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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. Its a thread about Sunderland and their forum you goon
  2. What does that make the likes of Blyth ?. Teams in this league are good teams but I honestly think we are better than them all and I think Tuesday will be similar to today, we'll be too strong, snuff them out and take enough of our chances. Whats Blyth got to do with it? The only quality in this league is us and maybe Norwich.
  3. After seeing a bit of the champo now live and on tv over the last few weeks we should fear no one. We lost to Fulham and Hudders by our own failings in coming to terms with relegation in our minds. However now i cant see who will stop us. 0-1 Shelvey .....easy The teams in this league in truth are dog shit
  4. boom, one bit of quality the difference, we look like e have another gear
  5. no problem other than Passback, utter shitehawk of a player who offers fuck all. HWTL
  6. this thread stoops to new lows in fucking stupid threads, honestly man the fucking numb nuts must live on the forum all day dreaming up shit. ive never seen more dog shit than this
  7. ermm nar, no need to bring them into it . any initiative to get bums on seats at these cup games be it us or sunderland is good for all fans, without it we'd be looking at a crowd of 20-23k, we may hit 30k now, the more the merrier, same goes for sunderland in their eyes.
  8. 200 daft mackems travelled anarl
  9. Did i read these mugs are playing tonight?
  10. yep maybe, i think they will struggle at home again. heaven forbid if the wee cunt up top gets injured
  11. i was a pissy fanny about Rafa at the start of the window, but fuck me i was bollocksy wrong. the guy is a genius, the club has a settled squad, ridded the bad eggs and has money to spend if needed in Jan. on and off the field we are one, even MA can be tolerated for now, lets get on with the job HWTL
  12. we are in a much better state than in the PL,amazing. mentally both on and off the field, everything is right. fucking come on and lets get down to business
  13. just had a look at their fixtures out of curiosity. i predict their first win in November, against Hull at home. they simply will be grinding out spawny wins again in the 2nd half of the season YET AGAIN, no 4/6 point gifts however so i'm predicting this shower of shit to go down
  14. No mixed feelings, this was always gonna happen. Fuck me weve bought enough, theres room for a top up in Jan if needed. Its not Ashleys fault no fucker bid for him till the death, its a poker game.lets just be glad we are rid of him and know we can move forward.
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