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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. https://www.facebook.com/thenational.ae/?hc_ref=ARSuQ50wjRO6NcB3wCp0Gxw6RPSpl2kprCQh-H-BX3_uB9sxvq4yLRXrkXK-iGLAuPA
  2. The lad who spoke to Staveley is saying that there are definitely clauses in the deal, and he's expecting some more info this afternoon.
  3. If they're true to their word, then 100% yes they will be good owners for NUFC.
  4. Wew, calm down a bit. If it's Saudi or Middle East money that's how they react to high profile investments - it's been said by that Geordie Dentist lad on twitter and everything I've encountered in my line of work is that if it's indeed Sov. Wealth Fund money there will be so much ego behind it to be successful. Just my take man! I think the Dentist was just getting his info from our mutual friend in the media based over there, as he met AS and spoke to her face to face. He wouldn't say where the money was coming from, but from what I understand, you're right about sovereign state money/possible Man City model.
  5. Maybe our first relegation, can't remember the guys name. It was Raoul's fatha, Barry.
  6. Yup. I can't recall one single thing he did. I think I can recall Pat Heard scoring at the Gallowgate so he did one thing in his time. Billy Askew I'm sure Megson did actually score a free kick for us, can vaguely remember it being scored in the Leazes End and I was in the Benches witm my Dad......trying to remember who it was against. EDIT...it was at home to Watford according to my normally reliable brother.
  7. Any of you lot lucky enough to watch Megson play in a black and white shirt? Up there with Heard and Askew among the worst players I've seen play for us, utter garbage.
  8. Championship team that spent £25m against a Champions League team that spent £250m. Can't believe we've been outclassed. Rafa out.
  9. He's an utter bellend, but a decent appointment for them under the circumstances. Although it won't be the first time I've said that. A real shame they didn't end up with McCoist mind.
  10. Would just be our luck, on the way to meet Staveley to complete the deal and........
  11. That's my biggest fear in all of this, although the lad I know who spoke to her was utterly convinced about how genuine they were. That and Ashley's ability to change his mind at the drop of the hat, and general cuntishness. After 40 years of (mainly) being let down by this club, I've geared myself for the inevitable bad news. But you never know!
  12. Boot the little snidey child-beater into touch. Anfield - never forget.
  13. Coisty, just the man you need to sort out the endemic drinking culture at the club. MLF as well isn't he, so much so he invited Newcastle to play in his testimonial.....which we promptly ruined for him by beating them.....great night that. Bring him home marra.
  14. Not seen a better hat-trick against the Irish since Gibraltar 1988.
  15. Paul Fuckingbottom marra.
  16. Was there for a couple of games at the rugby World Cup last year, and it looked so much better without all the SD shite. Hopefully gone forever very soon.
  17. Dwight Gayle has 23 goals in 30 starts for Newcastle, and you say he doesn't understand the concept of a goal?
  18. UncleBingo


    He's worth watching purely for his face gurns, a couple of nice little ones already. Think he just cleared the ball with his nose after a typical rick Damn he's gone off, was really enjoying his melted dish.
  19. UncleBingo


    He's worth watching purely for his face gurns, a couple of nice little ones already.
  20. Goalscoring striker? I take it you're are referring to th8s season only?
  21. He hadn't actually mentioned the chat was with her until yesterday. Everything that was talked about has since been made public knowledge, although I think his organisation is the only one she has spoken to directly. It could of course be her using NUFC as bait to interest other clubs as potential takeover targets?
  22. The fella Paully & I know has heard nothing since I initially passed on info.....and his source was AS herself.
  23. Someone pretending to be ITK but can't say too much as it'll get his source in bother. Because we're meant to believe there's only 3 people involved in this deal. Mike, Amanda and his source Ah so just another bellend attention seeker then. Cheers i'll avoid anything where his name is mentioned then ? He's not a bellend attention seeker in the slightest.
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