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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. Gutted but plenty of positives. Diame was outstanding, Kenedy had a really good debut and looks like a real player, Merino looked much better than late and generally it was our best home performance for a while. Still have concerns over Yedlin, Atsu and Darlow mind.
  2. What the fuck is Phil Brown doing there? Rafa's replacement?
  3. Will still be very surprised if this actually happens.
  4. Why do this to yourself? Dude log off and be miserable by yourself Why come on to moan about people discussing transfers Go away man. Wind your neck in you clown.
  5. Absolutely no way will Slimani end up here, not a chance.
  6. Genuinely don’t think this is incompetence mate. This is premeditated and deliberate over and above anything we’ve seen before. It’s like Dave said last night, it’s Ashley banking on the squad being just good enough, spending nothing, seeing the tv deal promise more money and asking for even more from PCP in the summer on the strength of no cash being spent. It’s f***ing hideous, nefarious and exactly in keeping with the c***’s persona. This is all down to him.
  7. Indeed. He's almost certainly got a few skeletons in his closet, the jakey cunt.
  8. He's not fit enough to play.
  9. I think it's going to be different this time mind........the penny is finally dropping for a lot of people in my opinion.
  10. Absolute gutless cunts. It's their long suffering fans I feel most sorry for.
  11. UncleBingo

    Mikel Merino

    Fuck it, just sell him, sell everyone. We may as well.
  12. Shame he was massively behind sounness like. Is this true? Yep. Toonchat / toontastic days Hahaha, tremendous. Well Crumpy you old windbag, care to comment?
  13. Shame he was massively behind sounness like. Is this true?
  14. Good post. I walked away after the Pardew out boycott, and said I'd never go back unless he sold up or genuinely showed some ambition. Was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do and the McClaren relegation season was the first I'd missed since 1978. Even though we'd been relegated, I thought keeping Benitez and more importantly backing him, was a sign of ambition (of sorts) and I started going back, as my lad was keen to go too. Really enjoyed last season, as although it wasn't pretty at times, there was a buzz about the place again.....I actually started to like my club again. On the strength of that, I got season tickets for me and my son in the Gallowgate Upper for this season. For all his mistakes in the past, Ashley had a chance to build on the good vibe at the club created by Rafa, even a modest amount of investment would have seen us comfortably in mid table. But of course, that's not the Ashley way and I believe his current stance of not investing in the squad, and not accepting the PCP money is a brazen two fingers to Benitez and Staveley who have called him out in public, and shown him out to be the lying, two-bob bully that he is. That'll be it for me at the end of this season, I've had enough.......and I'll not be changing my mind this time around.
  15. I think it's a net spend of about minus £15M.
  16. I think this one is already in the post.
  17. Is everybody assuming we would have paid a loan fee AND his sizeable wages? Because I'm not. I do know that he was Rafa's number one target at the start of the window, so this could just be the final straw imho.
  18. I would throw last January in there as well, 3 horrendous transfer windows in a row when we're trying to build a premier league team. I said it when the takeover fell through, Mike Ashley isn't a rational actor, he's willing to run his own investment into the ground for no good reason. This is revenge on Benitez for being called out as the lying cunt he is, and on the fans for all the nasty words over the years.
  19. Would be ideal, so he'll almost certainly go to one of our relegation rivals. West Brom probably.
  20. Yep, they're not even bothering going through the motions now.....a complete and utter pisstake. I think this might be my last season for some time.
  21. He's basically not fit enough to play and has made no effort to get fit. That's from someone who works with the squad every day. I know people who work with the squad, actually have a family member who coaches there and someone in the academy and everything I’ve heard is that he’s the same as everyone else, trains, gets on with the lads etc. I know Rafa is strict on fitness and eating habits, but if he were that uncooperative? Either way he needs sold if he’s never to be used regardless of who buys him. You don’t cut off your nose to spite your face... Have you asked them about his fitness? Agreed, I'd sell him if he's not going to be used. Aye, he trains with the rest of them I’m told which leads me to believe that isn’t the issue as he’d be quickly away from the group. I do know Rafa is meticioulous on what they all eat and the have to stick to a certain food and diet plan and if they don’t they get fined, maybe he likes a steak or two... I’m pretty certain he is fit and match ready like any of the other players even if he isn’t fully following a diet plan. Maybe that pisses Rafa off, who knows. The fella I know works on the conditioning/medical side and says his fitness data is the worst in the group, and by some distance. He's been told to sort his fitness out and has done nothing about it.
  22. Funny you should say that but was going to post about this after speaking to my man at the club today. Basically, it's all down to attitude and fitness.......he's terrible in training, behaves very immaturely and is not at the required fitness for a PL players (his data is the worst in the group by some distance). He has been told to get his act together if he wants to play but has done nothing about it. Nothing to do with ability apparently. Is your man at the club as good as your man in Dubai with the takeover information? Everything I said about the takeover has proved to be absolutely correct. The breakdown of the takeover is 100% down to Ashley. And not because the cock eyed bint hasn't actually got the money? You know the same contact as me, and if he says the price was agreed, I'm inclined to believe him. Certainly over any bullshit, Ashley and his team have come out with
  23. He's basically not fit enough to play and has made no effort to get fit. That's from someone who works with the squad every day. I know people who work with the squad, actually have a family member who coaches there and someone in the academy and everything I’ve heard is that he’s the same as everyone else, trains, gets on with the lads etc. I know Rafa is strict on fitness and eating habits, but if he were that uncooperative? Either way he needs sold if he’s never to be used regardless of who buys him. You don’t cut off your nose to spite your face... Have you asked them about his fitness? Agreed, I'd sell him if he's not going to be used.
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