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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. Eh? I thought he did well defensively mainly due to his pace, but his passing was woeful all game.
  2. A couple of really gormless and needless fouls given away by him in the added on time I noticed, luckily both free kicks were wasted by them. He's a good player but he really is absolutely brain dead at times.
  3. Obviously Ashley hasn't been involved yet then.
  4. As incredible as it seems, he regularly has meetings with Rafa.
  5. I loved that nelford_safc mong seriously trying to describe this takeover as a win-win situation for them. :lol: He's my new favourite idiot on there now.
  6. Was saying that the other day, we should definitely revisit the Castle Leases option if we do end up cash rich. http://stadiumdb.com/news/2017/03/england_the_newcastle_stadium_that_never_was
  7. Do you have a Commodore c64? Do you not have a Smart phone? I do, but if this shit goes down I don't want to be in Spain, I'll want to be down at SJP jumping up and down with the frenzied hordes, and whacking broken SportsDirect signs with my sandal.....this is going to be like the fall of Saddam man.
  8. I'm supposed to be taking the wife and kids to Spain for the week on Sunday, seriously tempted to send them on their own so I can sit on here all day pressing F5.
  9. Amanda Staveley, You are the love of my life, Amanda Staveley Speculation is rife, Amanda Staveley, Have you signed an NDA too?
  10. Total hypothetics here, but I wonder if we were taken over by a really wealthy investor, if they would look into the possibility of building on the Castle Leazes site again? We get 52000 a week now, and there's a fair percentage of our fanbase won't set foot in SJP until Ashley leaves, add a bit of feel good factor and the possibility of success and the demand for tickets would be phenomenal......I don't even think 60000 would be big enough. The only reason it wasn't taken further last time, was the directors at the time didn't want to wait around for the results of a long and drawn out public enquiry. Plus, I'm sure old Dolly Potter must have popped her clogs by now.
  11. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Richard Branson knows f*** all about football and cares even less. I worked at Northern Rock when Virgin Money took over. Virgin Money became the NUFC shirt sponsor. We beat Man U 3 - 0 in our first game with the new sponsor. Branson turned up to the Head Office. He kept referring to "Newcastle beating Manchester United three love". He wasn't being funny by saying "love". It was pure cringe. Virgin Money now do a Manchester United savings account. Branson is a carpet bagger. He goes into companies, buys them, calls them Virgin something then sells them. Companies pay a franchise fee to use the Virgin brand name. Branson does not own Virgin Media, Virgin Money, Virgin Trains, etc. Those companies pay to use the Virgin brand name. He bought the F1 Manor Grand Prix team, called it Virgin Racing, did s*** then sold it on. On the plus side, his island was totally wrecked by Irma recently, the stupid Richard Stilgoe looking little cunt.
  12. That scrap was funny as f*** man. When you watch it, their manager goes complete batshit because Alan Thompson gives him a sneaky hoof to the shin. Was comedy gold. I jumped onto the pitch in the melee, and got one of their players in a headlock. Probably would be a lifetime ban nowadays. Is there actually any footage of it, I've seen nothing since it was on the late Look North the night of the game, and my brother pointed it out to my parents?
  13. Pretty sure the mackems net transfer spend is higher than ours over the last 10 years like. If not, it's only shifted our favour in the last year or so. NUFC net spend since 07/08 - £32M SAFC net spend since 07/08 - £106M Not to mention all the money Short has pumped in/written off season after season. Classic Mackematics.
  14. I did a fair bit of work there in the 90's when we were in our pomp under Keegan, as Sunlun city council were our biggest client. The amount of absolute hatred towards Newcastle on every single level (not just the football), and from seemingly every single resident of the place was a real eye opener. I remember one time working in an accounts office in one of their places, and there was this woman, (probably in her 50's, decent job, well spoken, seemed reasonable enough etc.) chatting away to someone on the phone. Conversation went something along the lines of......'I'll shop at the Metrocentre, but never in Newcastle. Sunderland has much better shops, the people are nicer and there's less crime, loads of muggings in Newcastle all the time. Horrible place, never go there.' That was definitely a theme though, even seemingly reasonable people have this absolute loathing bred into them from birth. As it happens more Sunderland residents shop at the Metrocentre than they do in Sunderland, infancy Washington has more people shopping there from Sunderland than in Sunderland. Sunderland council were one of the councils who stopped the develoution deal from happening for the North East earlier this year. The reason was because they felt Newcastle would get most of the investment, they literally said no to more funding and powers because Newcastle would also get more funding. This whole mentality that Newcastle needs to lose for Sunderland to succeed and vica versa needs to stop. Having a poor Sunderland or indeed poor parts of Tyneside doesn’t help the North East. We both need to be raised out of the duldrums, out of poverty, out of unemployment. The more we fight each on these issues the longer we will both lose out on much needed investment. Totally agree. I remember the glee on RTG when Newcastle lost the European City of Culture bid to Liverpool. The more sensible among them were pointing out that it would have been of benefit to the whole area (jobs/investment etc.), but the general consensus was indeed 'fuck the mags'. Very odd folk them lot, although I have to point out, they are not all like that, and I have some very good Mackem friends/work colleagues.
  15. I did a fair bit of work there in the 90's when we were in our pomp under Keegan, as Sunlun city council were our biggest client. The amount of absolute hatred towards Newcastle on every single level (not just the football), and from seemingly every single resident of the place was a real eye opener. I remember one time working in an accounts office in one of their places, and there was this woman, (probably in her 50's, decent job, well spoken, seemed reasonable enough etc.) chatting away to someone on the phone. Conversation went something along the lines of......'I'll shop at the Metrocentre, but never in Newcastle. Sunderland has much better shops, the people are nicer and there's less crime, loads of muggings in Newcastle all the time. Horrible place, never go there.' That was definitely a theme though, even seemingly reasonable people have this absolute loathing bred into them from birth.
  16. I wonder if Ashley was in on this, or it was just a little side scam by Prince Dekka, Charnley & Carr. Got a really bad feeling about it.....
  17. Nice. Would have preferred them to lose in the play offs, but that will do.
  18. Hoping Scotland get to a play off, and lose it late on, as you simply can't beat a bit of last minute Scotch heartache..........crying ginger kids, angry fat men and discarded Jimmy wigs. Can't wait.
  19. I would hate to move out of the city centre. Me too. I'm reckon we could possibly do something with the East Stand to increase capacity, without affecting Leazes Terrace. Knock it down completely and build it much higher with a steeper angle...could even possibly make it two tier. It only holds something like 5000 ffs
  20. Before they became the O'Billionaires marra.
  21. She's already met with Short according to an RTG ITK. I kid you not.
  22. Hard not to get excited by this by all of this, but remember folks, it's not over until the fat gentleman vomits into a fire.
  23. Wraith effectively works for Rafa nowadays.
  24. The fucking drum in the Gallowgate today. I might have been a bit intolerant due to last night's drink, but no, just no.
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