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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. He's basically not fit enough to play and has made no effort to get fit. That's from someone who works with the squad every day.
  2. Funny you should say that but was going to post about this after speaking to my man at the club today. Basically, it's all down to attitude and fitness.......he's terrible in training, behaves very immaturely and is not at the required fitness for a PL players (his data is the worst in the group by some distance). He has been told to get his act together if he wants to play but has done nothing about it. Nothing to do with ability apparently. Is your man at the club as good as your man in Dubai with the takeover information? Everything I said about the takeover has proved to be absolutely correct. The breakdown of the takeover is 100% down to Ashley.
  3. Funny you should say that but was going to post about this after speaking to my man at the club today. Basically, it's all down to attitude and fitness.......he's terrible in training, behaves very immaturely and is not at the required fitness for a PL players (his data is the worst in the group by some distance). He has been told to get his act together if he wants to play but has done nothing about it. Nothing to do with ability apparently.
  4. Not only that, we'll almost certainly weaken our squad by selling one or two. Profit comes first.
  5. Would pay good money to see Mitro attempt a backflip.
  6. A few mentions of Sandro on loan from Everton. The £20m striker mystery solved.
  7. Ashley assembling a warchest ahead of next season's Championship push. Forward thinking.
  8. Was told that Rafa really wants Sturridge, but isn't confident of getting him in due to the sort of money involved, and other clubs being in for him. Same script with Slimani. Fuck knows who will end up with, hopefully he can pull a rabbit out of the hat somehow.
  9. One in tomorrow (Kenedy) according to my man at the club. He seems to think Slimani is off elsewhere though.
  10. My/Paully's mate reckons the deal is not dead. Apparently they'd agreed a price with Ashley and he changed his mind.....the stuff that came out about the deal being off was from a drunken business lunch, and was watered down. They valued the club at £220-250m because of the investment needed on and off the pitch. So basically, Ashley is a massive cunt.
  11. The same Allardyce that he sacked?
  12. Very much this. It needs things like 'GREED, NO HOPE and SHAME alongside pictures of Ashley. Would be very effective imho.
  13. Bet you wish you never took your kid to that FA Cup game that made him fall in love with NUFC just over a week ago. It was kind of me wanting to find out where I sit exactly with NUFC and football too as much as wanting to introduce the boys to it all. I’ll continue to take my boys if they want to go, but in the same way I take them to soft play, trampolining etc. A day of doing something. I would never not want them to not like football and enjoy NUFC even, because as a kid, it’s the best. It’s only when you become older and a bit bitter, a bit too intense and into it massively, can it warp you. When I first got into football thanks to KK man, not much beats it. Even today as a 38 year old with knackered knees I love playing football, absolutely love it, I love watching it too, not in its current guise, but just watching a 5 aside match or a kids’ game where it’s all about the sheer fun and hell of it. You can’t beat it. It’s kind of sad really because I f***ing loved NUFC and got quite emotional taking the bairns to the match, every bloke’s dream and right of passage and all that s***. But... well Mike Ashley? f***ing... a player with 6 months on his contract at the centre of a 35m/250k a week tug of war? f*** that. What an utter fanny.
  14. Striker, creative midfielder/10, keeper for me in order of priority.
  15. Not satisfied with a window that brought in £30m profit and the Championship title. What a parasite on this club that man is. TBF, a lot of our fans share the same view.
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