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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. Don't think Allardyce would go back. He'd he mad to. He was apparently getting frustrated at lack of transfer activity before England came calling, can't see him heading back there like. He is the only thing that can save them.so lets hope he doesnt, Moyes has been pretty unlucky with injuries mind, West Ham next then Arsenal then that game against Hull......Hull will be huge for them, has to be 3 points, im predicting (as i did from the off cos im dead cleva) they will get it, Moyes stays and all will be cool on wearyside....however draw or lose and he will be gone. Difficult to know what to want but im guessing id love them to lose all 3 games as that will cut them adrift and anyone coming in will need a miracle. Still expecting them to find a way out, cunts.
  2. 2 big things went their way last season.... No injuries And us
  3. Sobered up now to post. Master class display from Shelvey, ive been saying how terrific hes been but he went up a notch yesterday. Never been so comfortable at a match for years like yesterday, great stuff and long may it continue. The fun has come back to NUFC
  4. Another...we are great fans in the eyes of others thread http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/respect.1286211/ They make me sick the fucking cunts
  5. As ive said all season .....class, brilliant again today Clearly best player in the league
  6. Defeated They really are in the shit I just burst out laughing *looks up the plane mans mobile
  7. whats the perfect double pay , us n stoke ?
  8. the bloke can do what he wants, im in
  9. 2 great results for us last night time to do our bit
  10. Please dont pick Diame He's a nothing player Anyhoo, classic smash n grab this.hope im wrong
  11. By the turn of the year i can see them with a MAXIMUM of 12 points only....after 19 games And no gift wrapped 4-6 points Oh dear
  12. Stoke could be a Newcastle this year. Decent side on paper, always should get out of trouble but never actually can, and end up somehow relegated. Another cunt of a game for the cunts and one the surely must get something from, Stoke are there for the taking and if they (cunts) have any thoughts of getting out of this mess it must start on Saturday Nailed on Mackem win surely?.
  13. No. If Mitro plays you want him up front kicking the shit out of their defenders. I like Gayle, he seems to be a canny player but I think he'd work best with Mitro up there with him making space, winning knock downs and generally making their CBs lives as miserable as possible for 90 minutes. Just a theory, hes not first choice as long as Rafa is here and as much as i like him he will leave next year imho
  14. Can you imagine us posting this shite? They really miss their little mates dont they. I pray to Allah this is the year
  15. Could Mitro play the #10? Serious question.hes slow enough not to keep up with Gayle, actually has a decent touch, can hold it up, slide a pass, tackle?? Dunno, sounds odd but would he be disciplined enough to do it? Hes no more immobile than Diame so why not? Odd suggestion i know but...?
  16. Thats one of the most cringey threads ive ever seen on the nonce site ever. Someone has actually had that thought during the day. Does this daft cunt Dangermows realise the cock he's made himself look? I bet he's over 40 anarl,a grown man who actually is so sad he felt the need to post that. What a sad sack
  17. current lowest points total in Britain's main leagues
  18. they so want to be loved, non entity of an area, stinking with weird sounding folk with no identity.
  19. Fuck you talkin about Willis
  20. Lets cut to the chase.it was their win v Everton that relegated us....so fuck. We'll have our day
  21. I still think if you give Moyes time, he'll get you out of this perpetual purgatory, that's why I'm hoping your owner stays true to form Having said that the august announcement of your forthcoming relegation battle and the curious summer transfer work he presided over may cast doubts over my faith in his abilities. Moyes comes over as shot to pieces,,long may he remain in charge because if he stays he will take them down. Likelyhood is they will be in the bottom 3 at xmas leaving another rabbit being pulled out the hat again, and Moyes transfers so far have been tripe. Only one man can save them Defoe
  22. im desperate for the little cunt to snap a knee, in a nice way of course, i mean not too bad for all the people that don't wish ill on folk
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