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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. 2 good strikers would make a huge difference to our side TBF. I think Rafa would settle for 50m plus sales to be honest, it'll be the training ground plans that will be the issue, as effectively, Ashley has no intentions of spending a bean on it, or any long term plans in place at all. Rafa is constantly talking about the potential of the place and ambition.....and we all know Ashley has absolutely none as far as NUFC is concerned.
  2. I'm sorry but that's s****......they had a deal agreed in principle, then Ashley went out, got p*ssed at a business lunch and bad mouthed them to his pals at Sky. Is this the 3rd time this club has been 'for sale'......and Ashley the business genius still hasn't managed to sell it?!
  3. Yep, not my fault Guv..............and nothing from Rafa since.
  4. I like the Fulham manager (whom I can never spell his name so he'll be forever that to me), but my money would be on the return of fat Sam unfortunately, the public apology last year and acknowledgement was clearly engineered to pave the way for his return should Rafa leave. He's the perfect manager for Ashley, absolutely perfect, gonna keep that PL TV money rolling in but in no danger of ever reaching the point where he needs to dip his hands too deep into his pockets. Just imagine the scenes if Lardiola returned.
  5. He's probably been asking Charnley/the club to clarify next season's budget since the Arsenal game, but as usual, they've been fobbing him off and not giving him any answers. He was quite clear about wanting the situation resolving asap, and clearly has just had enough of them fucking about.
  6. I don't think he'll go to West Ham personally, it's Everton I fear.
  7. Pretty much this. Ashley doesn't give a s*** as all he does is read about the 'protests' (or most likely just informed of them from Penfold) while raking in tickets from a sold out St James' Park. There's no way it sells out at SJP if he goes, no way......especially when he brings in some sap like Moyes. All the season ticket holders I know to a man have said they're not renewing if Ashley fucks Rafa off.
  8. The protests would be in the form of the non-renewal of season tickets.......he certainly wouldn't be getting my two back. This wouldn't just blow over this time, and I think even Ashley realises that. Benitez has single-handedly doubled the club's value, surely even the businessman in him can see this, even though he clearly knows absolutely fuck all about the football side of things.
  9. If its not likely then why cry about it? Like I said, stop wetting your knickers. Klopp to Madrid or poch to Chelsea is more likely to see us lose Rafa when then merry-go-round starts spinning. Direct to wham? Like you've just said, not likely. You're a bit rich to accuse someone of wetting their knickers, after your frequent overreactions and indeed knicker-wetting throughout Rafa's tenure.
  10. Sham gone - bad news, think they might go for Rafa.
  11. Met him about a month after we went down in Ocean Beach Club in Ibiza on a Sunday afternoon and had a good bit waffle with him and he said he’d love to play for us under Rafa in the Premier League and waxed lyrical about our support, the stadium and the potential of the cloob so I can 100% see it happening if Rafa is keen! Really good lad actually especially when he got the round in Badly spelled Darren with the info, so could be a goer?
  12. Jay Rodriguez according to some lad I know.....he used to get decent info, not sure about nowadays. He's be an upgrade on the Hoss if he stayed fit, but not one to get too excited about.
  13. UncleBingo


    Which two players have they got at the World Cup? The Don and who else?
  14. Hats off to all those involved this season, it has definitely added to the feel good factor and whole match day experience. My son has had his first ST this year and he's been in awe at times and absolutely loved it, and for me as a Dad, I've been proud to take him, and see him get the NUFC bug like I did with my old man. Fantastic. Please continue to keep up the good work.
  15. UncleBingo


    He shags a tranny dancer, The two-bob orange chancer, Stewart Donald, Stewart Donald.
  16. Very little chance from what I've been told by mate who knows one if the backroom staff Same source that said the takeover was done? Goal posts moved by Ashley over the takeover? Possibly. But it was never ‘done’. Fair point, likewise I don't feel there will be a takeover now either. I don't think Rafa will stay from what I've heard today sadly. I'm feeling more and more pessimistic about this, especially with Ashley's statement today. I think he'll probably offer him a decent transfer budget, but there's no way he's signing off £100m plus on a new training ground/academy that Rafa notably made reference to tonight. I think this is the beginning of the end sadly.
  17. I'd be fucking gutted if this fella left, absolutely fucking gutted.
  18. 1. Lascelles 2. Diame 3. Perez/Dubravka
  19. UncleBingo


    Especially if his wife takes him for half his wedge when they divorce. A two-bob, orange chancer with a penchant for chicks with dicks, I'd be worried.
  20. UncleBingo


    Who, the lapdancer?
  21. UncleBingo


    Could come back to haunt us that mind, if Rafa leaves in the Summer due to Ashley's cuntishness.
  22. This. Every West Brom win is another nail in Pardew's managerial coffin. Beautiful. Such a shame, abusing Pardew in his own dedicated thread has become a valued NO ritual personally, not sure if it will be the same if he's not in the Premier. He'll invariably smarm his way into some media gig, so hopefully the abuse opportunities will still be there a la Souness.
  23. Was always going to be hard to keep the intensity up once safety was achieved. I know Rafa won't be happy but it might be better with regards investment from Ashley.......if we'd blitzed the last 5 games and finished 8th, he might have just thought he didn't need any new players. He'll probably give him fuck all anyway, so just ignore my last point.
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