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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. Was it first ever game and trip to SJP? Bet he's absolutely buzzing like mad. I’m jealous, what an experience for him. Cheers all, that was simply incredible. Was just hoping to see one goal really, got two and the winner right in front of me. The atmosphere was amazing, Strawberry beforehand was great, walking around the stadium was surreal. Wish I could redo it all over again, perfect first match. Ayoze's form, too, what a guy Really glad you enjoyed it fella, please come back asap. Class afternoon, was confident of a win all week and didn't feel nervous at any point in the game. Fantastic performances from Diame, Shelvey, Perez and Lascelles but massive contributions from everyone on the pitch. What can you say about Rafa that hasn't already been said.......? This is my son's first season with a season ticket and he's absolutely loving it, haven't felt this proud to be a Newcastle fan in a long long time. Yes, I'm pissed.
  2. It really doesn't. It's just an opinion on one aspect of the playing side. The man has worked miracles under this cunt of an owner, regardless of this. Yes, but maybe the reason Mitrovic had to go out on loan is because Rafa knew he needed quick results and to get a team playing a certain style of football with some immediacy. Had Rafa persevered with Mitrovic in spite of this, it could have been very damaging. Therefore it is hard to see it as an error, more as a cog in his great achievements with us this season. You could well be right, the results have been excellent since new year, a marvelous achievement on the pitiful budget allowed. The overall point is, nobody knows what he could have done because he wasn't given a proper chance, it's not like he was given 15-20 straight games and failed. So we'll never know and let's face it, not much point in debating beyond that because he's just going to end up a small footnote in our history anyway. Even the player himself has said he isn't suited to our style of play. What would have been the point of playing him for 15-20 games, to the detriment of the team? Ok, how exactly is playing Joselu dramatically different tactically (or otherwise) than playing Mitro? Both none-too-mobile big lads who play with their back to goal and who reply on crosses mostly for goals? It's the same bloody thing, only Mitro can actually hit a barn door. The lad is only 23 or something, can't he be given time to learn some tactical discipline if that's the issue? I just don't believe this line at all. Of course he can. I think the main difference is Joselu grafts for the team without the ball, something which Benitez demands and not something we've ever really seen from Mitrovic.......he's utter toss apart from that mind.
  3. This is exactly what it's about. You pick a team, not a group of 11 individuals. If Rafa feels the team is better off with someone other than Mitro in it, then so be it. It doesn't necessarily mean he thinks Mitro is "worse" than Joselu or Gayle, it means (in his best estimation), the team is better off as a whole with one of those two (presumably based on who the opposition is and countless other factors), on that particular day/game. Obviously it's a decision made in the best interests of the team. But the fact is, Mitro has scored boatloads for Anderlecht, Fulham and Serbia (seems to score almost every game at international level). It's not unreasonable to assume he could do so for us, but Rafa has decided it's not to be. He prefers strikers that basically don't score (but provide other needed team-work and attributes) to a striker who would score given enough time in the team, but one who does not contribute in other ways. Most people think strikers who score consistently are worth their weight in gold but we'll never know if he could be that for us because he was never given the chance others have enjoyed. He was given plenty of chances in the Champo with us but the fact is, he was comfortably out performed by Gayle and even Darryl Murphy. If he 'd played like this for us last season, he probably would have started the season as our number one striker, but he didn't and then any chances he might have had disappered with that brain dead elbow against West Ham. I've never been convinced with him myself but have been impressed by some of the finishes I've seen at Fulham.....who knows, perhaps the penny has finally dropped for him and he's getting his head down and listening to his coach.....something that wasn't happening here. I'd have to check but I'd be surprised if he started more than 6-8 games as first choice striker last season. I don't think that's "plenty". Recall he scored 4 in 2 against Preston, didn't score in the next game and was back on the bench right after. Basically Gayle played when fit and got in a rythmn until the injury in January. Gayle has so far been a complete failure in the prem, Mitro has scored goals in the prem, and in a struggling side as well. But he's not going to get the chance for us. He started 11, 14 as sub, apart from that great week against Preston, he never looked anywhere near as good as the way he has played at Fulham.......and certainly nowhere near as well as Gayle or Murphy either. Some of his performances were terrible, Blackburn at home sticks in the mind in particular when he couldn't even be arsed to challenge for headers. Like I say, maybe the penny has dropped for in which case, I hope he's here next season to challenge for a place.
  4. It really doesn't. It's just an opinion on one aspect of the playing side. The man has worked miracles under this cunt of an owner, regardless of this. Yes, but maybe the reason Mitrovic had to go out on loan is because Rafa knew he needed quick results and to get a team playing a certain style of football with some immediacy. Had Rafa persevered with Mitrovic in spite of this, it could have been very damaging. Therefore it is hard to see it as an error, more as a cog in his great achievements with us this season. You could well be right, the results have been excellent since new year, a marvelous achievement on the pitiful budget allowed. The overall point is, nobody knows what he could have done because he wasn't given a proper chance, it's not like he was given 15-20 straight games and failed. So we'll never know and let's face it, not much point in debating beyond that because he's just going to end up a small footnote in our history anyway. Even the player himself has said he isn't suited to our style of play. What would have been the point of playing him for 15-20 games, to the detriment of the team?
  5. This is exactly what it's about. You pick a team, not a group of 11 individuals. If Rafa feels the team is better off with someone other than Mitro in it, then so be it. It doesn't necessarily mean he thinks Mitro is "worse" than Joselu or Gayle, it means (in his best estimation), the team is better off as a whole with one of those two (presumably based on who the opposition is and countless other factors), on that particular day/game. Obviously it's a decision made in the best interests of the team. But the fact is, Mitro has scored boatloads for Anderlecht, Fulham and Serbia (seems to score almost every game at international level). It's not unreasonable to assume he could do so for us, but Rafa has decided it's not to be. He prefers strikers that basically don't score (but provide other needed team-work and attributes) to a striker who would score given enough time in the team, but one who does not contribute in other ways. Most people think strikers who score consistently are worth their weight in gold but we'll never know if he could be that for us because he was never given the chance others have enjoyed. He was given plenty of chances in the Champo with us but the fact is, he was comfortably out performed by Gayle and even Darryl Murphy. If he 'd played like this for us last season, he probably would have started the season as our number one striker, but he didn't and then any chances he might have had disappered with that brain dead elbow against West Ham. I've never been convinced with him myself but have been impressed by some of the finishes I've seen at Fulham.....who knows, perhaps the penny has finally dropped for him and he's getting his head down and listening to his coach.....something that wasn't happening here.
  6. I'm going to be ripping my skeleton out to this, several times per episode. Nutflicks more like.
  7. Fucking hell, what madness is this? FWIW, the fella I know in the UAE was told they would be back in at the end of the season, regardless of which division we were in.
  8. Class from Ronaldo and the Juve fans.
  9. Oh boo hoo Sounds like they expected some sort of counselling session from the Wednesday lads, reassuring them that everyone in football loves classy Sunderland but haaaates big bad Geordie Mags FC and that everything is going to be alright! Suck on it you inbred cunts. Rot. Really like Sheffield Wednesday fans. They have been one of the best set of fans if not the best set when they came to SJP last season, and even the season before in the cup. I went to the away game last season and they had the best home crowd as well. A set of fans who sing their hearts out, and it’s not like they have had much to sing about in recent years. Always had a soft spot for Wednesday.......never had any grief there despite us regularly taking huge allocations there in the 80's and 90's. Bramall Lane was always a bit more of an edgy trip.
  10. It's been mentioned before on one of their MLF stories from yesteryear threads, that one of their mental fans punched a horse at a match.....you know the sort of thread where they seemingly took over grounds/towns at will and won every single fight they were in.......depsite us regularly taking the absolute piss at Roker for nigh on 20 years. :lol:
  11. The clip of the keeper on their 2nd goal is a thing of absolute beauty.
  12. Fair play for getting out the Champo at the first time of asking, as it's not easy.
  13. Definitely, get in to them from the off and get the crowd going, and we can definitely get at least a point from the game.
  14. I also noticed him in deep conversation with Atsu after the final whistle.....probably bollocking him for giving the ball away near the end, which allowed them to create a chance.
  15. It's worth remembering that this West Brom team finished 10th last season, and were out of the relegation places until this charlatan rocked up.......even by his standards, this has been spectacular.
  16. Same here, was led to believe he was a big immobile lump but certainly didn't look like it.
  17. Another good game today....my only concern was the bit in injury time where he was standing with his hands on his knees (like Bournemouth) and totally gave up on his runner. Luckily they were utter shit and didn't take advantage.
  18. Indeed......he has made quite a lot of our 'fans' look like the clueless bellends they undoubtedly are. Just imagine what he could achieve if he had some much better players to work with.
  19. Just what you need in the middle of a relegation battle, your best player mouthing off Owenesque levels of relegation shithousery from Shaqiri there.
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