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Everything posted by GavMcEl

  1. The sad thing about this is I actually don't give one fuck ... I've been following the club since 1999 I was 5 but it was 01/02 season i was 7/8 when i became full on obsessed... ever since the club has been an enormous part of my life ... a few years maybe even months ago the thought of Steve Bruce becoming manager would of made me furious.... but when I heard the news about Bruce I actually didn't feel anything at all couldn't give an actual fuck.... Rafa leaving has been the nail in the coffin ....
  2. Just seen it there now... wanker
  3. Why does everyone thing itll be nolan all of a sudden?
  4. No they are not like us, they accept an owner who is using their club as a vessel to sell sports goods! In our times of trouble we rallied together against the spivs, thats why we are an Institution and NUFC are a football club. Summed up pretty well There also an "institution" who forced members of staff out for marrying Roman Catholics... and who took over 100 odd years before employing a catholic... I member reading the amount of supporters who cancelled season tickets because they signed mo Johnston.... they're an institution I would rather not be compared too
  5. Welled up reading that... cant believe a manager of his stature wanted to stay with us... wanted to build something with us and he was told to go fuck..... thanks for everything rafa.... will never forget what you done for us
  6. Pretty sure she told people on twitter to stop messaging him, too! She seems like a proper negative gobs***e. He should stop answering people then... That's pretty much the long and short of it, aye. Maybe he's just a REALLY polite bloke. What did he reply to her it's not letting me view her post
  7. Just what I was gonna say.... I still feel sick .... I had to delete la bamba from my spotify... it came on yesterday and It broke me....im not taking the hand or anything but i honestly don't give a fuck who the new manager is until Ashley is gone... no one will ever be as good as rafa.... however I'm really tempted to stick a fiver on gattuso at 18/1, a month or 2 ago he was being touted by the tabloids as there main target???
  8. Even though we all knew this was happening it did hurt when I heard today... what a waste of 3 years.... will always be grateful for him making me fall in love and care about this club and this sport again... to have some one of his stature and reputation in charge of our club who was always dignified and professional was so refreshing after years of having the likes of Pardew, Carver, Kinnear and McClaren... With the likes of Grant, monk and Anthony Hudson (who I never even heard of) getting linked it's scary times ahead... we are deffo fucked this season and I will be astounded if we don't go down... I like so many others on here now am giving up until that fat cunt is gone.... I'm just gonna devote my self to Tyrones bid to win the Sam Maguire this summer and the rugby world cup will be a distraction in the autumn ... Thanks for every thing rafa and the memories you have gave me personally... I'll never forget your time in charge...
  9. No one will ever be good enough after rafa .... called it when the whole BZG thing came out... it was all a ploy from the fat dirty cunt... we are well and truly fucked
  10. Saying that 65 quid is fucking ridiculous
  11. Last seasons was all gold. no it wasn't ?
  12. I think that's class really like the badge
  13. We've previously used a new kit in our final game of the season, haven't we? So it's definitely been announced sooner than this. Been a few years since we did that. We haven’t done it with Puma. Yes we have ... Last game of the season 2011 against WBA we were our new home kit... Last game if the season 2012 we were our new away kit again Everton... Last game of the season 2014 we were our new away kit at Anfield ... Last game at home against west ham 2015 we were the new home kit... So yes we have done it with puma
  14. Don't get all this we don't wanna be city 2.0 Craic... I remember when we won the championship 2 seasons ago... the atmosphere in the ground when villa got the equaliser... the atmosphere in the bars and the city after the game was crazy... I couldn't help but think imagine the absolute carnage if we won something important... who wouldn't want to experience world class players, champions league, titles, domestic honours ? The past 12 years (bar 11/12 and the 2 championship seasons) have been unbearably horrid just trying to survive year after year... Rafael is the only thing that has kept me going .... we've had our suffering... enough in the last decade to do us a life time now please God in heaven let us have the good times
  15. I didn't get to sleep till 3:40 last night... I've shat 3 times already today I don't know what I'm feeling... I haven't felt like this in years since my last job interview... this has to happen
  16. agree the 13/14 and 15/16 jerseys with the stupid bits of blue on them where worse .... i think even the one with the black panel in the front was worse .... i think if the 2 white stripes went around the back it wouldnt be too bad , but its disappointing seeing how nice the last 3 home jerseys where
  17. Tbf the kit we won the championship in was a cracking jersey too... bar the sponsor obviously
  18. Fucking loved that kit.... but was probs more to do way the 2 seasons we haf in it than the actual top
  19. Just finished work now untill Wednesday , 12 bottles of Becks in the fridge, flying out tomorrow morning, genuinely cant wait for this should be a cracking day/weekend.... cant see us getting anything 2-0 to them.... just buzzing could be a cracking atmosphere....
  20. fuck that there ... why not move us to the 7:45 ko the fucking fuck wits
  21. deffo dont think itll be friday because theyre playing the 1st leg agains barca on the wedensday... unless they swap our game with citys at 12:30 on the saturday ? Would love for it too be moved to a saturday at 8pm like some people are suggesting
  22. Bet the womans brother 20 quid on new years eve that liverpool would bottle it ... so i hope city win
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