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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. Didn't we only have 1 point after 7 games last season? We still stayed up. It means nowt yet. i think we all fully expect you's to stay up, stinking the league out again.
  2. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/cash-turnstiles-against-palace.1278118/ Big club
  3. It wasnt even a qpr fan though.thats the point, it was a fuck mackem pretending , how insanely sad is that
  4. Good draw and one we all hoped for. But the job has to be done, but thats a help and another HOME draw!! Its a nice distraction tbh
  5. Just read that thread.clearly a mackem cunt on twitter but the dont say anything when pulled about it on that thread.its like they refuse to admit its a cockend mackem , ive seen some shite on their but this ranks as up there with the worst, it shows them all for what they are.... Desperate to be a big place
  6. They really want to be the best eh? Fucking tramps
  7. Had this guy sussed ages ago. He's a WUM trying to stray under the radar then get his little digs in on the sly. I said last week ....but no he's a canny mackem im told.im quite new on here and i spotted his sly digs straight away.never mind the others will tell me he's a good poster. Sly as owt man.
  8. my heart just missed a beat, i was willing the mackems to pop out that will do
  9. Mate said kids were hoying bottles at the wolves fans Anyone witness anything?
  10. I think he will start with Gayle on his own.seems to be the blue eyed boy. The rest has been said and ive a feeling Perez will be in anarl, undeservedly imho but ye nar. Its a must not lose feeling about it
  11. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/striker-crisis.1277650/
  12. wat? went to check this out, and found this corker. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/have-the-mags-infiltrated-the-roker-report.1277722/ left out tomorrow and struggling for the weekend
  13. Good point about injuries.they were falling fast in the last round. I think we should go for it.with a wee bit of luck in the draw we could get to a semi at least then who knows? HWTL
  14. you can smell the RTG on him (even if hes trying to cover it), with mackems its word vomit they cant help themselves Totally agree....its the snidy remarks he pops up with when he's rattled.they all do it, show the true colours when they arent trying to fit in that sickens me. He tries to be nice to stay here.
  15. Have you been banned from RTG? Aye. oh dear.......why?
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