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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. Shelvey tried so hard to make it happen but 1/3 passes seemed to work, Mitro missed a great chance again, Perez out wide doesnt ever work. As has been said, hustle us, get organised and pounce on an inevitable mistake and bingo , you are in with a chance away to us. We seem to be getting bossed at home, massive wake up call to everyone as we all rolled up yesterday with the wrong attitude.
  2. I always feel better with him in the side . Things happen
  3. Struggling to know what kind of footballer he is? He simply does nothing in a game but get in the fucking way.
  4. They were simply hungrier today. Dissapointing effort , we just seemed lacklustre and i cant forgive them for not "putting it in" . I cant work out Diame, hes a nothing player. All eleven players were shite, enough said.move on
  5. But some think its wrong I just hope their bad fortune continues past xmas, love it if the drop, love it. They are pinning their hopes on Clattermole, they forget they need to win games
  6. He's obsessed with us being obsessed about them obsessing over us. The internet is a funny old place
  7. Ah....matchday. The sun is out, 3pm Saturday, full house . HWTL
  8. Rafa wants no big time Charlies,hes got them on their toes and you can see it. No dissent, just a squad of togetherness and hard workers will get us out of this. Rafas methods i trust, drip feed into the team, if they want it enough they will then perform. Love it me
  9. Its the fact that some on here talk more about Sunderland than Newcastle, and its the same people day after day - Normally going on about how obsessed they apparently are You in this thread again
  10. He really comes accross as a right miserable cunt. Defeat on Sunday will heap the pressure on him already, theres already those on RTG having a little dig, i predicted Hull at home as their first win, i hope it comes off (no wins would be great)
  11. THIS IS A SUNDERLAND THREAD get it now? seriously man, stop clicking the link
  12. This is my thoughts on the situation as well. Let them blame Rafa for our relegation. It was nowt to do with 7 or 8 years of complete mismanagement from our owner and nothing to do with the fucken half heeds he appointed as our managers. No it was all down to Rafa. Of course it was, let them think that. One of them on RTG called Rafa, and i quote "a chancer of a manger" the other day on there. Let them think that too. Let them tell us we should be pissing the league but then in the next sentence tell us all we've bought is Championship cloggers. Them lot know deep down that this is probably going to be the last year they are above us in the league for a long time but just can't bring themselves to say it. They sit there and make negative things up about us to make themselves feel better. They try and convince themselves and others that everything that happens at our club is bad. Let them. Just remember the way they have gone on this last few months at the end of this season, because i know i fucken will... Rattled
  13. We are a league below them yet still so so more important in life than them. They've always hated this fact, irrelevant cunts
  14. Should be a great atmosphere for this, Keep cool, play how we do and a win should follow. HWTL
  15. Should have sold him.his value will now be fuck all.they are so shite in the transfer windows
  16. Just had a quick nose on RTG The mere fact we are doing ok is killing them, the threads about us and how they arent bothered about our wee league seems ironic when clearly they are rattled as fuck.they are desperate for Rafa to fail as its all his fault anyway we went down. They are seriously nuts on there, Moyes out, Short out etc etc what a fucking mess they are in. The only thing they are clinging on to is their big league status and its better to be getting humped every week as its the Prem.....well i hope they enjoy it while it lasts.
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