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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. UncleBingo


    I knew I'd read it on RTG at some point, post #55......... https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/strangest-thing-youve-ever-witnessed-at-the-match.748939/page-3#post-14020153 So not only were they the first to come up with a mock funeral, they're also the original horse punchers.
  2. I think with all the money he has pumped in and all the hard work he has done this season, Ashley is more than entitled to raise his price for the club.
  3. UncleBingo


    Does he still spend his days on Twitter wailing about how much he wants Alan Pardew back at Newcastle and how much he hates the NUFC fans who drove him away? He wasn't actually being serious, he justs writes stuff to wind people up man.
  4. UncleBingo


    Absolutely staggering incompetence that mind.....his legs are shot now, just imagine him in 3 years time. I literally can't breathe through laughing.
  5. UncleBingo


    My mate's musings.... http://payaso-de-mierda.blogspot.co.uk/2018/04/gone-for-burton.html
  6. UncleBingo


    Was thinking about the whole karma/Johnson situation, and the disgraceful cover up and £750k fall that their former CEO took for the club. Delicious irony that their whole meteoric decline, was in fact orchestrated by Fat Mags.
  7. UncleBingo


    He scored a few against us but only used that particular celebration the once.
  8. UncleBingo


    Didn't really fully appreciate yesterday's proceedings, but when you look back on them in the cold light of day, sober, it's absolutely incredible stuff........if only they'd made a film/documentary about the whole thing.
  9. UncleBingo


    I hope we get it on Netflix in Canada too, our Netflix over here is always a poor relation. It’s a Netflix original, it will be worldwide. This particular production is produced for Netflix, so it will be worldwide. But something being a "Netflix Original" does not equal it being produced for Netflix, and thus doesn't mean it'll be available worldwide. Have they got a name for this yet? I'm going for the Roker Horror Picture Show? Any other suggestions?
  10. UncleBingo


    What a fucking season man, couldn't have been scripted any better. I literally cannot wait for this Netflix shizzle. Oh my.
  11. They are finished. He can rub it in though First half hattrick before being sent off for biting Cattermole's nose off.
  12. UncleBingo


    Keeps getting better. Relegated by a bloke in a bra. Literally just burst out laughing.
  13. UncleBingo


    Holy fuck, been in the park with the kids this afternoon so had no idea. This is beyond funny.
  14. UncleBingo


    After all of their 'enjoy Burton' craic from two years ago, getting relegated by them would be delicious irony.......quite happy for Mitro to do it otherwise.
  15. UncleBingo


    British Manager's Club for me.
  16. Looks like the Chelsea player is bumming the dog. If the labrador is called Edward, it could be Johnny Bumstead? One for the teenagers.
  17. UncleBingo


    ...to return to type and miss a hatful of chances before getting sent off? Probably irrelevant anyway, I think they'll lose against Burton.
  18. Good post. I also think he's saying to the likes of Pep, Mourinho, Klopp etc......howay then lads, let's see what you can do when you're not at one of the top cloobs and you've got fuck all money to spend. I've got the cojones, have you? What a truly magnificent man he is.
  19. Disagree, Dummett has proved he is more than good enough in this division. I still remain unconvinced about Yedlin however.......
  20. Dyche has done a cracking job, but fuck me, they're awful to watch everytime I've seen them play.......absolutely twatful/lucky in both matches against us certainly. That Ashley Barnes is a right handful mind.
  21. I've been keeping my powder dry but now that we're safe, can really sit back and enjoy their relegation fully now. Bring it on.
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