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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. lose them and they are really in the shit. there already in the shit
  2. Hate that argument. What agenda could I possibly have against him? None of his passes went to our players in the last 30 minutes. Not one. Shelvey did two shit passes at two separate occasions that put us under loads of pressure at the back yet I haven't seen you mention that? shelvey can be forgiven as he has been the driving force in every game, our one player who tries to open the play up, its not always going to work for him is it?
  4. im gonna watch them, i want nothing but pain on them So you're going to watch Sunderland over watching Newcastle? no , i will have both screens on, the wonders of tekki
  5. based on what? he's an utter nothing player, playing in the Beardsley position, now hold that thought
  6. im gonna watch them, i want nothing but pain on them
  7. yes but they will claim its false. they love a love in of sunlun, every other fans love them so they claim. just let them think it, it keeps the MLF happy
  8. no , i know the rules just pointing out its the first time ive come across it not even in pm it was the very first time i was gonna ask on here, but realised you can't, which i have to respect
  9. i cant see what harm a pm would do? but if thats the rules, ok..........1st of its kind tbh compared to every other site i use :'(
  10. Great memories of the 1982 game. The crowd in the second half man when we scored, they way football crowds used to be Great memories
  11. Must agree.they cant go on like this , all teams win a game and looking at their games coming up even a win will have them still struggling. Lose this and they start to look like they are cut adrift. Do they still just have 1 point ?
  12. They have. Hopefully they all get to see another demoralising defeat but I've got an awful feeling they'll win tomorrow. I said that last week.if they dont win tomoz they really will be in shitsville already.big pressure on them MUST WIN FOR THEM......
  13. Tbh ive never come accross "free" tickets except works season tickets, who the hell gets ours? Im all for getting more young kids from underprivaleged families into our ground if theres spares, they are the future, and a body on a seat is better than being empty. I wish more clubs did this tbh.....handing out tickets to students is a waste by sunlun.
  14. I seriously dont give a fuck about their crowd.im just hoping for another winning double this weekend. If theirs more in to see it good.they wont go back
  15. Tell her to come support the mags
  16. Thatll skint them for January The fucking gods are smiling
  17. dog shit all night, kept kicking the fucking ball out of play all night.....him and diame man
  18. just arrived back and i must admit to pissing off on 92 mins, gutted but so happy with an incredible result. first 25 mins we battered them and it really should have been 4-0, goofy gave away a shite pen and you just knew we'd go into that clueless mode we do and royally fuck it up. the game turned on Mitro coming on, who just was a pain in the arse as we went route one, he has a habit of just changing games. norwich were awful and the way we gifted them the lead made them out to be world beaters.the tackle on yedlin was horrendous mind the cunt. Rafa waited far too long making a sub mind and a final word for Diame, you utter lazy cunt of a nothing player gerrin
  19. what the fuck was that from him tonight, this bloke is horrible, a nothing player. someone please tell me what is he supposed to be doing? cant tackle, jump, beat a man, shoot or head a ball.............and he plays as a number 1o ffs ive seen some shite and this lad is up there, incredibly he got 70 mins, Rafa want fucked for leaving him on
  20. he's always given me that impression, thinking he's better than he is, ive yet to see him have more than one or two good games on Tyneside, saying that i do strangely like him
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