which goal? V Carlisle in the early 80s where he slide tackles someone and then chips the keeper. It was Brighton. Michael Thomas v Liverpool.
  13. UncleBingo


    Apparently there's a crack squad of vigilante Mackems, going over to Newcastle to teach the two blokes who made that video a lesson.
  14. This reminds me of our game against Bilbao when we were 3-0 up and absoultely battering them.......people started doing the mexican wave and shit and they scored 2 late goals. Lost the away leg 1-0 and went out.......brilliant trip though, what a great city.
  15. Would be absoutely spectacular to spunk this from 5 up. Lovren is just so bad.
  16. Better than having your beloved Real Madrid in another one. Beloved The way a few people here absolutely hate the fact I support another team besides Newcastle is hilarious like and Real probably will be in another one, they're not playing Liverpool tonight m8 You 'support' them!? Fucking hell. If Falowashola sees this and doesn't reply then he's gone forever, like. what a crazy world we live in, huh? Imagine people supporting teams from places they've lived. Mental! There's no such thing as genuinely supporting more than one team, like. And if there was, then it should be a banishable offence. That's some absolute bollocks like Nah, the thought of supporting more than one team shouldn't even cross your mind imo. Couldn't care less how anyone wants to justify that sort of nonsense to themselves. This.
  17. Pathetic....that gormless cunt didn't even jump.
  18. Tactical horror show from Roma this mind, genuinely embarrassing.
  19. Nice finish but absolutely hideous defending mind.
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