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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. Was there for a couple of games at the rugby World Cup last year, and it looked so much better without all the SD shite. Hopefully gone forever very soon.
  2. Dwight Gayle has 23 goals in 30 starts for Newcastle, and you say he doesn't understand the concept of a goal?
  3. UncleBingo


    He's worth watching purely for his face gurns, a couple of nice little ones already. Think he just cleared the ball with his nose after a typical rick Damn he's gone off, was really enjoying his melted dish.
  4. UncleBingo


    He's worth watching purely for his face gurns, a couple of nice little ones already.
  5. Goalscoring striker? I take it you're are referring to th8s season only?
  6. He hadn't actually mentioned the chat was with her until yesterday. Everything that was talked about has since been made public knowledge, although I think his organisation is the only one she has spoken to directly. It could of course be her using NUFC as bait to interest other clubs as potential takeover targets?
  7. The fella Paully & I know has heard nothing since I initially passed on info.....and his source was AS herself.
  8. Someone pretending to be ITK but can't say too much as it'll get his source in bother. Because we're meant to believe there's only 3 people involved in this deal. Mike, Amanda and his source Ah so just another bellend attention seeker then. Cheers i'll avoid anything where his name is mentioned then ? He's not a bellend attention seeker in the slightest.
  9. We both know him, but the lad who said the deal was likely to happen works in the media....and he's not a journalist as others have stated.
  10. Lad who has lived in Dubai for about 5 years, used to be on the supporters committee. Good lad, generally clued up, he's been banging the NUFC drum over there for years.
  11. I just pray that Stoke go down this season, as I hate everything about them.....Hughes, the town, the stadium, their strip and most of all, their arsehole fans.
  12. The lad from the Gulf was over in the UK last week, and all things still looking good as far as he knows.
  13. Who mentioned the Royal Family? Surely by your logic that if we dislike something that we pay taxes toward we should seek employment in another country? The Royal Family is a large part of our history, just like the army There's a big difference between disliking something, and actively hating something and constantly making statements (political or otherwise) about it. Like I said earlier, if he really feels that strongly about it, go and play in another country. why should he have to play in another country because he doesn't wear a poppy? It's not a legal requirement and everyone who lives here is entitled to their own view. Jingoistic poppy fascism is such bollocks. I agree, and I said I had no problem with him not wearing the poppy because of his Republican background in my original post. I do have a problem with some of his other actions though. Which ones? Turning his back on the English flag in America for a start. I didn't expect him to sing the national anthem, but that was very poor. During the anthem? Its his choice, free country and all that. That in no way means he should have to leave and work elsewhere I didn't say he had to leave etc, I just questioned the blokes principles. As is my right. Well you pretty much did, I said IF he has a problem etc. that's what he should do......if he truly wanted to be a man of principle that is. Clearly he likes the Queens shilling too much.
  14. Who mentioned the Royal Family? Surely by your logic that if we dislike something that we pay taxes toward we should seek employment in another country? The Royal Family is a large part of our history, just like the army There's a big difference between disliking something, and actively hating something and constantly making statements (political or otherwise) about it. Like I said earlier, if he really feels that strongly about it, go and play in another country. why should he have to play in another country because he doesn't wear a poppy? It's not a legal requirement and everyone who lives here is entitled to their own view. Jingoistic poppy fascism is such bollocks. I agree, and I said I had no problem with him not wearing the poppy because of his Republican background in my original post. I do have a problem with some of his other actions though. Which ones? Turning his back on the English flag in America for a start. I didn't expect him to sing the national anthem, but that was very poor. During the anthem? Its his choice, free country and all that. That in no way means he should have to leave and work elsewhere I didn't say he had to leave etc, I just questioned the blokes principles. As is my right.
  15. Who mentioned the Royal Family? Surely by your logic that if we dislike something that we pay taxes toward we should seek employment in another country? The Royal Family is a large part of our history, just like the army There's a big difference between disliking something, and actively hating something and constantly making statements (political or otherwise) about it. Like I said earlier, if he really feels that strongly about it, go and play in another country. why should he have to play in another country because he doesn't wear a poppy? It's not a legal requirement and everyone who lives here is entitled to their own view. Jingoistic poppy fascism is such bollocks. I agree, and I said I had no problem with him not wearing the poppy because of his Republican background in my original post. I do have a problem with some of his other actions though. Which ones? Turning his back on the English flag in America for a start. I didn't expect him to sing the national anthem, but that was very poor.
  16. Who mentioned the Royal Family? Surely by your logic that if we dislike something that we pay taxes toward we should seek employment in another country? The Royal Family is a large part of our history, just like the army There's a big difference between disliking something, and actively hating something and constantly making statements (political or otherwise) about it. Like I said earlier, if he really feels that strongly about it, go and play in another country. why should he have to play in another country because he doesn't wear a poppy? It's not a legal requirement and everyone who lives here is entitled to their own view. Jingoistic poppy fascism is such bollocks. I agree, and I said I had no problem with him not wearing the poppy because of his Republican background in my original post. I do have a problem with some of his other actions though.
  17. Who mentioned the Royal Family? Surely by your logic that if we dislike something that we pay taxes toward we should seek employment in another country? The Royal Family is a large part of our history, just like the army There's a big difference between disliking something, and actively hating something and constantly making statements (political or otherwise) about it. Like I said earlier, if he really feels that strongly about it, go and play in another country.
  18. Who mentioned the Royal Family?
  19. No, but if he has such a problem with the UK and it's history, go and play somewhere else. I for one, wouldn't work in a country I had problems with.....I turned down a job in Saudi for the very reason. Is the poppy a legal requirement of living in England? He has a problem with the Army, not the country Not at all, but it's not just the poppy with him though is it?
  20. No, but if he has such a problem with the UK and it's history, go and play somewhere else. I for one, wouldn't work in a country I had problems with.....I turned down a job in Saudi for the very reason.
  21. Quite happy to fund the British Army through his UK taxes though.
  22. Personally, I have no problems with him doing this as like you say, he's from a staunchly Republican family and area. For such a man of principles though, he seems to have no problems paying (quite a lot of) tax to HMRC, knowing fine well that a lot of it is going directly to the British Army......that's where I find him to be an absolute hypocrite.
  23. For the quality of the football they're watching and the players they have, the atmosphere is absolutely flat as fuck......imagine SJP if we were watching this lot every week man.
  24. That bright sunshine that shone out his arse is dimming dramatically. He's making poor decisions. We're midtable in the PL. Given the lack of funds made available to him, and the quality of players at his disposal, where did you expect us to be?
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