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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. I actually thought they were the better side in the first 20 mins, Defoe had a great chance, they tackled better and Gooch looked a threat. Trouble was they went to fuck after the first goal. They will be in and around the bottom 5 and survive somehow, they always do.
  2. They cant seem to understand why we're so optimistic. We're rebuilding with a world class manager whether its in the Championship or not we're still moving forward. They're just continuing to exist to simply survive by the skin of their teeth every year, and deep down they know if they ever do get relegated again if they come back up it'll be the same process repeating itself. Let them have their few wins in a row and their Premier League status, we'll have ours back soon enough with some real optimism while they just continue to be miserable. Let them have their glory....the worm is turning
  3. I actually read on RTG tonight that sky turned the mics down to deliberately make them sound quiet.....i kid you not
  4. Really? You a mackem? Proper little sneak arent you. Bet you are sitting all smug, stroking the keyboard. Id give you a like if i could, you the man.
  5. Shall we start the aeroplane collection now?
  6. This must be the year the turd is flushed
  7. fucking applauding lukaku off the thick cunts, they so want to be classy
  8. no derby game to get them going...........they think its great anarl, thick cunts
  9. sunlun stink this league out, they play the same way year in year out, shite
  10. hope the cunts get battered
  11. its bantz man, pull ya fucking knickers up, they are our bitter rivals, i like the give and take. fuck sake man
  12. Dont post on it or read it if you dont like. Truth is their in a different league than us so shouldnt be of any interest to us in truth so why not just revisit this thread around May next year eh? Motherfucker you consistently post in here. Thats my point.
  13. Personally I expect to see posts about our local rival's team and how they're doing in the league and opinions on if they'll stay up, how they're performaing and news related to the scummy club. Which does get discussed of course. What I don't expect to see post about how some braindead mackem is talking nonsense about a mag he knows or he heard of again or the nonsense they talk about our club and its performance because who really gives a fuck what a bunch of braindead mackem fans on their pathetic little fan forum think about anything. Bottom line I am personaly interested in the local rival's team performance as they're our competition and their failures and mediocrity brings me satisfaction but I couldn't care less about the sub-humans who support them and what they're talking about. They are doing what they always do, badly
  14. Dont post on it or read it if you dont like. Truth is their in a different league than us so shouldnt be of any interest to us in truth so why not just revisit this thread around May next year eh?
  15. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/celtic-fans-hanging-inflatable-man.1275094/ just fyi this pic i believe is fake , fact
  16. Another stepping stone to the end game. Thought we did a job, we look a team.
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