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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. kind of agree, but their bitterness goes to a different level man
  2. I do about this whole situation, where our fans and players think they are better than they actually are. we a rank ordinary in front of goal at this level, and its fairly important. ive been part of forums and a season ticket holder for years and i dont sense a feeling of we are better than we are tbh.i also think the players no the craic anarl, bar Perez and Mitro who look dazed still
  3. resources? we spent 80 million and got relegated you build a spirit, you build a team. if its not this year then we try next, we have bought in effect sub standard championship players with the exception of Ritchie, together with shite prem players like Perez and Mitro we are at our level with a touch of class about us , Rafa is a football man, he's changing a rotten club, were all behind him come what may. he's far from perfect but he's making the club fun to be around again, weve been blindly following all my life so that won't change...........good or bad
  4. doesnt always work, remember Tino i think we have enough to do it but i get that a signing might just clinch it
  5. from everything ive seen we are that one bit of class in this league, we need to be much stronger at the back and learn how to not lose. i'd be gutted not even be in the play offs. a draw would see us in 4th
  6. the results in the champ, any fucker is beating anyone, its mad
  7. their gagging for the cunt to return
  8. Him being sacked might be their only saviour. They always pull something out of the hat
  9. The amount of threads is stupid, the amount of stupid posters is horrendous, wankers
  10. "we havent got newcastle to reskeeeew us " NO YOU FUCKING HAVENT YA DAFT CUNT :lol:r
  11. just put total sport on to listen to the fuckers crying :lol:
  12. hardly spoilt it, a last minute equaliser isnt the end of the world
  13. shintonsghost

    Matz Sels

    seems bomb proof with Rafa this lad
  14. Would be our idiot fans booing the Villa fans for not joining in the clap seriously dont know why we do that. Clark has looked very decent, good find
  15. Relegating them by getting relegated. Cool. We'd be playing soon if we'd have stayed up.they miss us really. The bed sheets are out on RTG revolt is in the air
  16. i predicted Hull at home at the start of the season as their first win, thats in November and if i come close to being right it will be a disaster for them
  17. they would have targted that game as a season lift off, unlucky. its a demoralising result, defeat snatched from victory, they looked shellshocked, Moyes is giving off the miserable vibe, nee money to put it right in Jan, no mage to bail them out with 4/6 points. so early into the season they now have a game they simply must win, the games after are very tough, i so fucking hope this is the year they go, the smug cunts
  18. The blokes lost whatever he had, he is dead man walking, please stay Moysee please, your the man
  19. Finally sobered up to write a reply. I thought we played ok, Villa are no pushovers and were always gonna respond. Decent point, still in the mix
  20. Theres so much love on there i cant read it all. Still say the will find a way to stay up the cunts
  21. :lol: 2-0 and the fucked it up I just burst out laughing
  22. totally agree with the footy top bit mind, they think its great but in truth just look like idiots, gravy stained idiots. ive put me top on so ive "took" newcastle
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