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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. 2021 city of culture, really? :lol:
  2. fucking hell man , priceless :lol:
  3. If you show me anything that Louise Taylor has written about Newcastle which is even close to what this lad wrote I'll be amazed. It was only last December he wrote that he hopes we get relegated. Completely unsuitable to be reporting on SAFC. the cunts on RTG hounding the fucker, we'd not really give a shit to be honest. nee fucker reads papers anyway. some people man
  4. Sorry to piss on yous lads but i have seen a full kit wanker twice in our end at the SOS, an utter bellend he looked. Theres been pics of him on RTG, i passed him on the walk up to the ground.
  5. if there's a story the press will be on it
  6. RTG is in full meltdown mode
  7. He shouldn't be reporting on all things Sunderland when he clearly detests the club and it's fans? If the roles were reversed and it was a Sunderland fan reporting on Newcastle I'd say the same. tit
  8. Aye we never sing about sunderland at away games like... ive never heard it tbh.........
  9. this daft cunt has set them up to hang on in every away game, they will barely scrape 30 points, horrible watching this shite
  10. if you hate newcastle, fuck me they cant stop it can they
  11. shitehawk of a team, watch these cunts nick it
  12. no, we still go on with or without him
  13. cup win before i die please promotion can come anytime, tbh if we dont go up this year so fuck, the champo is kinda back to real footy, the PL is all about the loot
  14. totally agree, i think he gets a raw deal on here, the guy tries to open up play and yes its 50/50 that its gonna work but i like him for trying. in two minds to go to this, time to destroy the twats and get through ...........i like a good cup run then draw a "big" team from the Prem
  15. totally agree, which is why i agree that he over thinks it at times, just get into the cunts
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